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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. The Praxis rings are awesome... Just linked the KCNC because it's something else, and figured Jeff would hate them. The Praxis ones would probably be a nice upgrade over the stock ones, maybe save some weight, and definitely look a lot better on the all-black bike. Order some now and you'll be able to sell the FSA ones as new **BRENT**
  2. http://fairwheelbikes.com/kcnc-k3-cobweb-road-chainrings-p-4364.html Maybe a black outer and red inner? **BRENT**
  3. Hollowgram SiSL eventually. Or maybe matching Ultegra crank. Or crazy esoteric crank to be named later. And Enve tubular race wheels. And upgraded cockpit. Upgrade frame to Calfee Manta. Upgrade to prototype DA Di2 1x14 with automatic shifting based on cadence, grade, power output. Add Huffy stickers. **BRENT**
  4. I have a bike to ride, it's that pesky 500+ miles each way that gets me. **BRENT**
  5. I did 12 miles last Sunday, Dan. I felt good on the last half (even if I've bee in pain the past week). I figure I could do 20, so they'd probably do 40. **BRENT**
  6. I was thinking the same thing, Nate. I think they'd want to do double the distance I would be OK with, though, but still. **BRENT**
  7. I knew there was some company that I read about with a new bike that Dan should buy. That's pretty sweet. When you picking it up, Dan? 105 or Rival build? **BRENT**
  8. Time to get a new bike, Dan. Or maybe NOS XTR BB. **BRENT**
  9. Working on luring... **BRENT**
  10. Cankin, are you talking about having the kids have their own phone and limiting, or are you talking about handing them your phone to use say, in the car or at the doctor's office? I am talking about the latter, handing your personal phone off to someone while blocking access yo your entire digital world. If there is a way to do that now, I'm not aware. Your option seems to be more of setting up a phone for a kid for their use, and setting restrictions and locking that with a pass code, perhaps. **BRENT**
  11. I hope their next models are 5 inches or more, JUST to piss off Dan. As far as yesterday's announcement, I think high end phones of the past year or so are finally getting to where it isn't as big of a deal to upgrade due to specs/speed/etc. I still despise the size of the screen of the iPhone 5(x), but it does look great, and I love the build quality, but like Justin said, most of the mobile use these days (for most people) isn't making calls, it's messaging, internet, facebook, facetime, camera, twitter, instagram, etc. With iOS7, however, a big frustration of mine with the iPhone has been address (time stamps on messages), and it just took 6 years. The fingerprint scanner thing, though, is REALLY nice, in my opinion, depending on what they do with it. Like Dinny, I hate putting in a passcode (or in my case, a complicated swiped pattern) all the time, but there's no way I'm going to leave my phone unlocked. Ever. Now, think about this: you're a parent and you want to let your kid play on the phone, but don't want them to have access to email, texts, sms, facebook, credit cards, ebay, paypal, d-_-b, etc. Now, set them up with their own fingerprint and you have a subset of things allowed. Their own ID for games, own browser, own FB account, etc. Similar for the spouse... and then you could have a "Guest" account, which could be locked out a little more. Internet (guest account with no history), phone access, and maybe a little more. This is totally doable, and if they do it, it could be a very nice feature. Oh, and the camera looks great. I actually know someone thinking about going to the crazy Nokia/Lumia with the 41mp camera, but I want to get his thoughts about this cam instead (to spare him from WP). As someone who doesn't like the iPhone, this one actually interested me more than previous ones on the hardware front, even though there are only a couple things that really jumped out at me. **BRENT**
  12. I love your new bike, Nate! When do you take delivery? **BRENT**
  13. Today is the one year anniversary of that event. I still have a few scars. Dick. **BRENT**
  14. They're not scared of snakes and gators; at least they have a fighting chance. With you, on the other hand... **BRENT**
  15. Got in 12.06 miles in 53:50.05, averaging 13.44 with a max of 28.53. 603.7ft ascended. New pair of shorts, adjusting the saddle up a little bit, and that part of things felt better. Back hurt a bit earlier on, but wasn't too bad. About 2.5 of the last 3 miles were in some hard rain, so I didn't tempt fate and just headed to the car. I got about 3/4 of a mile down the road and the bottom dropped out. Visibility in the car was 100 ft tops. Temps were in the high 80s, but a little breeze and riding through a Civil War battleground with tons of trees made for a great feeling ride. **BRENT**
  16. Nice ride, Vicki, and sadly you're probably right re: the mtn biking. The guy posted pictures of some amazing views from his ride today, and I think he's going to love it. Justin, you should definitely check out Vicki's Calfee down there. Maybe you could let him borrow it for the Sebring ride in December, V? **BRENT**
  17. Mountain bike loaded up on bike rack to go to it's new home. So sad Oh well, at least he's a friend of friends, and it'll be going to a new home, free of thorn bushes, I hope. **BRENT**
  18. Yeah... A lot of shops can either do a fitting on YOUR bike, or they have a "fitting bike" which is rather adjustable in height and reach, among other variables. Retul fit is 250 here, 150 if you buy a bike from them. BG (Body Geometry) Fit from Specialized is 200. There are other fit systems, ideas, but these are both well respected. Trek has one that is less involved (those take 2-4 hours) and should be 75-100, iirc. As others have said, as you ride more, you will probably change position a little... So you may adjust a little more down the road, but these are great places to start. I don't know what the shop you were at yesterday offers, but they can at least do a basic fit/sizing. **BRENT**
  19. 52-54 is my guess. Going to depend on bike. I was fit to a 58 on an H2 Trek, but most others are 56 or maybe even a 54 with a longer ETT. Justin, did you talk to Chris about that Calfee? **BRENT**
  20. Manning and Welker for a combined 89 points. I think that score would've won a couple games last season. Maybe this whole "not going with Cutler" wasn't a bad idea. **BRENT**
  21. Jeff, if you ever check your Gmail, you can do a hangout. I didn't see this before tonight's draft, but before tomorrow's, if you're interested, LMK and I can set that up. **BRENT**
  22. Heh. Country Lawyer. Needed a smile today. **BRENT**
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