I'm pretty sure everyone likes them, other then Ben. But he hates every portable headphone.
It's been a month or so since I gave it away to my brother, so my memory is thin. Sry.
It was the wider soundstage which the ESW9 has that threw me off. It just didn't fill it very well. Of course, I used it straight from the iPod, so it could be powering issues.
Also, it has a weird reverb effect on outdoor sound. That left it unusable in noisy environments, like walking in a busy city. I don't read this stated by anyone else, so this could be due to poor fit.
The quote is from the album"K.AND HIS BIKE" by The Band Apart
It means nothing, but it's spoken just before the song "Eric.W" starts so I like it.
I don't post much these days because I found happiness in my K181.