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Everything posted by nattonrice

  1. That is wonderfully ridiculous =]
  2. You have lasers! I'm so jealous... Here I give a whack with a punch, attempt to line up, and then proceed to fail I need lasers.
  3. I was reading back over the thread and tyrion said that's what he was using. My b22 is balanced with the load seeing a gain of 4x... I hope it's not too much.
  4. Unfortunately today was technically the same day for me as yesterday and it is still going. I'm still just under 24hrs so I haven't hit the fucked-on-your-feet brick wall yet :S
  5. ... don't ask that! I just sent an inquiry email to Brittany about the 13's I seem to recall reading somewhere that the same question was asked to JH himself and he responded in the negative... at least for a decent while.
  6. Hehe I jest I jest =]
  7. I can see me having to install supports in the base of my desk O.o I don't think Ikea had a Gilmorized T2, beta22 stack, and computer in mind when they designed this piece of shit.
  8. nattonrice

    Misheard Lyrics

    Well whether or not you like the music, Pantera has some of the funniest interpretations around. Look on youtube for "Fucking Hoffstyle" edit: you do need to equip your childish humour suit heh
  9. @@ I wonder if the guy wheeled it to your door before checking if you were home~
  10. Grappling with the cost of fresh oysters and abalone after taking my gf to the fish markets for 8am breakfast On the lighter side I washed it down afterward with a Cannoli and hot choco while watching Sydney's second dust storm in a week. Edit: not very existential but still a crisis.
  11. The universe collapses
  12. Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - Shock! Horror! Cable companies start a Measurements programme
  13. Christ... there isn't a smiley to convey this level stupidity. Mind you this is the same guy that said that looking at a cable would make it sound different compared to not looking at it. Misrepresentation of quantum mechanics ftl
  14. The heatsinks need to be drilled and tapped by a computer controlled mill. He uses a similarly sized (to the production heat sink) block of wax to test the drilling routine he has made.
  15. You built that by hand That some seriously good work guys. I remember seeing it on HF thinking you sent away for them to be machined, they looked that well done.
  16. I totally missed that! It looks complete class compared to the WPI job. Much more secure mount to boot.
  17. Looks like you guys had a heap of fun =] ...and that is a massive breakie Voltron O.O
  18. The poor man's stat amp is by no means poor! That looks really rad
  19. Ahhhh I see~ Makes sense.
  20. Are those eight 30K resistors socketed or are those black tubes some sort of nylon standoff?
  21. Hells fuckn yes~ The first song is like Pinion on steriods. Edit: Just found my copy!
  22. Turkish bread, olive oil & balsamic... trying to relive my father's 50th lunch from yesterday except they had much better stuff :'(
  23. Hello Dr Gilmore, I know that I am new here and I hope I am not over stepping my mark. May I join in on one complete set of everything? That is, the board set, heat-sinks and casing, components being offered, ect. I live in Sydney AU. If it helps I promise to video the first time I flick the power on o(^^)o Kind Regards Tom
  24. I hope he has a lot of spare time lol.
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