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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Just wait until Jeff parts out his Calfee for Red22. **BRENT**
  2. e30 isn't in great shape right now. I have parts, but no lift access to do the work anymore. I need to get it in a shop, in theory. I should have Colin buy me a lottery ticket. **BRENT**
  3. I did the opposite of Vicki. Xavier and I were trapped in the car for 45 minutes due to the other car being on our side. Zoe was taken to the ER, had xrays, and was cleared shortly after I was able to get there. She is banged up but we all had our seatbelts and we are OK. Not my year, guys... Not my year. **BRENT** Edit: What happened. A lady was in the turn lane and was waved through 2 lines of traffic to get to a store on a busy road. For the 3rd lane, however, she didn't look to see if it was clear, and just went ahead to cross (it's at a light, where the right lane has a yield to go right, and it's right turn only, and we were on our way to Boy Scouts.) I don't have any paperwork that has fault, but I'm pretty sure it was hers. I just wanted to go to Boy Scouts, come home and have dinner, and relax.
  4. Stupid Vick not being invincible... **BRENT**
  5. I thought we banned you from these parts. **BRENT**
  6. I knew there was a reason I've been craving burgers. Went to mom's to pick up the kids and she asked me to pick up some buns and ground beef. I had to get a little extra... Burgers with thick sliced applewood smoked bacon, deli sliced provolone, and homemade fries! Sooooo full. **BRENT**
  7. Jeff, you are looking healthy, but just for the biscuit taunting, I'm going to beat you in FF today. Jealous of the ride... I need a trainer so I can ride without leaving the kids alone. I miss it. **BRENT**
  8. I hate missing a Geneapolooza, but I think you guys (minus Gene) had enough of me in August. I'm looking forward to the pix! **BRENT**
  9. One of these days, you'll learn not to answer the phone. Good luck on that "not being old" thing. It sneaks up on you quickly. **BRENT**
  10. I hate you SOOOOOO MUCH! **BRENT**
  11. Mom was released today and got home around 6:30 or 7. Her heart is showing up as fine, but her BP was still elevated. She came home with some BP meds and recommended "taking it easy" for a while. They still don't know what caused it, but she seems to be doing OK. It seems like the "wake-up call" scenario is what is playing out, so I'm pretty thankful for that. She's tired, but in good spirits, and I stopped by with the kids to see her right after she got home. After being on the road for 3-4 hours today dealing with childcare, it's time to pass out and hope tomorrow has a bit less excitement thrown my way. **BRENT**
  12. She is in the ICU, but while it is heart related it sounds like it wasn't a stroke or heart attack. She is doing a stress test this morning and we should know more soon. She did say her BP was really high, 190/???. Hoping we can tackle that problem and that will help things. A wake up call is best case. Thanks guys for the concern. Keeping my spirits up. Brent
  13. They are keeping her overnight and took her back for a CT scan as we left. In the car now. Hoping things will be OK. Will know more tomorrow. Exhausted now. Brent
  14. Sitting at the ER. My mom was having chest pains and she and her husband were keeping the kids for me, so we're all here and waiting. While I was pulling up the thread the admitting nurse told me the EKG is normal and they are going to run more tests. She was able to walk in from a parking spot 80 feet from the door so I am hopeful. Will update later. Brent
  15. Didn't have yellow. Orange it is! 4 weeks. Fun fun. **BRENT**
  16. You should each buy those bikes. **BRENT**
  17. Thanks for the well wishes re: Zoe. I got her in with an Ortho at 9:30 in the morning, so we'll be going in to school/work a little late. HOPEFULLY without a cast, but if we do have one, I hear it's going to be yellow, if at all possible. **BRENT**
  18. So after my "fun" weekend that some of you know about, I wound up taking the kids roller skating with a friend of the family. Kids were having a blast until Zoe's 14th or 15th fall caught up with her, and she hurt her arm. Wound up going to Urgent Care to get it checked out, just to be safe. Forearm X-rays were clear, and then we were about to be sent home with a clean bill of health, but then she brought up her wrist hurting. Another exam and 3-4 x-rays later, and we get a splint, a sling, and a referral to an ortho doc. She's in good spirits, though. Took her out for Krystal's Chili Cheese Fries (one of her favs), and she's all smiles and thumbs-up. The doc said it's a Salter-Harris Type 1, so from the insanely little I know about that, it's the least serious of those. We'll see what the ortho doc says, but worst case it's a cast and she gets all her friends to sign it. We even started talking about colors she could get if it comes to it. I figure it's a "probably" for the cast, just to be safe, if nothing else. I'm SO glad if this had to happen, it was after she went on her horseback riding trip on Saturday morning. She had so much fun this weekend, even though it didn't go as planned. I'm glad she's able to keep her spirits high... and also glad we had two trained nurses sitting with us at the skating rink, who sent us to the new Urgent Care center which turns out to be where my old Primary Care physician now works. Crazy weekend. **BRENT**
  19. Super bloody sexy, man. Congrat. **BRENT**
  20. Adorable, V! **BRENT**
  21. I usually get a week or two of feeling good, then a slow decline, and after about 4-5 months, pain comes back re: prednisone. That first couple of weeks is what made me realize I'm constantly in pain. I thought that was just normal, until I wasn't in pain for a while. G'luck. **BRENT**
  22. Chris, that's awesome re: fit. Suck re: sciatica. **BRENT**
  23. ALLLLLLL I had to do was play Romo over Vick. NOOOOOOO! **BRENT**
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