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Everything posted by nattonrice

  1. Yeah you really get to feel the pagan in you with that one.
  2. That is just for the amp board sans shipping. After getting both boards to your door it will prob be about 250ish for the board set like Kevin said earlier in the thread.
  3. oops hehe~ Reminds me I need to get a replacement power multiplexer. Stupid wall-wart was left right at my feet while plugged in... 15v upon kicking. Not one of my smarter moments
  4. Oh no! The JFET budget
  5. Thank you for the sacrifices that you continue to make.
  6. I really love Dan Simmons. Who could have imagined Keats being used like that =] Also Peter F. Hamilton is very excellent as well. Kinda obvious what I read now.
  7. O.O a killer combination.
  8. I get the impression that Tyll is famous for his after meet activities?
  9. Getting closer =D
  10. I'm still honestly confused... I didn't think there was a restriction on posting information about other forums ect?
  11. FYI a first most like that around here is practically asking to be wickerman'd in something like this
  12. Aha that explains it then =]
  13. Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - Weaknesses of the JH13? http://www.head-fi.org/forums/6131402-post7.html As I said before... wtf?
  14. I'm curious where he heard the universal demo? Was there a HF meet over there or something?
  15. In the theme of the above two and just incase you missed Spritzer's warning.~ Remember don't mount the heat-sinks flush to the board.
  16. If you're putting a terminal block on top of that just give it a lick of nail polish.
  17. It takes a lot of skill to make a xlr jack explode.
  18. Naivety in action there; I had no idea they existed =P Both O.o
  19. Looks great! What do you mean that the neutrik's are in 2 pieces?
  20. Well... after a drive to the "local" (Sydney airport ) UPS depo I now have the 13s... Fucking intense
  21. Great so my next diy project will be center supports for my desk Between this, the b22 stack and my computer the thing is like to collapse into a pile of ikea fail.
  22. Sorry I think I worded that pretty piss poor I meant that the gamma2: dac, asrc, and (afaik) opamp wize, is the pico's closest diy equivalent. I wouldn't try to compare the y1 to the pico is all I think I was trying to spit out. Edit: I only just noticed that there is in-built translation of stuff like "afaik" here =]
  23. Good to see you found a solution to your feet problem =]
  24. The gamma1 is not the correct comparison afaik. The gamma2 is the one you should compare.
  25. I just like to be self deprecating but you're spot on about the practice part =] It's funny, I'm always quite calm and collect when it is to a general crowd of mathematicians. But when it is 10 people in a small room, all in my field, then I get very... unsettled hehe.
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