Dear Head-Case,
I have decided to begin exponentially increasing the size of my classical music collection. I have recently gained access to a collection of more than 25,000 classical CDs, tapes, and LPs. About 13,037 classical CDs as of this summer. I can take 3 recordings per day.
Classical music has always been my first love when it came to music. One of my personal difficulties with acquiring classical CDs is that there are so many performances of every piece. Each performance is special and different; it is sometimes a huge headache to decide on which one to get. I would like to ask a huge favor of the Head-Case classical community. It is time for Head-Case classical fans to chime in. Please list dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of CDs I should look for. There is no limit as to what eras, periods, styles, or composers. Anytime you think a particular CD is worth looking into, post it here. For example, what recordings to get for each symphony/concerto/sonata of a composer.
Hopefully this will benefit the community as well. Perhaps this will provide a nice place where people can look for classical music suggestions - a place where people can look for a particular piece of a composer and find out which recordings are well regarded and are worthy of being noted.
Thank you so very much everyone! I seriously hope this will turn out to be a very enjoyable project.