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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. It was the Vinyl Me, Please album of the month; a special 20th anniversary edition only found through them. I know at least 3 of us got it, and I think today is the last day to snag it. **BRENT**
  2. Hmmm... I'm wondering if those are local/regional releases, or across the board. **BRENT**
  3. Just go later in the day; I often can find plenty still around. **BRENT**
  4. One of my favorite holidays of the year. Is anyone going? Anything worth picking up? http://recordstoreday.com/ Flaming Lips - Heady Nuggs Vol 2 is tempting I kinda want Skrillex & Diplo ft Justin Bieber - Where Are You Now? Across The Universe OST. If this was the deluxe edition, I'd be incredibly tempted. As it is, it doesn't have "If I Fell" by Evan Rachel Wood. She got better at singing as the filming progressed, or she was autotuned, or both, but I much prefer her version in the movie to the Beatles' version. Monster a Go-Go Volume 1. A friend of mine would go nuts over this, and there are only 1000 copies, so if I find it, may grab it for him. There's some Sublime on LP and cassette that looked interesting as well. If there's something that anyone wants, I could try to snag it. Whether I pick up anything or not, I'm going to hang out with some friends and wait in line/win fabulous cash and prizes. **BRENT**
  5. I, too, got the Fugees album, but didn't get home til 10, so didn't spin it. Tomorrow there is a Record Store Day pre-party at a local bar that's pretty cool, so I think I'm going to load up some nice unopened stuff and let them play it. Oh, Record Store Day... anyone going? **BRENT**
  6. I had a long weekend so stopped by to help the saxophonists out in my daughter's school band. I wound up sitting in for jazz band today and running it when the sub didn't show. I got asked to sit in with the band for an art show gig with them on Saturday so the teacher could play something other than sax to fill out the band better. Zoƫ was super excited for me to help out, which after the shit year she's had, well, was just glad I could find a way to make her happy. After work I went out with Xavier on a 17.5 mile group ride. 35 miles since Sunday, which is quite a bit for a ten year old over two rides, IMO. He's killin' it. **BRENT**
  7. 17.59 miles today. 35 since Sunday! He had a pretty bad fall, but has a story and a cool scar now. It was a shop ride and we did the long one in the slower/15 MPH group. My watch doesn't auto pause so again, we were moving faster than 11.3 MPH the entire time. Xavier totally was out riding the older kid on a CAAD5 Cannondale. He's a boss. The ride leader is a shop employee. He didn't see the crash but he rode back and helped look over the bike. He later rode up and said to leave the bike with him overnight and he'll tune it up and make sure it's in good shape after the crash. Didn't buy from these guys, and have only spent 10$ with them in my life. We have 5-7 solid bike shops in town, and they are all fucking great. So lucky, shop wise. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1124976755 Edit: at dinner we looked at his Garmin. He's done just shy of 100 miles in the past month and change. That's awesome. **BRENT**
  8. Meet is only Saturday, but Sunday there is a big record show in the same venue, I believe. If you're wanting to stay longer, msg me and we can talk about discounted rate (if you can't work it yourself) for the hotel, if you want to stay there the entire time. It's the place we were at last time, if it wasn't clear above. Alex is thinking of coming in on Friday, though. The other d-_-b vendors should chime in on their plans as well. @justin, when are you coming in? **BRENT**
  9. Xavier and I got 17.42 miles in today, which was our longest ride together. I wound up finding the puncture and it was next to the rim tape... some sharp scratches. I don't see how he could have done THAT damage, with nothing in the tire at all, but shit happens. Showed him how to replace a tube/tire (without levers, but in the comfort of home and better lighting, and a floor pump) and we were off. He did great! We probably should have pushed to 20 miles just to say we did 20, but we had about a 1 mile gradual climb to end it, and it gets a bit steep for him (for now) just before home. He walked, and I rode slowly beside him until he could hop back on when it plateaued. Had a blast, and we should be able to get another few miles in tomorrow after school. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1121017927 **BRENT**
  10. http://slickdeals.net/share/android_app/fp/188798
  11. Danger Mouse - The Grey Album 1 of 100 on colored vinyl, imported from Italy. Man, I remember when this got out and it was stopped before it sold many copies (on accident, I believe.) I had the MP3, which was the best we could get for a LONG time, when FLAC was released. I was bored at work one Saturday morning and Googled it. This popped up on eBay. Colored vinyl + album with a back story? It was hard to resist. For those that don't know, this is a mash-up between The Beatles' The White Album and Jay-Z's The Black Album. It's so bloody good. **BRENT**
  12. Woo hoo! Hit me up tomorrow and let's talk. **BRENT**
  13. Not wanting wire bead, really. For only 2x (17% of bike cost + tubes) I could have GP4000 in 650 x 23 from some online shop. I'll figure it out later, thx for czeching; I'll take a look when I get some time. **BRENT**
  14. I can find it at home, but just going to replace all the tubes after seeing how shitty the construction is. I'm tempted to get some better tires for him, but not sure how much is out there in a 650c. Well, I guess I could get him some real tires and put these tires on when we sell it in a couple years. **BRENT**
  15. Going for a ride. Cool. Xavier flatting? Not cool. Shop not having 650c tubes this weekend? Really not cool. Me forgetting tire levers? :palm: Not being able to find a puncture at all? In-bloody-furiating! Also, I hate wire bead tires. We tried to get 15 miles in, but when Xavier had the blow out (that I still haven't found,) we were at 8 miles. Not bad for a weeknight. We were averaging about 13mph with a headwind, so I'm reasonably happy with what we were able to get in before darkness and rain set in. Time to call around to shops for some mini-tubes, or order a bunch from Amazon. **BRENT**
  16. Keep it classy, my fiend. **BRENT**
  17. Ahhh, just saw this. Played with David and Jacob, Xavier and Joe. I have a new convert, and an Openwheeler will be at Joe's place on Thursday, and a G29 will be there on Wednesday. FYI: G29 and G920 on sale for 299$ at Amazon. **BRENT**
  18. Going to be late; dinner after doctor appointment going long for the 8pm session. Will be there ASAP. **BRENT**
  19. I was hoping you'd make the first one; I was going to stack it so you'd have some people to beat. I'd hate to bruise your ego after the Autocross school training. **BRENT**
  20. Introducing someone new to PCars tonight (some of you played SWBF with him last week.) I think we're going to try to get some newbie practice in around 8 with me, Joe, and Xavier; possibly with David and PCars Jacob too. We should shoot for a little after 10 Eastern for a proper contest. @Fitz, make it happen. **BRENT**
  21. I loved S1 of BCS; I'm going to have to find S2 and watch it. Glad to hear it's keeping up. **BRENT**
  22. Isn't it great? Let me know if you need a co-driver to beat you. **BRENT**
  23. I thought about having a biscuit this morning but didn't; does intent do that much damage today. **BRENT**
  24. I think the FL crew has to about 200 miles on the road to climb as much as we did in 4 miles, and that's mainly going over bridges over and over. Heh, I just checked and the 101 mile Orlando Tour de Cure ride has 514ft of elevation gain. That's about 7.5 miles of riding around here. Oh, and you'll all be happy to know that I *did* crash today. No thorn bushes, but the concrete was a bit harder than my elbow/knee. **BRENT**
  25. But Xavier and I just did over 300ft of climbing on the road bikes in a few miles before it got dark. I'm going to go eat a pizza and lose 3 pounds. **BRENT**
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