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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. OK, inner ear, not middle ear. A little in the middle. Even though it still hurts and is stuffy, visual confirmation that it's looking better. Sticking with this round of treatment then going on. Mentioned the other drops, she didn't think it necessary since it was inner ear (which, seeing as I went 32 years without an ear infection, I didn't know the difference in, from feel alone, and I guess I didn't hear her say either way the first time.) Heh, just thought it would be amusing if Steve were a certain kind of doctor. **BRENT**
  2. Thanks for the info. I'm all out of stuff to drug myself with, have to see another doc for that... alas. The stuffiness has gotten worse, hearing worse, pain worse, but doctor's appt in 11 hours. I'll get better, thanks guys, it's just frustrating. **BRENT**
  3. 10 drops felt like way too much, especially at 2.20$/ml. Feels "full" at 4. Hearing isn't as bad as last time, a little stuffy. Tonight, definitely going sub-5. Directions say hold head sideways for 5 minutes, took much longer than that, otherwise most would have dumped out. I've tried the lobe tugging and whatnot to struaighten the ear canal, but it's still not feeling like everything is getting to where it needs to go. Pain sucks though. Thanks for the info. Brent
  4. I'm on 875mg Augmentin 2x daily with Ofloxacin Otic (what it says on the bottle)solution 0.3%, 10 drops, 2x daily. Just did the drops for the first time, kinda freaked me out a little. Felt like my ear was full after just a few drops. Supposed to stay on my side for 5 minutes, wound up being more. I FIGURE they should go down in (followed directions to get it to flow), but seems like it may not be working too terribly well for me. This is the same ear I had a sebaceous cyst on a couple months back. That was fun too. I follow up on Thursday morning. Started hurting worse after work, but hopefully things will be better soon. **BRENT**
  5. Tinnitus, though. Hoping temporary, not hopeful. Pissed and frustrated about that part. Brent
  6. Said my ear drum looked red and perhaps she said fuzzy? Had an infection a few weeks back and it cleared up a bit, but has resurfaced. Brent
  7. Went back to doc about ear infection I thought had cleared up. Nope. Strong drops and antibiotics now, followup in two days and we may talk ENT. Good times. **BRENT**
  8. ^ Good to hear! I'm reminded of the great Bill Murray in "What About Bob?" Baby steps. **BRENT**
  9. There's a Surly Fatbike on sale in Chattanooga. That's what you need. LMK. **BRENT**
  10. Win. I saw a Niner rigid SS on the trail last year and it was amazing. Can't wait to see it, man! **BRENT**
  11. I am still loving my SRS-002s I got from Justin. I listen about 4-6 hours a day during work. No help on the chalk question, though. ) **BRENT**
  12. How was the 650 B market looking as far as the carbon bikes go? For a single speed, I would be very interested in the 650 B. If you're going rigid, it wouldn't be as big of a deal. If you're going hardtail, there's more research and development that has been thrown at 29 ers, so I'm sure the weight gap isn't that bad relative to cost.
  13. Get your petchuli stench out of our thread! (Or go single speed.) **BRENT**
  14. Thumb shifters are for hippies. **BRENT**
  15. Not jealous at all of the old school Klein or the Moots. Nope. Not at all. *drools a little* When are you building up the carbon HT? Or going Lynskey 650b? **BRENT**
  16. Congrat, CJ! Hope you have a blast! **BRENT**
  17. Happy Father's Day to all my fellow dads, and to all of those fathers who raised (or damaged) all of my HC family. **BRENT**
  18. Anurag, this life is too bloody short to care what other people think... Unless that makes you happy. You love Julie, and she makes you happy. From what we talked when you were looking at grad school apps, becoming a doctor makes you happy. My Mom is great, but I know I've disappointed her in the past. She has disappointed me as well. Know what? We still really love each other, even if we may infuriate each other from time to time. If it came down to it, though, she would take me being happy in whichever path I went down, than me being miserable following in the footsteps of what she thought I should do. Make yourself happy. Every time you talk about Julie, either on the forum or one on one, either you're happy, or show strong emotion for her well being. Like I think you said, if it comes to it, I think the decision will be pretty easy. You're a good kid, we're here for you. **BRENT**
  19. Just shooting a little pool with Jeff and his cousin. Seems he somehow beat me twice in the same game. I blame Colin. **BRENT**
  20. Couldn't fit the mansion/museum AND my head in the same shot. I think he'd have to get the mythical 6mm Fisheye for that one. **BRENT**
  21. Went out to lunch. Beef empanadas The Incline 1885Grill.com 1885 Burger with white cheddar and bacon. So good! **BRENT**
  22. I dig that bag, Dinny. **BRENT**
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