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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. He loves it! A lot better than his last bike. He's going up one hill back by home then up another. <3 **BRENT**
  2. http://www.schwinnbikes.com/usa/bikes/kids/mesa-24-boys We picked this up today. He test rode quite a few bikes, and went back and forth on what he liked, but he settled on this one. It works out for me, because it's the closest shop (just over a mile away), and I like the people there, and it was on the floor at 10% off, then marked down another 20% off that price. 20% off a new lock, and a spare 24" tube. Out the door with extras for less than the next cheapest 2013 close out, pre tax, bike only. Now, some of you may notice the Schwinn name and remember that they sold out and are in large box stores (Target, etc) now. That's true, but they have recently started back with the "Signature" line, which is only sold in bike shops. The build is a good bit better than the Target "Schwinn Brand", and the parts spec is only beat out by the 92$-more-expensive-even-at-closeout-price Trek MT240. The shop stayed open a little bit later to take care of us (first time customers, but I'd been in there a few times to look at bikes... once to pre-shop, once to bring Xavier during the "try 'em all" phase, and one when he'd narrowed it down to this one and another one). The shop I've been going to since the late 90s didn't even treat me as well as these guys did. So, Schwinn isn't "cool" in my mind, anymore, but it's the bike that Xavier liked the most, and wanted to ride the most, so we got it. The deal was that he pays part of the bike cost, though. After talking to a few people, this seemed like a great idea. If he "owns" a piece of it, maybe it will mean more to him than if he just got it as an early Thursday present. I couldn't (and still can't) find my bike rack, so we couldn't take it home today, but it gives them a chance to run through the gears and give it a quick tune-up before we pick it up tomorrow. They were very attentive with adjusting the brake levers when they weren't quite right for his reach. I'm excited to take our first ride of the season together tomorrow afternoon. He already has his bike gloves and helmet laid out, and is ready to get out and ride. Since it was 75 today, it will probably snow tomorrow and kill our chances of a good ride, but I'll try to post pix tomorrow. **BRENT**
  3. Happy b-day, you filthy animal! I hope we get to meet up soon! **BRENT**
  4. I need to jack into my gigabit to see what I'm getting hardwired. **BRENT**
  5. I got the largest they had. If I don't fit then I guess I should just lose some weight, no? **BRENT**
  6. Arm twisted. I need shorts badly and don't have a favorite. 36$ shipped with tax (new to TN) for two pairs, can't pass that up. Thanks! There was also a pair of Canari shorts for ~22/each in all sizes with prime shipping if anyone was interested. Almost out of the Sugoi but there seems to be plenty of stock on the other. **BRENT**
  7. Come to Tampa tomorrow. Colin will fix it for you. **BRENT**
  8. YES! I had forgotten but I almost had flashbacks to near mild panic attacks when I realized it. I don't remember the music changing as much as the panning shots being cut by about a third each to add a few more in. All but the Nationals one and the final one seem WAY too short, if memory serves. They dropped frames from the Nationals one it felt like, but not as many, or as large of a percentage. The opening one cut out the cop car at the red light. Seriously, I had to quit watching the opening. I rather enjoyed S2, though, even if it may have felt like it rushed a few things. **BRENT**
  9. G'luck, guys. Here's what we're looking at getting down here this week. **BRENT**
  10. This is basically a public PM to Chris, but here's some stuff I've seen while looking at bikes for my 8 year old... there may be some other parents who ride who may be interested as well. He is currently on a craigslist special Gary Fisher 20" bike. Chris, I don't have the $$$ to throw down for these without a test ride by Xavier, and I don't think the "cool" factor would be there, but these guys seem to "get it." http://islabikes.com/ These guys seem to do it right, and Isla Bikes tend to hold their resale value better than many. If Zoe rode at all, things would be easier, as I could buy something they both like and hand them down, but that's not in the cards. FWIW, the Kona Hula 2013 (350$ down from 429$ and the 2014 model is up to 449$) is 27.68 pounds, and the Schwinn Mesa 24 2013(289$ down from 400$*) is 27 pounds. The Jamis X.24 (350$) is 30 pounds. The Isla bikes with rigid forks (which is better than most of the heavy, but virtually ineffective suspension forks on the other bikes, with perhaps the Kona being the exception. There is a Spinner fork with preload adjustment) save 6-9+ pounds, for an extra 150$ish. Now, if you want road-ish (Street), there is a bike that I ALMOST want to buy, but it's more than I'm willing to spend on a bike that will last 3 to 4 years, tops. Cannondale Street 24 http://www.cannondale.com/24-m-street-matte-black-28570 A rigid Lefty fork is DEFINITELY cool. MSRP of 530$ is definitely pushing it, but it's probably worth it. Another cool option, if you're willing to spend the cash, comes from Trek. They have the Superfly moniker attached to the kid bikes now. http://www.trekbikes.com/us/en/collections/kids/superfly_24_disc/#/us/en/model/features?url=us/en/collections/kids/superfly_24_disc **BRENT**
  11. http://www.fujibikes.com/bike/details/ace-650 I TRIED to get him to ride this today. Two false starts and we decided to try another day. I think this would be a better fit for him than a mountain bike, if he would ride it, but he wanted to go slow, which made it really twitchy. Alas. He did like this bike, though. http://www.harobikes.com/mtb/bikes/kids/flightline-24-2014 He liked this one better than the Kona, but it's 6 speed vs 7 speed, heavier, lower end components, and the shop has it at 30$ over MSRP (and it's more than the Kona above. Still looking, but we've narrowed it down to a couple at this point. Marc, how old is your son? Is it a 20" wheeled bike? **BRENT**
  12. Has anyone ever bought a kids' bike? I'm in the market for Xavier, and while I'm keeping an eye on Craigslist, there's just not much out there in the area. We have been looking and he found a bike he loves, a 2013 Kona Hula. We're looking at some other stuff, but this is a bike that he rode and just didn't want to get off of. There was one a little cheaper that he liked, but didn't love. He's 8, and this is a 24" bike, which is for average 8-12 year olds. With the sloping top tube, he can get on and off it pretty well right now, and Zoe (who it 11 years old and 5'1) hopped on it, and if she had the seat up, she would still fit it. I figure 3 good years could be squeezed out of it... and I think Kona is one of the "cool" brands for the kids these days. http://2k13.konaworld.com/bike.cfm?content=hula He's on a Craigslist Gary Fisher now, but it needs more in maintenance than I have in the bike, and we maxed it out adjustment wise towards the end of last year, so he's pretty much outgrown it at this point, but may be a good "leave at grandma's" bike. I trust the bike in a flat, grassy yard... not so much out on the roads with traffic, or on a trail. **BRENT**
  13. Dammit, pre-metrosexual Colin! @Dan, what I did or didn't get Colin for his alleged birthday/hatching-anniversary has been classified, and shan't be shared in the thread... that's all I can say. **BRENT**
  14. I play stuff like this as "silly" or a "cool trick/stunt", (that was awesome!) It seems kids will play off our initial reaction, so if we panic, they get upset, which is what they think they should do, if it is more scary than actually painful. When it's a little more serious than a bump, I still try to play it cool in front of the kids and freak out in private if need be. So far, this has worked in weeding out the real pain from just being scared, at least the majority of the time the past ~11 years. **BRENT** Aside: 11 years? MAN, I'm old.
  15. Hope you can at least get a sitter, Chris. That sucks. My work called me within 30 seconds of my alarm going off for the "delayed opening" we had today. They called it off. An extra day to frolic in the snow! Or, perhaps, catch up on all the TV/napping/drinking I missed the past few weeks of moving. **BRENT**
  16. Before work From work (top level of our garage in foreground. If you look closely you'll see the snow angel and a message for our department) After work Home early this morning/late this evening (3am ish) Supposed to go in at ten tomorrow... Yeah, doubt we're going to even do that. I have food, power, and internet. I think that will be what I do tomorrow, unless I can get my neighbor in a 4x4 to take me to work, or at least the top of the hill. **BRENT**
  17. Am I the only one who thought "paging Steve?" I'm waiting to see if Chattanooga and Atlanta handle things better this time around. At least schools were called off today. **BRENT**
  18. I was let out of work at 1pm today because of the snow. We're expecting 3-5 inches, (the superstorm that shut down Atlanta a couple weeks ago was 2 inches), so I went and got a pizza myself. The kids are elsewhere, riding out the storm, so I have most of a gallon of milk, plenty of bread (I don't know why we stock up on this stuff when weather gets bad, but we did it for cereal and grilled cheese sandwiches), and most importantly... 4/5's of a bottle of bourbon. Oh! I JUST realized that since I live in a house now, I can have a grill! I've been apartment dwelling the past 5 years or so, and haven't had that luxury! /me has something else to shop for soon. **BRENT**
  19. So that's like, 32 TN miles, right? **BRENT**
  20. So I made it out of the neighborhood finally. I got groceries, pizza, took some take out to a buddy who was snowed in without a car, and then made the journey home to risk the hill. It was still covered with snow over patches of ice... But I gave it a shot anyways. Kept sliding towards the ditch, then threw it in reverse and kept a controlled slide down the hill til it got to where I could throw it in neutral and slide a little better. Kept the momentum into the driveway. Did the victory shuffle (first time I had been parked at home in 36 hours). Less than ten minutes later, the salt truck comes by my house. Oh well, got a little practice in. Now I'm going to attempt to go to work. I've been there for 80 minutes since last week. The South during a cold snap reminds me of the Northerners during a heat wave, with no A/C. Just not prepared at all. **BRENT**
  21. I found a mexican place open. REAL Mexicans can even make it out in this stuff in their El Caminos and Rancheros. Schools are closed tomorrow as well. On the bright side, liquor stores are open. **BRENT**
  22. Freak "snow storm" (which is 1-1.5" around here), and the roads are horrible, I'm out of work a second day, kids are off school today, most of yesterday, and just got word about tomorrow. Moving into a new house that's at the bottom of a hill. We also didn't get to go grocery shopping before the storm hit. It took me almost 2 hours to get 5 miles, and I'm one of the lucky ones. 136 wrecks in the city alone yesterday. Fuckin' snow. **BRENT**
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