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swt61 last won the day on February 18

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About swt61

  • Birthday 02/17/1961

Profile Information

  • Location
    Fairfax, CA
  • Gender


  • Biography
    The token homosexual. Originally from the frigid North.
  • Location
    Nicasio, CA
  • Interests
    Hangin' with my dog Maki. Gathering with my Head-Case buddies.
  • Occupation
    Master Carpenter/Woodworker.
  • Hobbies
    Woodworking & Audio. Are there other hobbies?
  • Headphones
    Sennheiser HD-580, Sennheiser HD-650, AKG K701, AKG K1000 earspeakers, JBL T460BT, Etymotic ER4XR IEMs, Astell & Kerns Billie Jean IEMs by Jerry Harvey, Klipsch X10 IEMs, Galaxy Bluetooth buds by AKG & Bose Frames (Rondo).
  • Headphone Amps
    PPA, Apex Peak/Volcano.
  • Sources
    2) 160 gb iPod Classics, Modded iPod w/1tb solid state drive and extended battery, Cambridge Audio iD100, Onkyo ND-S1 and Wadia 170i digital iPod/iPad docks, Logitech Duet w/upgraded PS, Pico Dac, Pico Amp/Dac, Pootie Pie streamer and Bluetooth device, Parasound Zdac, Parasound Zcd, Parasound Zphono USB, Parasound Ztuner, DIY Colossus turntable with Benz Micro Ace SL & modified Zu Audio DL-103, DIY Pass Pearl phono stage, Denon AU-300LC SUT and Lenovo Chromebook w/2 Tb. external HD, Echo Link streamer.
  • Other Audio Gear
    2) Parasound Zamps in bridged, mono mode. Parasound Zpre2, Parasound Zbreeze, DIY speed controller for Colossus TT motor, Aerial Acoustics Model 8's, Aerial Acoustics CC3 center, Exposure 2010S (as K1000 amp), 2) Tice Audio (no relation) Solo power conditioners, VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine, Custom DIY Monitors with 7" Dayton Audio mid/bass and Bohlender Graebner ribbon tweeters, 2) Gallo TR-3D subwoofers, Yamaha RX-V463 A/V receiver and various Seamrog cables by Fitz.

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  1. I didn't even realize that you chose a KIA. Nice!
  2. I don't remember it either. But as you and I have already figured out, the music we remember from the same span of time is often different.
  3. So sorry for your loss. R.I.P. Karen. Damn! Life can be so cruel and so random.
  4. I was indeed very happy to hear that you and Claire would be joining us! And simultaneously worried I didn't have enough food. I'm that guy that always overestimates (with the exception of penis size), and thankfully we had enough leftovers to feed 4 more people. Everyone had a go bag. The steaks were Flintstone size.
  5. Here's hoping that the food coma didn't cominse until after you arrived home.
  6. BTW, the above pic of the fishing vessel, is the very ship I crewed back in the early 90's.
  7. Gathered grub to cook dinner at Dorothy's tonight. My landlord bought me a 4 pack of NY steaks for my Birthday, so Corrine, Dorothy and I will be having Steak, sautéed, multicolored baby potatoes, sautéed Brussels sprouts, sautéed mushrooms and a sourdough loaf. It's a sautéed evening I guess. Oh, the fourth steak will be divided unevenly between Walter and Maki, unless Dorothy has different ideas about that.
  8. Some idea of the symbols I'd want, but would need to weave them in a cohesive manor. Where's Ed Wood when you really need him?
  9. Nothing to do with what I did today, but thought this might be a good thread to gather ideas. I've been wanting to get an armband tattoo for a while now. I've thought about this for many years, and feel like I'm ready to pull the trigger. I'd like it to tell my life story. I'd of course like to represent my Carpentey career, I'd also like bring in my time commercial fishing in the Berring Sea. And lastly the fact that I'm a gay man. Nothing needs to be absolutely specific, and I'm not interested in having a big rainbow on my arm. Something more subtle about all three ideas. Oh, and possibly Suzy making an appearance. She will always be my special girl. I'm looking for ideas, possibly even some sketches to take to the tattoo artist. There are some very creative folks here, and I could use your help. I'm thinking midway up the arm, not a wrist band. Maybe 4" in overall width.
  10. You forgot an image Brent... Happy Birthday Colin!
  11. Just had a fantastic Birthday dinner at Rancho Nicasio with my four favorite people, Al, Claire, Dorothy and Corrine.
  12. I'll be there before it's fully cool. Please set another place at the table.
  13. Wait, what? That doesn't look like it's shaped like a vagina? I guess that's what "groovy" eludes to. Straight people and their subtleties, I just don't get it.
  14. Got a Valentine's gift from a coworker. That's the nicest way I can think of to tell somebody to "eat a bag of dicks".
  15. Does this also work on tape worms?
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