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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/peak-design/slide-and-clutch-versatile-camera-sling-and-hand-s Possibly interesting take on camera straps. What do you guys think of the quick connects? I kinda like the Clutch. I wonder how it'd be against a BlackRapid strap. **BRENT**
  2. That's beastly, Nebbz! Awesome job. **BRENT**
  3. Man, I could use some hush money. I need a turntable. I would get one in "burnt sienna" if possible. I haven't been to see a doc (it happening on a Friday night at 9pm takes away all but ERs, then some clinics and urgent cares the next day. The burn is healing rather nicely, and it's blistered over and even that has gone down now. The pain is mostly gone, and it feels like it's just tight skin. Walking a quarter mile or more from the car to my desk kinda blows, though... at least I don't have to take the 5 floors of stairs. I am tempted to write into the company to show them the damage... perhaps on the stationary of a d-_-b & Associates, LLC. **BRENT**
  4. At least the liquid aluminium (say it in Grahame's voice) didn't merge with your foot. If mine would have been on for an hour, it would've probably taken the entire house with it. Mine was just a few minutes. I still want those burgers, though. **BRENT**
  5. RIP, Casey Kasem. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/casey-kasem-dead-82/story?id=24016102 **BRENT**
  6. I couldn't even make it to the door to get the pizza that was delivered, much less get out of the house. I still didn't get my hamburger, though, so I'm REALLY wanting to make that happen. **BRENT**
  7. It was even a cooking incident! **BRENT**
  8. It was a borrowed pan. It was on the burner heating up for a burger (my other stuff has something in it in the fridge), so I grabbed this one I borrowed. I had it heating up while I was starting to wrap up some pre-made patties to freeze for later, then I dropped a burger on. I also had the oven on with fries cooking, so it was hotter than normal. It wound up smoking more than it should have, so I went to pull it off the heat and it dripped a lovely silvery metal all over my stove, and a little on the floor, which splashed up onto my foot. I ran outside to the wet grass off the porch, cooled it off enough to pull the metal off that was fused to my foot, and went back in to deal with the tons of smoke filling the place. I don't know what was worse... the 20 hours of pain so far, or the fact that I didn't get my burger. I REALLY want a burger, but damn, I don't want to cook for a while. I think I'm going to order a pizza. **BRENT**
  9. It happens. Kinda ruined my plans for the day, and walking sucks, but it's blistered up and just kinda sucks. Walking isn't fun... at all. **BRENT**
  10. It was last night... But I was making hamburgers for dinner, the pan melted, and I burned the hell out of my foot when some molten metal splashed the floor and hit the sole of my foot while I was trying to take care of the situation. Good times. I need to find which piece of metal looks like the mark above. I remember peeling it off my foot at some point. **BRENT**
  11. ***BRENT**
  12. No, that's the right translation. Fuck vegetables! **BRENT**
  13. Jeff, just make him buy some shoes and cleats. That seems like the better solution. **BRENT**
  14. Dan, do you need me to fly up to be a proper anchor? I'm very good at making other people think they're not as bad off as they are. **BRENT**
  15. I still say Colin should get a CF MTB for a road ride. **BRENT**
  16. I remember having a computer background of an x-ray of pretzels. I'm figuring it had something to do with that. I had forgotten about that. **BRENT**
  17. Bah... I have to go pick up my late copy of the RSD Ghostbusters glow in the dark vinyl tomorrow... tempted to see if this shop has this too. **BRENT**
  18. Watching Buddy Guy while sipping on a mojito in a bar overlooking the festival. Good times. **BRENT**
  19. When are you going to come to Chattanooga and ride? The flat roads are worse than the bridges. You'll <3 the pain! Bring Raffy, he can pull you up the hills. **BRENT**
  20. Let's not forget the real reason for this thread... AKG K812s are highly overrated for the $$$, and the cable belongs on a pair of 100$ headphones. **BRENT**
  21. Time for a carbon hardtail, Jeff. **BRENT**
  22. Watching Widespread Panic at the Riverbend Festival in Chattanooga. **BRENT**
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