It was a borrowed pan. It was on the burner heating up for a burger (my other stuff has something in it in the fridge), so I grabbed this one I borrowed. I had it heating up while I was starting to wrap up some pre-made patties to freeze for later, then I dropped a burger on. I also had the oven on with fries cooking, so it was hotter than normal. It wound up smoking more than it should have, so I went to pull it off the heat and it dripped a lovely silvery metal all over my stove, and a little on the floor, which splashed up onto my foot. I ran outside to the wet grass off the porch, cooled it off enough to pull the metal off that was fused to my foot, and went back in to deal with the tons of smoke filling the place.
I don't know what was worse... the 20 hours of pain so far, or the fact that I didn't get my burger. I REALLY want a burger, but damn, I don't want to cook for a while.
I think I'm going to order a pizza.