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Everything posted by Nanoha

  1. My friends have gone to those local shops (mostly hifi.com.tw) numerous times. In all honesty, their amps were mostly mediocre. We were unimpressed by almost everything.
  2. I just realized something funny. You would expect that in a Grado (or Ultrasone or whatever) thread, there would be Sennheiser hate. But in a Stax stat thread, there is a lack of serious Sennheiser 'stat hate. Or maybe I'm just oblivious to what is going on.
  3. Haha I guess it's because I attended a school where "oh snap" and "oh shiiiii-" were the most common phrases for expressing realization, recognition, surprise, acknowledgment, and/or appreciation.
  4. No, Hagerman's 1/2 kits aren't actually anything close to half of what you need. This amp is supposed to cost hundreds to build. I wouldn't be surprised if the kit only contains the boards, chassis, and manual. That is usually what his 1/2 kits entail.
  5. *slaps self again* Oh oh oh. Right right. Gotcha, I get it now. Sorry about the confusion.
  6. *slaps self* Yeah. What about the other one?
  7. Ah, gotcha. Ah. Tense times indeed. :'(
  8. =_= Haha, I was mainly referring to your pwning of noobs recently. It's been no mercy style.
  9. Sorry, got a little confused here. Which two are you saying are better than the older Lambdas?
  10. Is there a problem with "oh snap" that I am not aware of? What has been with your attitude recently?
  11. A number of us have been contacting Hagerman over the past year or so regarding a SET headphone amp design. He said he'll do something about it independently. Oh snap. It's coming. Ultra excited. http://www.hagtech.com/castanet.html
  12. Not sure yet. I'll probably do something very simple for now.
  13. *Yes, insufficient amplification is exactly that. Insufficient amplification. We're looking at most likely an entire tier jump up (or maybe even more) if I had the right amplifier. Lambda, Lambda Pro, and Sigma Pro should be at the top of B if it were not for my own lack of good amplification.
  14. F'ing win. Exactly. Go go go go go! :angel:
  15. Just a rough ranking. Red represent headphones I currently own. Two other headphones are arriving within the next month or so. Tier A Audio-TechnicaATH-W11JPN SennheiserHD650massive scaling Tier B Audio-TechnicaATH-W10VTG AKGK701 SonyMDR-SA5000insane separation StaxSR-Lambda Nova Signature(average amplification) StaxSR-Lambda Pro(insufficient amplification) SennheiserHD600 Tier C StaxSR-Sigma Pro(insufficient amplification) StaxSR-Lambda(insufficient amplification) SonyMDR-CD3000insane comfort Audio-TechnicaATH-W2002(non-ideal amplifier) StaxSR-X MKIII BeyerdynamicDT880huge soundstage Audio-TechnicaATH-W100 Tier D & E: Audio-TechnicaATH-W1000 GradoSR-60 SonyMDR-V6 SennheiserHD555 EtymoticER-6 Audio-TechnicaATH-A500 SennheiserPX100 KossKSC-75 BoseTriport AKGK271S SennheiserHD497 UltrasonePROline 750 BoseQuietComfort 2 SennheiserMX500
  16. Boooooooooooo!!! :angel: <3 Ayumi Boooo! Amarok totally sucks for me. I'm so desperate for Foobar2K that I use Wine->Foobar!
  17. My goodness. They are definitely beautiful. So very beautiful.
  18. They're both Ayumi. So basically... one narcissistic carpet muncher if you want to say it that way? <3 ayumi
  19. Ayumi Hamasaki. Eternal win.
  20. In addition, I consider the W1k to be mediocre at best.
  21. By the way, what Audio-Technica headphones have you owned?
  22. Haha. But what overprivileged kid would want a Aerio though? Shhhh. I wouldn't know.
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