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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Nanoha

  1. But what can you say about the tone? I want something that actually reproduces the music at least remotely close to what it's supposed to sound like.
  2. Wait, but isn't that the amp not the balancing?
  3. It's where tired people go to rest and play.
  4. Oh snap.
  5. Ah, I see.
  6. Since when was DIY expensive in comparison with commercial products? Any commercial product can be obliterated by a much cheaper DIY product. I don't even know what to say. You obviously haven't seen much DIY. Especially outside the world of headphones. So just because someone chooses not to waste stupid money, it's not high quality? Many commercial amps have enclosures that cost times more than the internals. lol what? How does that metaphor even apply to audio equipment? I don't know what your friends are like, but I know people would be impressed if by self-built gear. What do you think is more impressive to someone who doesn't know anything about audio (and there are many people out there who scoff at audiophiles)? - I bought an awesome $3k amplifier for my headphone. - I built a $1k amplifier for my headphone from scratch. It beats products out there costing three times as much. I could have spend a couple more hundred bucks on a case, but I didn't. Once again, the choices are simple: - Good looking $3k commercial amp - "incomplete" looking $2k DIY amp that utterly destroys the $3k commercial amp - DIY amp stuck in a case that looks even better than the commercial amp for $3k and still utterly destroys the $3k commercial amp Wouldn't most people choose the second choice? That is what you see and that is where your impressions come from. So what do commercial makers have that separates them from DIY makers in terms of the quality of enclosures they can produce? Two CNC lathes?
  7. Haha, all I have to say is that the PS-1 obliterates the stock RS-1 for all the music I listen to. As a matter of fact, I think the strength of the PS-1 is in female vocals as well as rock (what I listen to most of the time). I was absolutely surprised by the superbly beautiful mids. It's also surprisingly good for classical. Hmmmm.
  8. Randerson?
  9. Perhaps you could try hunting down a SR-Omega.
  10. Awesome!
  11. Now that I think about it, it would be quite inconvenient if Head-Fi was rolled back to 06.
  12. Don't know, but I would be interested myself. And what happened to bamaslama boards?
  13. Good sounding tube amps ftw as well! And other custom goodies.
  14. Wait, is everything gone?
  15. I personally would agree with that. (Not the B52 though.) I wonder who does the visual design. (Ray? )
  16. Haha yeah, that is what I thought.
  17. Cool. By the way, drp, I remember you had an Omega II as well (not 100% sure). If so, what is your opinion of the OII vs the HE60 out of the KGSS?
  18. Yes. Most of the people whose opinions I respect are rather quiet now.
  19. Horrible.
  20. What are your opinions regarding how much you enjoy HE60 versus the OII and R10?
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