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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. So I think I talked about an ear ache in here a while back. I finally got my ENT appointment scheduled for 12 days from now, but it seems that I may have an ear infection popping up in my right (other) ear now, after having problems with the left since early June. Awesome. **BRENT**
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qMkYlIA7mgw **BRENT**
  3. Past two night the Steamland map has been in my dreams. I think I will know it better tonight. **BRENT**
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBFYpcWsYbE <3 this engagement video **BRENT**
  5. If you're worried about isolation at all, it's nowhere near Ety levels, but at low volume with music playing, I don't hear anything going on around me. Also, I find with the headband, the fit/positioning is easier to get at least "close to right" much more quickly than without it. **BRENT**
  6. Well, the tips take a little bit to get used to. I know at one point a couple of us were in talks with an IEM maker (not JH Audio) about getting custom tips made. It took me a little bit to get the best fit, and not until I tried different tips for different ears did the magic happen, as they say. I think I said this earlier: medium tip in one ear, large tip in the other, and they fit great! Oh, I WAS able to squeeze some large Comply tips over them, and they worked really well. Unfortunately, they only lasted a few days, as they ripped apart. Perhaps if there were even larger diameter ones, it would work, but they really were comfy. I would get some odd noises which I thought was something with the headphones during/around some insertions, until I realized it was just a fit thing. Now? Why, I just listen to the beautiful, beautiful music (or audiobooks, or bad music, at times). I do hear stuff on some of my most played albums I've never heard before. There's a word for this low level detail... can't think of it at the moment, though. I'm sure someone can help. I bought 8 AA Eneloops and rotate them out. I typically get through a day of listening at work, which winds up being 5-6 hours. **BRENT**
  7. 002 and 003 are the same headphones, just a different cable (002 portable, 003 goes with the 005 system, which has a pro bias plug, IIRC). I wound up going with a medium tip in one ear, large tip in the other ear, and have been happy. I typically use it with the headband, as it's easier to deal with at work, but with the mismatched tips, I'm good with just having them as in-ears. If you wanted portable, and not *just* transportable, though, the 002s are great. There have been adapters made, but I don't think there was even an "official" adapter. I don't have a home stat amp, and probably never will, but if I did, I'd definitely look into those. **BRENT**
  8. I guess you would be looking at 003s. Get some and try them out **BRENT**
  9. Oh, you said 202, not 002. Well, 002s are still really good. I going to go work on my sporadic dyslexia. **BRENT**
  10. I got my Stax 002s from Justin/HeadAmp months ago. I listen to them at work often. They're rather good. Good enough I haven't thought about JH13s in a long time. **BRENT**
  11. 3D printed SLR for 30$ in parts http://www.theverge.com/2013/7/8/4503836/3d-printing-maniac-builds-film-slr-camera **BRENT**
  12. iTunes 5th anniversary: free appstravaganza. "So far, games such as Infinity Blade II, Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP, Where's My Water?, Badland and Tiny Wings (iPhone / iPad) are all on offer for nothing, alongside apps such as the beautiful photo-annotating app Over, Traktor DJ (iPhone / iPad), Day One, Over, How to Cook Everything, and Barefoot World Atlas." http://www.theverge.com/2013/7/8/4502810/ios-apps-and-games-go-free-five-years-after-app-store-launched I picked up Infinity Blade II and Traktor DJ so far. Anything else that's a "must buy for 0$?" **BRENT**
  13. I'm going to TRY to do the December meet, I think it'd be a blast! Looks to be a 10 hour drive. Ouch. We'll see. Jeff, I'm sure you'll be able to drop me, so no worries there. Heh, just keep a GoPro mounted on the seat post facing backwards to see me struggle, I'm sure that will amuse you for many moons. **BRENT**
  14. So what you're saying, is if I work on my handling skills, and triple my distance, I could possibly ride for Garmin-Sharp one day? **BRENT**
  15. Just finished up antibiotics round and had follow up part 3. Redness is gone, pain is gone, still some "stuff", so they're finding me an ENT on Monday to go see. Yay. **BRENT**
  16. Golden Deagles? Don't tell deepak! **BRENT**
  17. Dude! I posted that in B&W a long time ago, but I haven't seen it in color. Nice! That Conn 10M is sexy! Man, I want a silver 10M to match my alto. **BRENT** Edit: I replied to that, knucks posted it (obviously.)
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKANj5frsAs **BRENT** Edit: Are youtube videos not embedable right now? Typically just do the link (but not the "embed" link") right?
  19. So I'm at a roller derby match and see a possibly familiar face... Doppelganger, perhaps? **BRENT**
  20. I think he was going with XtraXtraLong... If only they had XL Women's, I'd be all over that. **BRENT**
  21. Touching my tragus sounds dirty. She said inner ear. Touching of tragus has inflicted pain in past could of days. She says it's right behind the eardrum, and that the amoxicillin should take care of that. Supposed to see her again in a week or so when this round of meds runs its course. Pain worsened and let off from last night til this morning, and hearing is down, but not the "deaf" feeling like I had earlier. No vertigo that I have noticed. Thanks for all your help! **BRENT**
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