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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. I've been super happy with Spotify Premium. I download at Extreme Quality and it sounds pretty bloody good for having something in the background at work. Are you sure there isn't a 5$ tier? **BRENT**
  2. Scoot, there's some more info on that one in the video. I want that new portable... I <3 the 002s. **BRENT**
  3. Jeff, could only see that on my phone earlier. Thought it was nice. When I got home and took another look, DAMN! I'm not a guitar guy, but that's definitely what "it should be." Can't wait to see the next one. **BRENT**
  4. He has 6770 Di2, which I'm pretty sure it 10 speed. He may want to upgrade later (he can use the same levers, but would need a few other things). **BRENT**
  5. http://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/28753134 I think this may work for reks. **BRENT**
  6. Can you not just offload via USB? It may be slower, but it'd be faster than waiting on a new reader, no? **BRENT**
  7. Due to big changes in the last half of the year, I didn't get to ride much, but in the first part of the year, cycling helped quite a bit with my back issues, and especially my weak ankle. After surgery for Cauda Equina Syndrome, it's still not great, even a while later, but road riding helped as a low-impact way of working out some issues. I just want to ride. I'm doing the Tour de Cure in Chattanooga in May, and I'm looking at getting Xavier a new 24" bike when it gets warmer, as he's outgrowing his old one. I'm not going to do a mileage goal this year, as it didn't really work out for me this year, but I'm just going to try to get out, have fun on the bike, maybe get an inexpensive trainer so I can at least get some cardio in when it's ridiculously cold/hot/wet/blah outside. **BRENT**
  8. In case anyone wanted to do a charity ride in Chattanooga (where we held the 2013 US Nationals... but a different route for most of it, because we're not crazy pros), here's the thread for the Tour de Cure I'm doing. **BRENT**
  9. Chris, if the deal is that good, why not just stick with the order, and you'll have it for next year(s)? **BRENT** Edit: Well, like Nate said, if you can get a similar deal next year, go ahead and get the refund and just wait and put in the order next year... unless this would possibly happen again.
  10. At least you're able to drink tomorrow. **BRENT**
  11. Is every song tuned differently? Wouldn't it be easier to just have a different guitar for each song, instead of having to tune over and over? I think you're doing it wrong. **BRENT**
  12. Thanks Chris. It's been crazy cold, and I haven't been on the bike in a while. I'd be happy to talk to you about some cold weather gear. Otherwise, it'll be a while. Maybe I should look into a trainer when I get some extra $$$. **BRENT**
  13. Hey everyone, I just signed up to do the 2014 Tour de Cure to help fight diabetes. It's going to be nice to have more than 3-4 weeks to train for it this year, but I'll make it no matter what. If anyone would like to donate, or even sign up to ride with me (hey, it could happen), click the link below and check it out. I did this last year and found out many more people that I knew are touched by this than I ever knew... even family members who came out to me, and I found out my late grandmother even had it. It's a fantastic cause and I'll be riding for my friends (both from here and throughout my non-HC world) and my family members who deal with this every day. http://main.diabetes.org/goto/BrentLawson This ride really meant a lot to me last year, and I know quite a few others have done them in their areas as well. I'm hoping it'll mean even more this year. Thanks, Brent
  14. Dude. I'm in TN. Supposed to snow tomorrow, with a high of 20. Fuck the Florida guys (and gal, if she still rides). **BRENT**
  15. Glad to see you back home and shufflin', Ken. Maybe you can devise a more efficient way of feeding the animals with your down time. **BRENT**
  16. e92 M3s are getting pretty cheap these days... **BRENT**
  17. A victory without shaming deepak is nigh upon a hollow one, but I'll take it... Congrat, Bryan! **BRENT**
  18. Scallops in orange liqueur reduction. 1885 Grill burger with white cheddar, bacon, bacon jam, on an Neidlov's roll. The Elvis - banana cake, peanut butter frosting, candied bacon. We paired this with the bacon jam and found why Elvis died happy. **BRENT**
  19. Bacon Pancakes from Aretha Frankenstein's. Next time, I try the biscuit. **BRENT**
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