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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Played in a Christmas concert with the Mid-South Symphonic Band. We're up to around 75 members now. Local high school has a new fine arts center with 1200 seat theater and a band room that rivals collegiate band rooms I've seen... Including a hall of individual practice rooms. That'd be nice. I may have video and/or audio soon. They are set up to record audio somewhat professionally. These kids have it good. **BRENT**
  2. Raffy's spot is just outside the tent adding an extra layer of protection from mosquitos, right? **BRENT**
  3. 100$ iTunes tunes gift code for 80$ http://www.ebay.com/itm/100-iTunes-Code-for-80-Email-delivery/261696193320 **BRENT**
  4. I get one song at a time issue on Android if I do songs, but I just click on album instead. Listen to music so much lately. I hope they don't have Colin music. **BRENT**
  5. I hate you all, except Shelly. **BRENT**
  6. Heh. I'll see what I can do. Not sure when I can make it, but I'll do what I can. **BRENT**
  7. Ken, that's about the price of a hardtail with those specs, before tax. That is a really nice bike for that price, and I'd be happy with that if you're wanting a dual suspension. If you were looking at a 5 or 600$ dual suspension bike, it would be something 5-6 pounds heavier on clearance from like, Dick's. I say buy it. **BRENT**
  8. Whoa! Tom, just saw this! I'll have to try to come crash the party before you head out. **BRENT**
  9. That wasn't torn a new one at all, CJ. I've gone deeper than that (though in different ways, as I'm not into PP much, and this guy is pretty well versed). Looks like he made some good points. **BRENT**
  10. Never heard of it. Is that loaf of bread considered a biscuit? **BRENT**
  11. Dude... I haven't noticed the date in a few days (my work is always a week or two behind), so totally missed this. My bad. Happy belated b-day, SO! **BRENT**
  12. Back and forth on same song with Spotify and Tidal. I'm canceling Spotify. **BRENT**
  13. Lorde - Pure Heroine is free on Google Play right now as well. https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lorde_Pure_Heroine?id=Bt3wef6icrzkkw2n24nfq53yrwy **BRENT**
  14. 1) It's 40$ more (you're already paying 10$ for Spotify, so if you drop it, Tidal is just 10$ more). If you download what you want before hand, you should be good. Is there a 5-10GB option for say, 10$, that you could go to? It's possible that you could get what you *need* for 20$ more. I still have the 20$ unlimited plan, and it's pretty nice; totally worth it. It looks like the 30$ unlimited plan includes a Rhapsody unRadio subscription, if that means anything to you. It looks like 2 extra gigs is 10$ and 4 extra is 20$. The 10-30GB I quoted earlier is what I'll do in a month if I'm doing a LOT of streaming, mainly Netflix and downloading quite a bit of stuff on Spotify and Audible. I guess it really depends on how much you want to have, and what you think you can live with downloading at home before you go out. **BRENT**
  15. That's because I'm an interesting my, my friend. To me, it's just much more engaging. Perhaps it's an EQ difference, perhaps it's something with my phone that likes FLAC over MP3, perhaps there's some deep seeded elitist audiophile value lingering from years before I quit caring about FLAC vs MP3, where I've said MP3 is "good enough" for what I listen to. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I definitely hear more stuff and it's been more interesting. I've even heard details that I've never heard before. I don't think they aren't present in the MP3, but this is stuff I've listened to for ten years, and I've never heard it before... a second voice or tertiary instrument that was buried in the mix, blended in, but now they're pretty clear. I have the CDs, maybe I'll lug a CD player and headphone amp to work and set up a rig to kinda see if I can hear this other stuff. Shelly, buy a PC. By "install the app", are you talking Mac or phone? (I"m not aware of a non-phone app.) Did you try a different browser? **BRENT**
  16. Well, I've downloaded and streamed a crapload of it to my phone, I guess I could check to see file sizes. *does math* I have 188 files taking up 4.9GB (5,299,605,503 bytes). So that averages like, what, 29 MB/song on average? (Randomly clicking details on the songs shows 14-33MB/song, so I guess that's about average). It's not labeled as FLAC files, but wonder if I could rename something to *.FLAC to see if I could get more details. **BRENT**
  17. They do 1411kpbs? But it's FLAC. What is going on here? 30 day trial was for people who signed up early for info(VIP access). 7 day is the standard trial. I got a 404 error when I signed up so my 30 day was "used." I messaged them and they got me set back up within half a day (it was late at night on a launch weekend.) FWIW, I used Spotify for background music too. With Tidal, I have been actually listening to stuff while at work. I got a good 5.5-6 hours in today after a last minute mandatory OT day. I was even complimented on mymusical stylings by my neighbor (I have Grados at work), so we would up talking music for a few hours (and working a little too.) **BRENT**
  18. I have unlimited on TMO. 10-30GB/mo is typical. <3 **BRENT**
  19. So I'm REALLY liking Tidal. I got a 30 day subscription and about 11 days in so far, so I have a little bit to decide, but I'm thinking about canceling Spotify. Spotify has a ton of stuff, but it's just background music. Tidal has me listening to music again. It's probably just some EQ tweak, in all actuality, but I've heard stuff in albums I hadn't heard before. That hasn't happened to me in a long time. That's usually "getting really good new headphone" territory. I wonder if Spotify will release some higher quality stuff soon... **BRENT**
  20. Happy birthday, you filthy animal! **BRENT**
  21. Get a programmable remote and set it up as a one button affair. I love my Harmony Smart remote.
  22. Nice DH! If you watch sports at all, cable box would be handy, otherwise why not an AppleTV or an HTPC with a BD drive? I cut cable about 5.5 years ago and there is very, very little I miss about it. The kids have Netflix and Hulu+ and YouTube... Works well for us. **BRENT**
  23. My daughter (almost 12) is on the yearbook staff at her magnet school. Her grade went on a field trip to the Atlanta Aquarium, and she was one of four people allowed to take a camera. I set her up with my Canon SL1 with a 28-105 F/3.5-4.5 and a few tips on shooting. This was only her second time shooting a dSLR. She got a lot of pix of her classmates, but this pic I fell in love with. **BRENT**
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