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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Heh. Perhaps you just need a drink or two to calm the nerves before you head out. **BRENT**
  2. I hate you. Glad it wasn't worse, Nate. Chris, MTB helps with road handling skills! **BRENT**
  3. If they're Jeff Goldblum approved, I've got to update. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egIY7ushchU **BRENT**
  4. Heh. She has actually met Colin and Fitz as well, touché. **BRENT**
  5. My work is doing them soon as well. Not soon enough. **BRENT**
  6. Thanks guys. I have slept for 14+ of the past 15 hours. Yay for sleep! It took hundreds of dollars at the doctor/pharmacy to have a three day weekend, but so worth it. Feeling better, though, so that's good. **BRENT**
  7. I considered her a friend. Not letting her near any of you! **BRENT**
  8. Thanks guys. I knew I didn't feel good, and they thought it was something else. Left the room and sent the nurse back 10 minutes later with two long swabs. One went up the nose and tickled my brain, I believe. That was... uncomfortable. Supposedly the second the swab touched the solution I was positive for flu, and they indicated on paperwork it was H1N1, which the Google says is making a comeback in 2014. Awesome, no? Hoping I didn't infect this one friend of mine at work, or the VP who works pretty close to me. *Crosses fingers* **BRENT**
  9. I felt sick for a couple days; OTC stuff wasn't doing the job. Went to clinic after work/exhibit night at the kids' schools. I felt horrible. After 2 hours of waiting and tests and whatnot, it seems I have H1N1 flu + an upper respiratory infection. How fun is that? **BRENT**
  10. Doppelginger? A friend of mine from school posted this pic, and it reminded me of someone... **BRENT**
  11. Dusty, the Note 2 has the same screen size, but the iPhone 6+ is a bit taller, and a bit narrower. The proportions seem really off to me. **BRENT**
  12. Heh. Was talking video. People hold their phones in portrait mode. So painful. **BRENT**
  13. TMO is doing 4 lines at 100 for unlimited calls/text and I think 2.5GB data per line. 20$/ line gets you unlimited, and that is customizable per line. 50$ first line, 30$ second, 10$ each after that up to 6. They also do wifi calling which I have used for years. On the 4 lines on the account I'm on we use around 50-70 gigs/mo. **BRENT** Edit: TMO also does some music streaming services without a hit to data, so for many, the included data is plenty.
  14. I thought I would like it too, but... Look forward to your thoughts though. **BRENT**
  15. I got to play with a 6 Plus today when I ran into an old friend at work who's a bit of a phone geek as well (though firmly in the Apple camp after trying and returning an S4 last year.) On paper, it was the first iPhone that I seriously considered getting. Once I got to hold it it for a bit, I changed my mind. Like I've said, I've had a Note 2 (5.5" phone) for almost 2 years, so I'm pretty comfortable with larger phones. The 6 Plus seemed REALLY tall, even with a screen size I'm comfortable with. When I got back to a computer I checked the dimensions of the Note II vs iPhone 6 Plus. The 6 plus is 7mm (.27 inches) taller and 2.7mm (.1 inches). It's also 4.5mm taller and 0.8mm narrower than the 5.7" Note 4. The ratio just felt really off to me. It seemed to me that the area above and below the screen was very close, if not the same. The circular button obviously needs the space on the bottom, but other than sticking with the aesthetic history of the phone, I don't understand why they couldn't have trimmer some from the top, unless it had to do with the camera. Jack, have you played with an iPhone 6 Plus yet? I was really hoping to like the iPhone 6 Plus in the flesh; I'd even considered it as the first iPhone I'd buy (I have used them in the past as my main phone for a while to give them a shot, but always stuck with other options. FWIW, my buddy who bought the 6 Plus, he's thinking it's a bit on the large side, with the 6 a bit small. He thinks a 5" would have been just right. **BRENT**
  16. Last night I went to sit in with a jazz/funk group who was looking for some sax players. A guy was supposed to print out some charts, but didn't. I'm a "read what's on the page" kinda guy; really wish I could just sit in and go on a group like that. On the bright side, I got to sit in on the first rehearsal of what can easily be a nice little group of musicians. **BRENT**
  17. Me too. I want an iPad Nano with LTE/voice (for emergencies.) **BRENT**
  18. I want a 6+ and a Note Edge. Not hating on this one. **BRENT**
  19. But you do. YOU need a Note Edge. **BRENT**
  20. Get a Note 4 anyways. Tether the 6+ to is when you need that iOS nonsense. OR, buy the FAM S5s and N4s. **BRENT**
  21. Did they have it on the iPhone? **BRENT**
  22. For those of you considering new keyboards, this is a good read. The author is one of the tech guys I used to follow who is the most level headed people reviewing. It sheds a little light on some differences between the Android and iOS versions of the same app. It seems Apple is rather restrictive of the new keyboards, but there may be some tips for some on how Swiftkey can be used. http://www.cnet.com/news/iphone-6-plus-vs-samsung-galaxy-note-3-swiftkey-shootout/ FWIW, I use the Google keyboard on my phones, but the Swiftkey keyboard was my favorite after living with the others (Samsung, Swype, SwiftKey) for a few weeks each (long enough to truly get a good feel for them.) **BRENT**
  23. Why don't people who shoot vertical video kill themselves? Or at least learn to shoot properly. Either way is fine, but one of them should be implemented across the board. **BRENT**
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