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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Shelly, I have a buddy who was just talking about needing a PnS camera. The S95 would possibly be of interest if you were looking to unload it. **BRENT**
  2. http://www.elusivedisc.com/Esoteric/products/1967/&utm_source=email&utm_medium=special 50% or more off Esoteric SACDs and box sets. **BRENT**
  3. Just get both and let us know how they are. **BRENT**
  4. Sweet! Done. Check out my ride on Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/617781438/shareable_images/map_based?hl=en-US 95* with 102* ReelFeel. Brutal. **BRENT**
  5. I'm sure they know they need this, but a quad core i7 processor, 16-32GB DDR4 RAM, SSD (256GB minimum, 512-1TB), GTX 970m graphics or higher (probably GTX 980m unless they're going to wait for the probably-much-better GTX 1070m or 1080m,) or the workstation graphics which I don't deal with at all so have no comment on, other than get 4-8GB RAM version The Origin EON15-X Pro (the professional/non-gaming line from where Nate recommended) has desktop processors. The i7-6700k is the processor that Jeff and Chris have in their gaming desktops, if that tells you anything about how powerful it is. M.2 SSDs are super small (2 postage stamp sized, and about half the height of your usual SSD,) so those can be super light, but these aren't quite svelte machines. It'll be smaller than Dusty's, though. **BRENT**
  6. Woke up to breakfast and a Father's Day gift. Then hanging out before visiting dad's grave with mom. Steak dinner, followed up by playing catch with the kids until it was too dark to see. 3 hours hanging out with Zoë (Xavier wanted to spend the night at my mom's because she has a super comfy chair he wants to sleep in,) and now time for a nap before two days of training at work I have to go in early for. Fairly solid day. **BRENT**
  7. Sorry @TMoney, I had a biscuit today for Father's Day. I didn't choose it, it was chosen for me. I try to only use my powers towards Chris, but doesn't always work out. **BRENT**
  8. Here Come The Mummies **BRENT**
  9. 1) That's dumb 2) it was 6 hours round trip 3) isn't 12 hours for you a round trip to the grocery store? **BRENT**
  10. Panic! At The Disco with a falsetto masterclass. 2 sets of Ety Plugs paled in comparison to parking, but Zoë's having a blast. 3 hours to get 120 miles. Thanks, Atlanta. Hope the trip home is a little quicker. 9 In The Afternoon. Why they played this at 8:25, the world may never know. **BRENT**
  11. Zoe was at the last Weezer show I went to... in utero. It's fitting. **BRENT**
  12. Went to work early so I can leave early and take Zoe and her friend to see Panic! At The Disco and Weezer. Should be fun, except for the 4-5 hours on the road. **BRENT**
  13. Too bad you weren't the first one here to experience it... **BRENT**
  14. I was expecting to have a name tag there, but alas, I did not. Next time, perhaps. **BRENT**
  15. Wound up with a standard/large combo for about the price of a single ER20 XS. I'll have foam ones for the friend. Thanks for the input. Dusty, JH13s would be fantastic, just not going to happen. Well played. **BRENT**
  16. Knucks, I'm so sorry to hear. Al, I didn't even hear about the Indiana fucktard. Fuck that guy. Aside, Zoe is going to a candlelight vigil for Orlando with her mom tonight. She just went through all her clothes and found her Apple Pride shirt I was able to get her at the SF Pride Parade last year; it made me think of our crew last year. Have you talked to your friends that we hung out with then, Steve? **BRENT**
  17. ER-20s are very possible. Supposedly this amphitheatre isn't horribly loud, but I'm getting something anyway. I've considered custom musician earplugs, since I'm in rehearsals and whatnot weekly. Could be covered with HSA, but no time for that now. What about these Earasers? **BRENT**
  18. I'm taking Zoe and her friend to the Panic! At The Disco/Weezer concert (while I am attending the Weezer/PATD concert). I want to get some earplugs for everyone. I can handle the Ety ones, but not sure if they could. Are there any good "musician" or "concert" ear plugs you guys recommend? Are the ER-20s still worth getting, or would I want something better? (Zoe and her friend won't use them much, but I could use them at band rehearsal/other concerts, so I could go with something a little more long term.) Oh, and referably something I can get locally or through Amazon, so I can have them here before Thursday's show. Thanks. **BRENT**
  19. Have a good lunch? **BRENT**
  20. I don't enjoy T$ agreeing with me, because it's more amusing when he's wrong, but the seated experience of the Rift has been great. I gave it back to my buddy today and going back to racing without it is going to suck. Chris, just get both. **BRENT**
  21. Wednesday after-work ride with Xavier. https://www.strava.com/activities/603267440 **BRENT**
  22. Didn't get a chance to post pix from last night, but the rift worked perfectly (after about 20 minutes of frustration and driver updates) with Project Cars. That was the most fun I've had playing a video game in ages. The sense of speed was tame relative to real life, but it was definitely immersive and Laguna Seca and Bathurst were incredible going through the tight, twisty drops. My stomach fell out on them. It was a lot of fun with a GTX 970. With a 980ti or 1080, the realism would come back and it would be stupidly good. For racing games, I'd want one. Oh, spent two hours wearing it with no discomfort. Thanks for the game, Chris, Gram, T$, and Stupid Colin. Pix later if someone reminds me. **BRENT**
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