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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. To you football fans, watch to see the worst of the day... It's my old high school. The 2nd person was a grade ahead of me, and the 3rd was I think a grade behind me at the rival school (where I went in elementary school). Good times! **BRENT**
  2. Filet au poivre with a cognac peppercorn reduction Not pictured: Calamari with chipotle honey mustard and the potato soup with cheese and bacon. Neither pictured nor consumed: grand enigma, Zoƫ, Xavier **BRENT**
  3. So I started SO's birthday thread, and was looking for a pic (that I didn't find), but I found the meet thread from Dec 5, 2009. I saw a pic of most everyone at a Cuban place, and just got some warm fuzzies. I <3 you guys, and like most of the others, I wish I could be there with you all. **BRENT** Edit: I realize what I meant to say, from looking at that thread, was how funny it was to me. People still posted meet impressions, of GEAR!, as little as 4 years ago. My, how we've grown.
  4. Happy b-day, my fellow non-pigmentally challenged friend! I hope many Grados and cougars fall into/onto your lap today! Oh, and a pair of JH|Audio Roxannes. **BRENT**
  5. They all ride proper cycles, SO... it makes cameras make you look skinnier. **BRENT**
  6. Heh. It was a better movie than the RottenTomatoes score indicates. The kids had wanted to see it and it was at the cheap theater. Guess I forgot to put it in the movies thread **BRENT**
  7. Shouldn't you be asking if you can be Watson's +1? **BRENT**
  8. That would look great on my wall art/road bike! Maybe they'll do it in 2015 as well. **BRENT**
  9. Zup :whale: ? Listen to Nate. You'll be OK if you do that. **BRENT**
  10. Amputate and take step 1 towards becoming a cyborg. That's my recommendation. **BRENT**
  11. Get a prescription for Senna tablets. **BRENT**
  12. http://www.scooterworks.com/sidecar--10--wheel--rocket---vespa-large-frame--stella-products-11587.php#.Unxt_XazKpg **BRENT**
  13. Justin... I've found that when Al yells at you to do something, you should do it. **BRENT**
  14. With the routine/bedtimes, I started it a few years back. I had rigid bedtimes throughout the week with later ones (but still set) on weekends. They enjoyed crashing in the living room and watching TV while they fell asleep. I gave them the option of either Friday or Saturday night to eschew the beds for the couch, and by letting them have just a little bit of choice in the matter, it has helped to keep them from pushing back against the rigidity of the rest of the bedtime routine. Also, the brushing of teeth and a hug/kiss routine at bed has been in effect since day one as well. 38 months in and it's worked great for me. An occasional extra 15-30 minutes to unwind if we get home late works too. My kids are almost 11 and 8, respectively, and they set their own alarms and get ready in the mornings by themselves. They're pretty great. **BRENT**
  15. It's rewarding... But I'm about to start month 5 of this go-round. I've done it a few months to a year at a time in the past. Maybe it's part of the reason I feel like an old man in my early 30s. **BRENT**
  16. Isn't being a single dad rewarding (especially if it's temporary ) I slept a long time last night (more than 7 hours in a row), and it felt wonderful. Once I tried to move, however, not so much. Major temperature changes + wreck a few days ago = ouch! *Insert muscle relaxer* Made plans with a buddy I hadn't seen in years for Mexican for dinner, and then had another buddy want to take us out for Mexican for lunch. Seeing that I'm Mexican, and the kids are half Mexican, we just consider that par for the course First place was kinda new to us, but I had a brisket taco and a chicken/bacon taco. It was ridiculously good. They were out of desserts, so we went a few doors down to this place called Milk & Honey which does locally made gelato, sorbet, and other treats. Today, they had Ectocooler sorbet. I think most of us here are old enough to remember this amazing Ghostbusters-era Hi-C flavor, and it is just ridiculously good in sorbet form. Instead of going home, I'd promised Xavier a trip to a bike shop that was around the corner from this place, but it was closed on Sunday. Hit up the Trek shop instead, found a bike that's on the short list for what he wants (standing deal... if he saves up half of a bike, I'll pay the other half). Outside near a toy store was a tetherball-esque game set up, so we went to play. After about 15 minutes, a guy comes out to do a class for making rubber band bracelets (which Zoe went crazy for.) Now I know what to get her for her birthday on Thanksgiving, and we had some fun outdoors/fresh air/playing-outside-before-it-gets-stupidly-cold times. Afterwards, we drove straight to Mexican place #2 (our favorite in town, where GrandEnimga and family met up with us as well a couple months ago), and had a great meal with a friend who I hadn't seen in a few years, but met when I was in middle school and became one of my first friends after switching schools. Lots of catching up, and reminiscing, and making plans to hang out in the future. I'm pretty excited about the last part. Ended the night with a trip to the medicine cabinet for the back pain and watching a movie with the kids. After an incredibly stressful week, I had a really good day today... and a ton of leftover Mexican food for lunch tomorrow. Now, for a nap. I'm exhausted. **BRENT**
  17. Justin, dude... I'm so sorry to see that, man. G'luck with everything. **BRENT**
  18. http://www.amazon.com/Snoozer-Buddy-Bike-Basket-Black/dp/B0026WYCU4/ref=zg_bs_2975335011_1 Have one of these yet? **BRENT**
  19. KSC-75s for 10$ KTXPRO1 for 10$ Oh, it looks like there's a 2$ Amazon MP3 credit as well. You should use the HC Amazon link, but I don't know where it's at, so... **BRENT**
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