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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. OK. Shadows then. Flush/barely tucked is what I'd want to strive for. If it's flush in person then even happier for you. Looks great. **BRENT**
  2. Nice, Jeff! When are you trading it for the 911? **BRENT** Edit: do the lugs have room for some 5-10mm spacers?
  3. Check the modem for your use but this is probably a reasonable combo. The Nighthawk should be good, as is the Asus RT-68G. I have the TMO version (if you have T-Mobile get that one for 25$), and get 150-280Mbps over N, which has a theoretical top speed of 300Mbps I believe. A friend just got one today and he is happy with the results. Another friend is rocking 90Mbps on his 75Mb Comcast with the Airport Extreme he got this week. Lots of good options out there. Good luck with whichever separates you get. **BRENT**
  4. Yeah, but it'll look hot at C&C. **BRENT** P.S., put a 2x4 under the close wheel and drive over it to lift the car enough to get the jack under.
  5. My bad, but god damn, today's biscuit was delicious. **BRENT**
  6. Probably wouldn't feel it, but contributing to your misery would make it worth it if I did. **BRENT**
  7. Oh, forgot to post that I had a biscuit this morning for breakfast. **BRENT**
  8. Why would you ruin a pizza with mayo? **BRENT**
  9. It looks well on it's way to being meaner. Ready to see round 2. **BRENT**
  10. Dinny, have you forgotten that this is Head-Case? I expect pics tomorrow (which is today; fuck, it's late!) **BRENT**
  11. I had Karate Kid II glasses in second grade. I wore them for a few months. 20/20 or better since. I waste so much $$$ on vision insurance. **BRENT**
  12. Heh. I did last night, and some other stuff. Don't be jealous. Dick. **BRENT**
  13. Well this is interesting... Road ID for your FitBit. https://www.roadid.com/Common/Catalog.aspx?C=forfitbit&referrer=33364 **BRENT**
  14. I had a sealed copy of this. I think it was the first album I ever bought on vinyl, back when I was a teenager who didn't even have a TT yet. It went up in the house fire a few years back, but I loved it! A little jealous right now. Wonder ifni still have my CDs. **BRENT**
  15. Evolution Schools are fantastic! I've watched Junior Johnson instruct and it's very very good. A friend of mine is also an instructor, and I hung out/sat in with meetings/talks at an Eco School a while back (2 friends driving, 1 instructing, I took pix.) We did an autocross the next day and after doing the Evo School my buddy almost beat me, so it did wonders My other friend who did that one was FTD at the school in his 04 STI that is lightly prepped. You should have a blast at that! Is there a list of instructors for this one yet? I know they usually have stacks of National trophies. **BRENT**
  16. Nate, do you have a 6+? I imagine they crop some of the image for stabilization reasons. I'm sure their math allows for larger than 1080p video capture, so it can counter camera shake and keep the video cleaner, and just average out the 1080p shot it imagined you were going for. **BRENT**
  17. Nate, new blank rotors + nice aggressive street pads (Ferodo DS2500?) and some ATE Super Blue (oh, Mr Slacker can hook you up with fluids,) and you should be fine. **BRENT**
  18. You implied it strongly, Reks. A ban for this? Seriously? [emoji14]alm: **BRENT**
  19. Chicken and waffles with a Sangria slushie for brunch, with a biscuit, because fuck you guys. Also, Nate, be safe out there today. **BRENT**
  20. Anxiously awaiting the final verdict. I have Audible credits to burn. **BRENT**
  21. Well, it is a rather Sherlockian demeanor. I was basically wondering if you disliked him from Sherlock, or disliked him from something else. If from Sherlock, I wonder how much is BC and how much is it the way the character is written. **BRENT**
  22. Don't you dare edit a post to be less harsh... That's not the way we do things People are going to have their views on who is "Sherlock" or who is "The Doctor" (David Tennant, of course,) but like I believe Nate said, you don't have to tear down another one for your guy to matter. I do, however, wish they would have had Hugh Laurie as House but with a British accent playing Sherlock. I'm sure his violin playing would have been better. **BRENT** Edit: Antonio, do you just not like Cumberbatch from Sherlock, or is there something else you don't like him from? The Imitation Game? I'm curious as to whether or not you are basing your decision off his portrayal of the character or a previous body of work. If it's based on something else, please let me know. I want to check it out.
  23. Cumbetbatch is fantastic. **BRENT**
  24. *hugs* We can totally have a virtual viewing party when you're ready. **BRENT**
  25. ^ Everytime Colin mentions he is doing something with a friend, but he isn't near me. I think he just makes people up. **BRENT** Edit: I didn't realize Colin was a ginger until we'd known each other 5-6 years. Stupid colorblindness strikes again!
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