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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. I don't want to eat anything. Ever. Again. **BRENT**
  2. Good to hear it was quick, Steve. Xavier is still in rough shape and my fever is down to around 100.5.. after meds. It's 67 or 68 in the house and I'm burning up. That's not healthy. Thought it was a 24 hour thing but it just doesn't want to give up. May head to doc in a bit if Xavier doesn't start feeling better, and I'm up for driving safely. **BRENT**
  3. Freezing from chest down, burning up the the point of having trouble breathing from chest up? That's how it was for me. **BRENT**
  4. WARNING: Talk of illness below. Feel free to skip over. My weekend to date: Friday: Xavier gets stomach virus overnight and misses school. After hours of cleaning, I probably have to go mattress shopping. It was that bad. Saturday: Zoe wakes up with virus as Xavier gets better, so thinking a 24 hour thing. I get it around 10pm, but it's a bit worse. Xavier presented with the worse version later that night. (Poor thing.) Sunday: Zoƫ gets better, Xavier leans that way, I'm still in bed trying to knock down this 102* fever. I need more cowbell. **BRENT**
  5. 10$ Wharfedale Diamonds from the 80s from a thrift shop. **BRENT**
  6. Hate I won't be able to make this one... Have a sick kid today who needs me more than cuddling with headphone geeks. I hope the meet is great for you guys! **BRENT**
  7. We don't take kindly to racists around here... **BRENT**
  8. Nice, crap! Proud of you. **BRENT**
  9. Your organization = Stax Mafia? **BRENT**
  10. The Roxanne is part of the Siren SERIES... If I recall correctly. Unless they are coming out with on ears and portable non-iems or DAPs or JHA branded nachos, I figure it's pretty safe to say there will be another IEM. Not necessarily a replacement, but an addition to the line. That is what people here infer from the word "Series" because we paid attention to our vocabulary words in elementary school. If we know we can't say, I'd we don't, see above. I need to go post in the drinking thread now. **BRENT**
  11. We understand subtlety, but like to hit people with clubs. More interesting that way. **BRENT**
  12. I make quite the impression on people, Al. You know this. **BRENT**
  13. Get me one too. I played with Purk's in Atlanta and it was so much better interface wise than the AK100 we were using. I would be totally happy with that. **BRENT**
  14. Had to run to my hometown for a minute today and noticed that the old restaurant across from my late Grandmother's house was reopened. I have so many fond memories of that place that I stopped in to see how bad the new rednecks have screwed it up in relation to the sweet old lady co-op that owned it back in the day. There are kids from the high school who just got out of school and it's rather painful listening to them talk. I'm having flashbacks to why I ran kicking and screaming from here. I may take it to go. They do have free WiFi, though, which is nice since you can only pick up EDGE here otherwise. **BRENT**
  15. This is a prototype LaRocco/Triad Audio (I think) amp. Purk should chime in with all the pertinent info when he has a chance. He always brings out some cool toys. **BRENT**
  16. Hey man, welcome! That said, can you please copy the information from the link? I think we actually do have someone in Nashville, right? Just can't remember who. Theo, I can try to make this, but no AriPower if that happens. Would be good to see you again. Any other people near you going? **BRENT**
  17. Anyone who doesn't say AriPower/HF-2 rig was best in show (or, second best, after the GS-X Mk.II with HD800s, to the people with severe hearing damage, because seriously, they are only good if you are the guy on a submarine listening for the enemy walking around on the opposing submarine that's trying to find you) is dead to me. **BRENT** Edit: when packing up all four sets of headphones you take to work with you, remember to grab at least ONE set to take to work with you the next day. Jesus, today sucked. Edit 2: Purk, don't let Lee or Tom Hankins steal my amp. I know they both want the HF-2s!
  18. I was too busy being awesome to take pictures. This dude took pictures, though. AriPower was represented, as was other things that matter less than big orange amps. http://www.head-fi.org/t/714128/atlanta-ga-a-vcoa-presents-may-4th-portable-audio-jam/45#post_10517605 Oh, and those Oppo Headphones are PM-1s, I think. Something like that. There really were some tracks that just sounded stupidly good on them, while there were some that were... odd. It wasn't on my gear, but maybe next time I'll get get to try them out a bit longer. **BRENT**
  19. So I just for back home. I brought a Chatt buddy and met some new people along with some old ones. The highlights of the thing were the GS--X Mk.II from Purk tearing it up and od course the AriPower Extreme with Dinny Edition HF1-2s... And the Stax 002s. Ok, I'm biased, but there really were some great rigs there beyond what we had. We had two pairs of Oppo PM-1s. I am old and crotchety, but with most things I listened to, they were rather good. It would be something I would short list to audition more seriously. Good times. I also found out there is a meet in Nashville on Saturday. Too bad I left the AriPower with Purk in Atlanta because I didn't feel like breaking it down and bringing it home Friends let friends borrow gear, no? Oh! Tom Hankins and his lively wife Lyra were there for a bit. Hated we didn't get a little more time but maybe I can make another weekend of it at some point to hang out more. Thanks to John Morrison (the OP) and the A-VCOA for putting on a solid event! **BRENT**
  21. Lots of gear and one Purk. **BRENT**
  22. I want a pair of Oliver Peoples Victory 55s. (Aka the Burn Notice sunglasses). unfortunately, I don't have the headshape of Jeffery Donovan (aka Michael Weston). http://www.nycoptics.com/product/oliver-peoples-victory-58-sunglasses **BRENT** Edit: WIth wrap-around sunglasses, I tend to see those more as an occasional thing as a daily wear thing, and would, like with shoes, want to go with more of a classic "daily wear-with-anything" set for the first set. The wrap-arounds tend to work better as a more specific set. I used to worry about coverage going from Oakley M-Frames to E wires. vs The coverage difference turned out to be much less in reality than what you'd think in theory, because the e wires (lower) sat closer to the eyeball. It still doesn't work for peripheral, but I found that didn't matter as much as you'd think unless you were playing sports. I had these for playing intramural sports in HS. The blue (I think they're blue) lenses really messed with everything for someone who is colorblind (I imagine it made things odd, I guess I can't quite be sure.)
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