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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. OK, so I can't sleep as well as I thought. I think I've had 4-5 hours of sleep since Sunday morning. On the bright side, 1.5 seasons of Archer and all of Mad Men S6 consumed. Fever went down to normal and now back up over 100, so I guess I'll stay home tomorrow as well. Seriously, I'd rather be at work. **BRENT**
  2. http://youtube.com/watch?v=TDFuSZ05Rck **BRENT**
  3. None of us got it this year. I always get them at work, but moved to a new building this season. Never got information about when/where they were doing them on campus, so I never got one. It's one of those little things that got away from me a few months back that I'm paying for now. Luckily, I had some PTO hit today, so I have enough built up for 2-3 days now (snow days killed the nice week+ buffer I had). On the bright side, I'm pretty good at sleeping and not doing much of anything. Netflix just got Mad Men S6 yesterday, and they have the entirety of House, M.D. tomorrow. For my time awake, I shall be at least be satiated. **BRENT**
  4. Caught the flu. Probably going to die. I blame deepak. Man, I haven't felt this bad physically since Tampa a few years back, where I wasn't sure if I was going to make it on the plane or not. 112$ worth of Tamiflu and quarantining myself off should make for an interesting couple of days. I hope the kids don't get it. **BRENT**
  5. There is no way a Pixel will be 135$, but the Samsung one is pretty decent for light surfing. It doesn't play video too well, but it can do a lot. It runs off a fast ARM processor, but it is a 1.5 year old machine. I think a Pixel would be an amazing machine and would easily have that as my primary computer. Now I want to fix my CR-48 <3 **BRENT**
  6. Rega Juras are in the setup and they're pretty good. Hard to play with kids trying to sleep. My buddy brought over some other stuff, including a Luxman R-113 integrated amp with phono input, so this will wind up in the bedroom rig eventually. I got the Denon DV-2900 out of storage (thought it was broken). The combo wasn't perfect, and there needs to be some tweaking, but I think it'll do Turns out he has had these for about 5 years and had loves them. WAF was low for some reason, so he wanted them to go to a good home. Done and done. We hooked up my backup thrift shop Wharfdale Diamond IIIs and listened to those too. I'm always impressed with those when I haven't listened in a while. Fantastic for 10$. He took them home to listen in his rig... Maybe he can use 'em. He also brought over an Adcom tuner/pre with phono stage. It's been in a closet for 5-6 years, so we'll see if it winds up in my closet or back in his. Man, having a house instead of apartment dwelling is so nice! **BRENT**
  7. Being delivered for an extended demo tonight. I think he paid well over what my trade offer was, but I think (the wife wanting something else) makes up a lot of the difference. Seems these were 1700ish list and 150-600 used (world wide) the past few years. Maybe they'll be decent. **BRENT**
  8. http://slickdeals.net/f/6809734-free-1-year-ups-my-choice-premier-membership-new-code Free 1 year UPS My Choice Premier membership. Supposedly you don't have to input credit card information. **BRENT**
  9. I don't trust you anyways, Mike. I'm sure we could probably work that deal out. I'll talk to him this week about that when I see him. I THINK this is my light week of afterschool kid things. **BRENT**
  10. So a friend I know from work has a spare (I think) pair of these, and his wife is wanting less clutter in their place. (I get that.) He knows I'm into gear and audio and whatnot, and we've been talking for years about stuff. He asked me if I'd be interested in this pair, and we talked about trading something, perhaps. I think he'd be willing to take my pair of Senn 580/600 grill/650 cable for this pair of speakers. I've read some mostly-positive reviews, but, well, "internet reviewers" and all. It seems these were out at least around the turn of the century. I was looking at just getting some stands for the Wharfedale Diamond II bookshelf speakers I got at a thrift shop, but with kids around, I think I'd rather have some floor standers for the high-traffic living room. I'd probably hook them up to an old NAD T742 receiver I have and use the setup for movies, and maybe games, with some music from time-to-time. If anyone has ever heard 'em, or had 'em, LMK. Thanks. **BRENT**
  11. Nice, Ben! I got out for a few miles with Xavier Friday night. I figured it'd be a few miles only, so I was like "I'll just wear some regular shorts, I don't need to get the bike shorts out." Turns out even with a few miles, the pain the saddle caused was noticeable even with a ton of nerve damage. Next time, shorts... even if it's a mile. I've realized that I need a new cassette. 12-25 (even with a compact) just isn't going to cut it, especially in this hilly new neighborhood. I think it's time for an 11-28. **BRENT**
  12. I can't wait to choke you the next time I see you. Dick. **BRENT**
  13. I miss my matte black Fisher. I had one for about 8 years before I lost it Hmmm... **BRENT**
  14. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Larry, I consider 225$ more of a "HC Budget" as opposed to "actual budget" range. If this was something I would use a ton, possibly, but I do most of my listening at work, so vinyl is more of a tertiary medium for me, since it will be another source at home. **BRENT**
  15. Heh. Real budget, not "HC Budget." Thanks, dan. **BRENT**
  16. Hey guys. I traded a buddy for a turntable a while back, but it doesn't have a cart. It's a NAD 5040, which I think is a copy of a budget Rega an ADC 1700 made by BSR (but with an ADC designed arm) from back in the day. I don't know what much of this means, other than "it's a turntable," and it's better than the lack of a turntable that I had before that. So, before I go researching a ton of budget carts, and blah blah blah, I was going to see if you guys had any decent budget carts you had around, or would recommend looking for. I also don't have a phono stage, but I do have a little older Sony integrated amp with a phono stage that I was going to use with some Wharfedale Diamond II bookshelf speakers (10$ at a thrift store, killer bloody deal). I do have a NAD receiver I came across a year ago which is completely outdated for video (tops out at S-Vid), but still is decent for audio. Perhaps I'll wind up with a NAD phono pre for that one day. Thanks. **BRENT**
  17. I have some Audible credits. I should grab them again for work listening. **BRENT**
  18. CJ, did you read the book? I used to live Thomas Harris (if memory serves.) Red Dragon was a great book. Wasn't PSH also in that movie? **BRENT**
  19. So two months out and the weather is finally starting to normalize to where it's not sub-freezing/equally stupidly cold. Time to really work on training and get ready for a ride that's about 20% longer than last year, with *gasp* more elevation gain! I'm not quite looking forward to that part, but I remembered being at the closer turn-around point last year, and realizing that I was dealing with something tough for a few hours, while other people had been struggling/dealing with an issue for years, if not their whole lives. I kicked things off with a self-donation today, and appreciate any and all donations. Thanks! Brent
  20. Dan, when did you move to within 50mi of Chattanooga? **BRENT**
  21. I have gigabit. I'm waiting until I can afford a laptop that can handle gigabit wireless, then I'll get some bad-ass router to serve it up, all so I can win the thread. All this overtime has got to be good for something, right? Oh, wait, all the overtime is to pay bills? *sigh* Oh well. EPB Fiber Optics serves up 100Mbit for 57.99$, or 1Gbit for 69.99$/mo (no taxes/extra fees). No cap, just a dumb pipe. OK, I think I must've been downloading something in the background. That's probably getting close to a hardware limitation on a 2.5 year old laptop that won't even support my 5GHz network. **BRENT**
  22. Bah. Stupid router. I need to fix the settings. (Wifi, btw. I still need to do hardwired.) **BRENT**
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