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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Sleep test center has wifi. **BRENT**
  2. This is on 802.11n 5ghz wifi off an Asus TM-AC1900. There are 4 laptops goings + things streaming on 2 TVs. I really need to get a 3x3 USB3.0 dongle. Do those exist yet? FWIW, if you have T-Mobile service, you can get this router (basically an RT-AC68U with some software tweaks) for a 25$ deposit if you walk into the store, or they'll do it over the phone and ship it next day (I believe). It's beastly, and I love it. My old WNDR3700 topped out at around 70-80Mbps on this machine. I really need to hardwire something; I have to beat Colin at this game. I was able to get this on my phone a couple days ago. Also, you should all get gigabit fiber. **BRENT**
  3. The Flaming Lips cover The Beatles' Sgt Pepper. <3 I was able to get one of the final few autographed copies of the vinyl of this (should be here in November), but NPR has it streaming (entire album and individual tracks). I've been listening to this 2-3 times/day at work and just love it.. http://www.npr.org/2014/10/19/356125413/first-listen-the-flaming-lips-with-a-little-help-from-my-fwends **BRENT**
  4. I used to have a browser window open for it, but not sure if they have some other notification. It's possible that you can sync messages to Hangouts and they may come via that app. I have an extension in chrome that allows for standalone chat. It's something that popped up that Google offered.
  5. http://www.airdroid.com **BRENT**
  6. ^ Awesome! Very interested in a long term report. **BRENT**
  7. <3 you guys. *hugs* I have a feeling I am being shamed horrible in VA for not riding, so I'm thinking about getting out for a ride with Xavier tomorrow (we had a wedding to go to that took up most of the daylight today that wasn't being used for sleeping.) I'm hoping Xavier (who turns 9 next week; I'm so old) is going to get in to mountain biking so he can be on his school's team next year. We have a new pump track that opened a few weeks ago that's a couple miles away (or can take the singletrack where we have a trailhead to a quarter mile away). I look forward to one day pushing a mountain bike on a trail and cheering him on. **BRENT**
  8. Crap, I can handle it if it's obvious, it's the people who don't know they're doing it wrong that irks me. So much. Since it's Ari, it's OK. It it were say, raffy, then I'd be upset. **BRENT**
  9. DIAF!!! BANNED!!! Two year time out!!! **BRENT**
  10. Feliz navidad, V! **BRENT**
  11. Older stuff but high end components. I'd probably take that over a new 1000$ full suspension. What Dan said about weight and whatnot. That bike probably weighs 26-27ish pounds. A low end full suspension bike will be 20-30% heavier. Not worth it. Even entry level hard tails (1000$ at a shop) are going to be 31 pounds. **BRENT**
  12. Heh. Perhaps you just need a drink or two to calm the nerves before you head out. **BRENT**
  13. I hate you. Glad it wasn't worse, Nate. Chris, MTB helps with road handling skills! **BRENT**
  14. If they're Jeff Goldblum approved, I've got to update. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egIY7ushchU **BRENT**
  15. Heh. She has actually met Colin and Fitz as well, touché. **BRENT**
  16. My work is doing them soon as well. Not soon enough. **BRENT**
  17. Thanks guys. I have slept for 14+ of the past 15 hours. Yay for sleep! It took hundreds of dollars at the doctor/pharmacy to have a three day weekend, but so worth it. Feeling better, though, so that's good. **BRENT**
  18. I considered her a friend. Not letting her near any of you! **BRENT**
  19. Thanks guys. I knew I didn't feel good, and they thought it was something else. Left the room and sent the nurse back 10 minutes later with two long swabs. One went up the nose and tickled my brain, I believe. That was... uncomfortable. Supposedly the second the swab touched the solution I was positive for flu, and they indicated on paperwork it was H1N1, which the Google says is making a comeback in 2014. Awesome, no? Hoping I didn't infect this one friend of mine at work, or the VP who works pretty close to me. *Crosses fingers* **BRENT**
  20. I felt sick for a couple days; OTC stuff wasn't doing the job. Went to clinic after work/exhibit night at the kids' schools. I felt horrible. After 2 hours of waiting and tests and whatnot, it seems I have H1N1 flu + an upper respiratory infection. How fun is that? **BRENT**
  21. Doppelginger? A friend of mine from school posted this pic, and it reminded me of someone... **BRENT**
  22. Yes. **BRENT**
  23. Dusty, the Note 2 has the same screen size, but the iPhone 6+ is a bit taller, and a bit narrower. The proportions seem really off to me. **BRENT**
  24. Heh. Was talking video. People hold their phones in portrait mode. So painful. **BRENT**
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