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Everything posted by Reima

  1. I have completed the GRLV, have not tested it as yet,
  2. @johnwmclean thank you. I should have taken the hint from the DIY T2 where the volume pot etc. are at the back of the chassis. I will most likely go with an external psu.
  3. I finally got the last parts that I needed from Mouser last week. Now I have everthing except the chassis and volume pot to build my Carbon. I had thought about using the RK50 that I have for my DIY T2 but when I saw the price ($1,252.27) to replace it I nearly had a heart attack. I have a few questions: My boards are .6G so I need to raise the resistors, how high off the board should they be? Is 2mm enough? I see some builds have the amp boards at the back of the chassis and others at the front. Is there any benefit (sonic or otherwise) to putting them at the front or back? I will start with building the GRLV next weekend.
  4. If you look carefully you will see that the horizontal part of the metal connector is recessed deeper into the housing. Plus I have them in my parts bin.
  5. Anyone tried these connectors (the black one): https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/571-7969495
  6. I am about to start bluiding my KGSSHV Carbon and will be using a GRLV board. The only part that I am missing for the GRLV is a MJW21194G, (I already have the MJW21193G) Mouser is not shipping it until April 2023. Can I use a MJW21196 or MJL21194G with the MJW21193G? Or do I need to match them with the corresponding MJW21195G or MJL21193G?
  7. Anyone know where I can find the gerbers for the pcb for Alps RK50?
  8. Thanks, I will check with Spritzer. Is it better to contact him by the email from his website?
  9. Anyone know where I can get 4 pieces of 2SJ79?
  10. The Mouser page says 570VDC but the data sheet says that it is rated for 500V. They are also out of stock in the US. I plan to get four of these Kemets: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/KEMET/ALA7DA561EF550?qs=IS%2B4QmGtzzosEBZF0Z4Lbg%3D%3D
  11. Unfortunately 680uF 550V caps are no longer available unless you buy them in large quantities.
  12. Did you ever get an answer to this question? I am collecting parts to build a Carbon and have the choice between Kemet 680uF 500V and Kemet 560uF 550V. My transformer has 360VAC@350mA X 2 18VAC@200mA X 2. should I just use 4 x 560uF 500V capacitors?
  13. From what I have read they are low noise, low flux leakage and high efficiency. I have never used a R-core before.
  14. My custom r-core transformer from Custom Magnetics has arrived. It is the same one that Laowei used.
  15. I have received the refund from LittleDiode.
  16. LittleDiode has agreed to take them back.
  17. I got them from littlediode_components.
  18. Thanks guys, I have ordered a DY294 but I won't get it for a while. I am going to try to return these parts to the seller.
  19. I see that my link to the photo does not work unless you have an account at imgbb. Is there a better place to store photos?
  20. Hi everyone, can you tell if the 2sa1486 are real? My Peak DCA75 gives the following measurements: hFE 170 at Ic=5mA, VBE 0.854V at Ic=5mA, VCE 0.044V at Ic=5mA and Ib=1mA. PNP BJT https://ibb.co/7N08GQy https://ibb.co/g9gTXLw
  21. I am interested in a set of the boards.
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