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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Great to hear it's going so well, Captain Lightyear! **BRENT**
  2. Good luck, Larry! Break a leg! Wait, is that right? **BRENT**
  3. 1) Where the fuck are you? 2) Where was the invite? **BRENT**
  4. A friend got me into Grisman years ago back when everyone had PCDPs and CDs at work. I should listen to that tomorrow. **BRENT**
  5. Larry, wishing you and your daughter luck in the recovery. I had a light wreck with my kids a couple years ago and it shook my daughter up, even thought she was just bruised a little. I can't imagine what you guys have been through, trauma wise. You're in my thoughts. **BRENT**
  6. Returns? Have it ready for next time? **BRENT**
  7. iTunes Gift Code - 100$ for 75$ http://slickdeals.net/f/8184622-100-itunes-code-email-delivery-75 **BRENT**
  8. Dan. Not sure I want to go new. See anything in the used department? **BRENT**
  9. My condolences, CJ. Sounds like he was a good man and a great teacher, in his way. **BRENT**
  10. Love it,, Nate. I've been regretting selling my mtn bike lately. **BRENT**
  11. Buy a 1TB SSD in the configuration for a brand new, TOTL Mac Mini with i7 and 16GB RAM, and then get an 8TB external drive. People keep forgetting this is Head-Case. SMH. **BRENT**
  12. Just make Colin buy them. **BRENT**
  13. Since Deepak is dead to me, and Baby Bird is lacking and absent, I had to pick a new arch nemesis, and Raffy was the only one who fit the color scheme (wrong/white/wrong/etc.) So much rage. **BRENT**
  14. I think you and Raffy should take a scenic trip to whichever volcanic island he was spewed out of, and then take a leap and become one with the molten lava, you rat bastards. **BRENT**
  15. 1) I hate you 2) Sounds good re: fraud. How did he have a support vehicle? 3) This is America, Gram. Fat people > vets. You should know this by now. **BRENT**
  16. Lots of sexy there, Jeff. **BRENT**
  17. <3 & *hugs* I miss you, V. **BRENT**
  18. My buddy Ory added some fresh livery to his TDI this weekend. When in Chattanooga... **BRENT**
  19. Oh man, I got all excited, but my shop isn't doing it I got Skrillex and Green Day on cassette, and the RSD NWA Straight Outta Compton as well the next year. Since I didn't have a deck, I went to Goodwill and found a 400$ Marantz for 10.49$. A friend even got me one of the old plastic with "wood sticker" cassette boxes to keep my 30 or so tape collection. I'm dumb. **BRENT**
  20. Brisket nachos Pretzels with house made "cheese whiz" Not pictured: Happy hour well whiskey and cokes for me and rum and Gram-Specials for her. **BRENT**
  21. I have now wasted time looking at Brent Black's website. Perhaps it's something about the name, idk. I want one. I want to at least take a look at this one one day. 4,000 weaves per square inch. Insane. http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/08/08/340682706/hes-just-woven-the-worlds-finest-panama-hat-but-who-will-buy-it **BRENT**
  22. What a way to make a 25,000th post! n00b **BRENT**
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