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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. “The Chevrolet Vega was designed to be shipped vertically. Special rail cars cars designed jointly between General Motors and the Southern Pacific Railroad held 30 Vegas. Chevrolet conducted vibration and low-speed crash tests to make sure nose-down Vegas wouldn’t shift or be damaged in railcar collisions. Chevrolet’s goal was to deliver Vegas topped with fluids and ready to drive to the dealership.” More: http://www.retronaut.com/2013/05/loading-chevrolets-onto-a-train/ **BRENT**
  2. Reynolds Tubular 66 Wheelset $2849 list, on sale today for 1049$. Coupon code 34846. **BRENT**
  3. Found a video of Colin on YouTube. **BRENT**
  4. Much ablige, my belated brothers! **BRENT**
  5. Thanks so much, everyone. I had a dinner tonight, and came home to a Zoe made multi flavored cake! Cotton candy, cinnamon roll, caramel, vanilla, pink lemonade, mint chocolate, white chocolate raspberry, orange cremé... with a pink lemonade cake. Now, everyone forgot until facebook, but the cake last minute rocked! Good day, guys and gals, good day. **BRENT**
  6. Road race has 4 laps in a nice, trendy part of town. Buddy has a place a quarter mile from the route. Think I found my home base. Hmmm... **BRENT** Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
  7. I think I'm required by law to watch it, no? Time trials or the road race? Not sure which at this point, if I'm picking one. I looked at the map for the road stuff, short loops all over downtown. One of the local shops, Hub Endurance, is base camp for a lot of the riders, so may head there. They also support a women's team that is riding. A friend of mine rides for them, but at the Cat 4 level. She'll probably be in the big one soon enough. **BRENT**
  8. Wiggle.com has Tiagra ones for 20 something. Those are ten speed as of 2013. I was looking because I have a 12-25 105 cassette I really want to dump for an 11-28 105 cassette... but I'll end up just suffering a bit, probably. **BRENT**
  9. They probably broke it, but I hear they're also doing free 1TB of storage. http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/20/4349442/yahoo-unveils-the-new-flickr-with-one-terabyte-of-free-space **BRENT**
  10. We welcome cutestory into the fold. Muahahahahahaha. **BRENT**
  11. Yeah, a little more than double. I need an ice pack. **BRENT**
  12. I posted this in the Cycling thread, but thought I'd post it here as well. Here's the Garmin (GPS) info for my Tour de Cure ride. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/315288703 34.56 miles, 3:01:43 (but the last 9 miles were REALLY slow, even for me, so I coulda probably done it in my 2.5-2.75 goal of actual ride time), 1798 ft of elevation gain. That's a pretty short/warm up ride for a lot of people here, but seeing that my longest ride other than this one was 16.x miles, I'm totally happy with it. **BRENT**
  13. Finally found a cable for my Garmin. Remember when everything we had used these? Last Saturday's rain ride http://connect.garmin.com/activity/315288734 Monday's Beginner ride http://connect.garmin.com/activity/315288727 Wednesday's mountain top roller ride http://connect.garmin.com/activity/315288715 Saturday's 2013 Tour de Cure - Chattanooga http://connect.garmin.com/activity/315288703 **BRENT**
  14. Heh. No, Wayne, that was kinda joking. They were giving away a titanium Lynskey bike at the VIP dinner on Friday night. The woman who won it (even though I had a little Colin mojo going for me) won their top of the line frame a couple years back, and she also won a 200$ gift card. She finished her 62 mile ride (on the bike she won a while back) a short while after I finished my ride (they left an hour or two earlier). Sorry 'bout the confusion there, but she seems to be a nice lady, and it turns out one of my old family friends was one of her donors. It's really cool of her, though... I think she's actually going to try to raffle off this bike, possibly for next year's fundraising. **BRENT**
  15. Oh, yeah, that's not it at all. She was part of the Tour committee, she was a new rider, and was the last of the 25 milers, by FAR. She had one of the motorcycle guys shadowing her for a while, but I thought it'd be nice to have a fellow cyclist with her for the last 9 miles. It wasn't a tough 9 miles, but she was doing 5-6mph. It was tough for me to ride that slowly, and I wound up standing up and coasting a bit (my saddle SUCKS, it was hurting pretty bad after the first 20, even with only about 25% feeling in the bike shorts area). Anyways, she was helping the organizers, and you should've seen the reaction the sag stop people who had seen her just 7 miles earlier. I met her at the VIP dinner last night, and she was trying to help me out with replacing my women's shorts . I actually didn't realize it was her (with her Tifosi shades), but she remembered me. She drove down from Knoxville with the rest of the crew. We had some decent chats, and her enthusiasm was just contagious. I should make a trip to Florida. You guys don't have hills, right? **BRENT**
  16. Heh, they took away my women's shorts (For everyone who wasn't at the VIP dinner last night, where someone STOLE my Lynskey bike , I accidentally got Women's XL shorts instead of Men's. They took 'em away, and was supposed to get mine this morning. Well, after lots of searching, I got an IOU and they're mailing me my some stuffs.) Thanks for the words, guys. Had an AMAZING nap today It really was a good time, and I only fell once. (I ran out of gears... it's time for an 11-28 instead of a 12-25. Hills are not my friends.) I had a great time, and met a lot of really good people. A lot of the good time was due to so many of you guys stepping up big, and seriously, I REALLY appreciate it. **BRENT**
  17. They had bibs in the order of top fundraisers as of a couple days ago. I think I want to get this one framed. **BRENT**
  18. I was tagged in this FB post earlier **BRENT**
  19. Thank you so much, everyone, especially fitz who just made my night last night. The rain held off except for a light drizzle for half a mile, was great to to cooled off. The ride took longer than expected, and I was slower overall, but the last 9 miles I escorted one of the new-to-cycling TdC staff on the last leg of her first 25 mile ride. We met at a SAG stop and she was so enthusiastic, she brightened the entire parking lot up. Was painfully slow (literally), but she was thrilled to have a riding buddy and I was happy to help. I actually met her last night at the VIP dinner, but had forgotten. I almost turned around at the 25 mile turnaround, but I know half assing stuff isn't the Head-Case way. Such a great time. Would recommend it to a friend. Next year, the metric century. **BRENT**
  20. Well look who came up to be my arm candy for the VIP dinner! **BRENT**
  21. Hey V. The back hurts the first couple of miles, and towards the end of climbs, but flat or lightly rolling? Feels great. I need to work on my fit as well. Finally have seat height good, but have a set back seatpost. I kinda want to get a straight post and think I will be good. I could scoot the seat up some, but having the post grab the rear of the rails isn't ideal, IMO. My buddy thinks my top tube/stem is a little short, but admits he isn't an expert on it, and he likes to be really stretched out. As inflexible as I am now, I think it's OK. Time to make friends with the fit guys around town. **BRENT**
  22. The pic with the riders was, well, too truthful. How about just the bikes? **BRENT**
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