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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Chili's? Really? That's whoreable. I haven't had Smashburger, but I hear it's better than InO. I recently went to a burger bar with a vegetarian who raves about the place. The burger was meh, and the veggie burger wasn't amazing. The drinks were really strong, though. I think that's why people like a lot of places they eat; they're drunk. Come to Chattanooga, I'll take you to some real burger places; with a solid whiskey selection as well. Mmmmm... actually, I should do that this weekend. **BRENT**
  2. I would seriously take the 89 cent Wendy's Jr Hamburger over the burger at In-N-Out. I would also take Burger King, Dairy Queen, easily Whataburger, and most anything other than McDonald's basic burger over the burger at In-N-Out. Five Guys burns theirs, but the bun is superior. They have some of the most uninspired fries I have ever had the displeasure of tasting; no wonder you people have to top them with "soup" to make them edible. The shake is pretty good, though. **BRENT**
  3. Fitz has had In-N-Out. I introduced him to Laphroaig Quarter Cask. The bonds forged over QC can never be broken. **BRENT**
  4. http://www.chicagomusicexchange.com/ It's a drive. It is worth the drive. How did you post a picture of Jeff's house? Didn't think he had moved in yet. **BRENT**
  5. Went to the local ramen place with a friend. First time ever having ramen. But first, some pork belly starter which was included with the drink. Boulevardier Her Brussel sprout nonsense (probably blurry, but she liked it. Decent taste, hated the texture) Her veggie ramen, which was better than mine. My sous-vide pork belly ramen It's Greek to me, but you kids may can tell me what I ate. **BRENT**
  6. I didn't realize how bad off he was and didn't expect to lap him. He was following the racing line in the middle of a turn as I was coming off a medium high speed stretch. Good thing I had about ten seconds on Chris and $ or I may have lost that one. **BRENT**
  7. @Dreadhead @TMoney @Grahame @cetoole @VPI @grawk @DilbertProgrammer @Fitz 10:30 Eastern, 7:30 **BRENT**
  8. Man, I'm so glad Reks didn't wreck this thread too. **BRENT**
  9. We should play PCars tonight. 10:30 Eastern. Dew eet. **BRENT**
  10. Biscuits weren't mine; I'm not a fan of their biscuits. We all split most of the food, and I was stuffed after one pancake. i don't know how people eat the "Fat Stack" of 3 pancakes. **BRENT**
  11. Aretha Frankenstein's for early brunch (not breakfast, dammit.) Bacon Pancakes, Waffle with ice cream, eggs, bacon, biscuit, fried potatoes. **BRENT**
  12. This is like the 14th time he's quit in ten years; how is this a shock? **BRENT**
  13. FWIW, my Charge HR now gets much better battery life after I shat all over it in this thread. One may want to keep that in mind if theirs isn't working out well, just mad mouth it. **BRENT**
  14. Look on the bright side: you'll have plenty of time to listen to the beautiful, beautiful music. Just set up a little rig in the dog house, get a comfy chair. Boom, done. **BRENT**
  15. I think you meant the dom of headphones I am but a messenger. I should have been on that conference call, though. I missed it or it would have been correct. **BRENT**
  16. I would like to invite everyone to CanLanta 2016! Saturday May 21st at the place we've had the past couple big Atlanta meets, which has been a nice venue. I'll copy from the post on HF, but Tyll is coming back to Atlanta for the first time in a long time, and we're excited to have him back. I hear through the grapevine that there are some premiere d-_-b approved, but not sure it's public knowledge yet, so I'll let that MOT speak up if he's so inclined. John M and the boys in Atlanta have done a lot of work getting this off the ground, and I think it's going to be a nice event. Travel Team, let's make it happen. **BRENT** Canlanta 2016: It’s been about three years now since we had a proper headphone meet in the Atlanta area, so mark your calendars folks because the next event is now official. The primary sponsor of this event the Audio Video Club of Atlanta. Date: May 21st, 2016 9:00am-6:00pm Where: Marriott Century Center 2000 Century Blvd NE, Atlanta, GA 30345 Travel and hotel discounts: There will be a limited number of discounted rooms available at a price of $109. Currently the number of rooms at the accommodation price is capped at ten. If this fills up we have the option of negotiating additional rooms at the special rate. If you plan to stay at the hotel please pm me so that I can keep a running count. Vendors: (if there are any vendors not on the list who would like contact me via pm (matttcg) Beezar Audio (confirmed) Headamp (confirmed) Mr. Speakers (confirmed) The vendor list is growing quickly. I will hold off on the list until we have the confirmations. Special Guest Speaker: We are happy to announce that Tyll Hertsens will be giving a series of talks during the meet. Come meet the Grandpapa of headphonedom. Misc: Although there will be plenty of vendors at the meet, we encourage attendees to bring their own gear. Tables and access to power outlets will be provided. Feel free to show up without any gear if you’d just like to join in for a day to check out new gear and talk with other members and vendors about the hobby. The event is free of charge to individuals. Please keep in mind that you always want to treat equipment belonging to others with respect and care as if it were yours and you paid lot's of money for it. If you are unsure about how to use something, always ask. Never relocate any equipment from someone’s table without their express permission. Please post in this thread if you are planning to attend and list the equipment that you’ll be bringing and I’ll compile and list to add to the beginning of the thread. The ballroom will be available for setup purposes early Saturday morning, 7:00 am, for vendors and attendees to setup their gear. Parking: Parking is available at the hotel and is free. Please be sure to always keep expensive equipment secure. Please do not leave expensive equipment locked in your car. Get Social: Please spread the word about this meet and let’s make this a great event for everyone. Check it out on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/CanLanta2016/ Food: You’ll be on your own for lunch but there are plenty of places to eat within a few miles of the event. As always, please do not bring food or drink near anyone’s equipment.
  17. Have one on my pro-ject debut carbon. For the cost of 400 chicken nuggets, it's hard to go wrong. **BRENT**
  18. Oh sweet! You had some soup-covered fries! I didn't know that was on the menu now. **BRENT**
  19. Pretty nice combo for a grown-up and someone who learned to drive from a video game. **BRENT**
  20. I BELIEVE they should have been picked up by someone a few days ago, so you needn't worry. It was a stupidly good deal, and I wanted them, but no way I could justify them. Maybe one day. **BRENT**
  21. Xavier wanted to go for a ride since the weather let up from the downpours this weekend. I remembered we had an extra bit of daylight, so we headed out around 6:30 to do what we could. 6.66 miles and 66 minutes 6 seconds later (It wasn't planned, but it was pretty awesome) we wound up back home and feel SO much better than had we just sat around and watched a movie. I really wish he would have wanted a road bike 2 years ago when he got his mountain bike; we could have had more fun all along, but still, this has been a blast having an enthusiastic riding buddy. According to the Garmin, we got 470 ft of climbing in 6.66 miles. That's like, a year's worth for Raffy, right? **BRENT**
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