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Everything posted by zChan

  1. I wish there were more font options for the kindle app. I hate reading in serif.
  2. I wish the USB connection kit has a more secure fastening. I tugged on it by mistake while listening one day, and the ipad stopped recognizing the USB connection at all after that. Luckily, recovering to factory settings fixed it. Good to know that the backup came in handy.
  3. Don't feel like posting in HF as I think I'll get bombarded with various requests. Anyway, AT posted a recall out for the following cans due to a cabling error: ATH-AD2000,ATH-AD1000PRM,ATH-A900LTD,ATH-A900Ti. Apparently the two ground wires going to the left/right drivers aren't isolated in the Y section. As I know nothing about cabling, I don't have a clue on how much of a bad thing that is for sound-wise. Revised versions has a sticker under the left-"arm" as seen in the picture in the link. So if you have one, keep the sticker Its a free fix, but I doubt they'll eat the shipping for oversea users.
  4. Went to a placebo concert @ Akasaka Blitz last Friday. I actually didn't know them until recently (Thanks dusty!) , but I liked what I heard enough to buy a ticket. It was great! even though I didn't know most of the songs. Setlist pic from my phone: I also been to Mew and Phoenix concerts during Feb. Got 相対性理論 (Soutaisei-Riron) this coming weekend, and Galactic the following.
  5. there are simply too many notes.
  6. Ordered one of the last few. Hopefully customs will go easy on me.
  7. zChan

    eMusic mess

    Er. Never mind. I was logging into my old account linked to a Japanese credit card. I could still access my new account linked to a US credit card from an Japanese IP. I wish I could buy a zuneHD and use zune marketplace though...
  8. zChan

    eMusic mess

    So my yearly subscription went out and I get hit with this when I tried to buy another year. I guess I'm back to renting CDs. :/
  9. WHAT YOU DID?! Actually ESW9 handled some stuff very very well. It was the balance or gap between what it could handle and couldn't that was a disorienting. So I bought in hope that the esw10 be better on that regard. However, yeah, I mostly wanted one before not-buyer's remorse sets in.
  10. Even though I hated the ESW9, after reading Boomana's impression I couldn't resist. It comes this saturday. Also the actual retail price was alot cheaper then I expected.
  11. zChan

    Wet Shaving

    From what I gather, Gillette Fusion 5 == Bose Triports
  12. Ditto for me. Especially since it's gonna get scratched up (if it's a good can) from heavy portable usage. The urge is strong though.
  13. I usually jog listening to Podrunner podcast: Podrunner: - Free Workout Music for Interval Training
  14. Their last show for "Neon Bible"
  15. I'm pretty sure everyone likes them, other then Ben. But he hates every portable headphone. It's been a month or so since I gave it away to my brother, so my memory is thin. Sry. It was the wider soundstage which the ESW9 has that threw me off. It just didn't fill it very well. Of course, I used it straight from the iPod, so it could be powering issues. Also, it has a weird reverb effect on outdoor sound. That left it unusable in noisy environments, like walking in a busy city. I don't read this stated by anyone else, so this could be due to poor fit. The quote is from the album"K.AND HIS BIKE" by The Band Apart It means nothing, but it's spoken just before the song "Eric.W" starts so I like it. I don't post much these days because I found happiness in my K181.
  16. I don't think I mentioned it anywhere so... I hated the ESW9. It gave me a headache everytime I used them.
  17. So the D1000 was rather disappointing. Has a very nice airy sound to it, but I couldn't stand the piercing highs and the boomy mid-bass. The D2000 was larger than I expected and it seems to leak. Ahwell.
  18. Unfortunately, I haven't. I'm reading positive reports on the D1000 on various japanese headphone blogs so my hopes are up for a good portable. Denon is demoing all three at a headphone event at Fujiya-Avic on the 24th but unfortunately I'm going skiing that weekend.
  19. I'm thinking of buying the AH-D2000 or the AH-D1000 as a portable.
  20. Hmm, you are right. I didn't realize you can impeach both at the same time. Thanks. That sounds just wrong though, even for a slim chance that the presidental power to go to a congressional leader of the opposite party. But then who am I to argue, I'm not even a US citizen.
  21. Wouldn't impeaching Bush make Cheney the president? That is a scary scary thought.
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