That is good to know. When I tried contacting Alessandro through their website last year, it was a miserable experience; the lack of responses and direction was troubling.
Well, preamps I can understand. I can also understand headphone amplifiers somewhat... but most people usually sit close to their amps with headphones (for example, the amp is on the desk). Of course, there are many people who have long headphone cables and sit far away.
Yes. Solti is the original; the "loudest/grandest" I believe. That is the one I have heard. I also have the Karajan and Krauss ones but haven't had the chance to listen to them yet.
Oooh yes. What was I thinking? *slaps self*
*Goes to dig through collection. I remember I researched a bit on this last year during my Romantic period course.
There aren't that many choices. Flying Dutchman, Tannhauser, Lohengrin, Tristan und Isolde, Ring.... I like the later stage.
Actually, I also like some of his other works; like the Wesendonck Lieder.