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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Thanks for the condolences, everyone. It's appreciated. **BRENT**
  2. Interesting. The B&N Nook is running Android 1.5, and says it will work with Android apps as well. I know many will be only usable over wifi, but interesting nonetheless. The ability to "loan" books to friends with BB, iPhone/iPod Touch... This is the first of the e-book readers to really pique my interest. **BRENT**
  3. Sorry to hear, doog. BWHAHAHAHA @fitz (get better though) /me woke up to the phone call that my grandmother passed away this morning at age 77. Went in her sleep. That was the last of my grandparents to go, and the second grandmother in the past 4 months. **BRENT**
  4. Seems to work well while cleaning/unpacking winter clothes/rearranging the closet. **BRENT**
  5. I still have to get my flight, but it should be Friday morning/afternoon -> sunday night/monday morning (whatever's cheapest). I'll take some floorspace, SO... or maybe I'll Rock/Paper/Scissors Scott for the bed. **BRENT**
  6. Dont Flash and Drive Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://embed.break.com/1456358@@AMEPARAM@@1456358 **BRENT**
  7. Hey Vicki. This looks cute. I know the normal one is out of stock everywhere (not out yet?), but the one with bluetooth (50$ more) is in stock in a few places. Soundmatters FOXLMB Portable Stereo Loudspeaker with Bluetooth 2.0 in Portable and Desktop Speakers at JR.com That place has it with free shipping, so in essence it comes out to 38$ more for the bluetooth one over other sites. It says it will ship out Monday. If you didn't know, this model (FoxLMB) will let you play music wirelessly from your iPhone. It also has a built in mic so if you get a phone call you can use it as a voice conferencing/speaker phone setup (or even use it that way in your car, if you wanted). Oh! If you decided you would rather go with the lower model (heh, yeah right), then I recommend getting this one, having it for a month, then take use of their return policy to trade out for the non-bluetooth one. You won't do that, but if someone else was thinking about getting the lesser one... there's an option for you. **BRENT**
  8. I listened to universal JH13s at DJ with a Pico w/dac. It's hard to imagine a better transportable rig than that for ~1600$. I'd be happy with it as a home rig. I have HF-2s, HF-1s, iM716s... I'm a Grado junkie, but I'm wanting to sell my matching pair to get JH13s. As Nate so eloquently buzz-killed, they aren't for everyone. Some can't have that much isolation, some are worried they won't like them/no-to-little resale, some may have itchy reactions to material. There are plenty of reasons to not get them (those above, plus a hefty (for many) entrance fee, but like Tyler mentioned portability is something to not be overlooked. Many think that this is a top tier headphone, or at least knocking at the door. There are few headphones that I've come across that are in the same ballpark, and NONE of these would you want/be able to plug into your iPod at the gym, on the train, in the library, at a coffee shop, etc... and sound brilliant. Best reason to get them, however, is no more headphone hair. **BRENT** Edit: P.S. Has anyone tried or asked about the "Ambient Vent" option for 50$? I mean... may as well get the tricked out version, no?
  9. Happy B-Day, V. Why don't you take some of your clients down to the shooting range to celebrate? **BRENT**
  10. OK... I can't let CJ show me up... or SO, or Dash. I gotta work out some logistics, but I'll make it happen. +1 **BRENT**
  11. Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM) Next cheapest on google shopping was 90$, most were 120$+. Philips Prestigo 15-Device Universal Remote $29.99 + $5 shipping Condition:NewProduct: 1 Philips SRU8015/37 Prestigo 15-Device Universal Remote **BRENT**
  12. Folders : Shared folders - Google Docs Help Seemingly new google docs feature... Folders: Shared folders You can create shared folders if you'd like to share a group of related items. To create a folder, first select Folder from the Create new drop-down menu. etc... No need to start a new e-mail addy for it now. **BRENT**
  13. Not to mention that putting R10s over your JH13s would protect your incredibly valuable cans from outside damage. Wouldn't want the 13s to get scratched or anything, would we? Or: -R10s over the 13s could be used for ear-muffs. -They could be used to give you that "headphone-hair" that you'll miss with JH13s. -To the question "are those bass heavy or bass light R10s" you could respond "they're bass perfection... 'cause I gots JH13s under 'em, suckuh." -It adds a few decibels more of isolation, so you can wear them to the shooting range. -People will think you're some weird DJ if you walk around with R10s on... DJ cans are silver or black, right? At least it's the proper company for DJ Cans. -With R10s on, people can not physically encroach on your personal space (from the sides, anyways). Bah... but whatever. We all know that people will go back to R10s and stuff soon enough. JH13s are just FOTM, right? **BRENT**
  14. Oh. Impressions thread. Didn't know about this, sorry R-E. I had these cans in my possession for round 2 of the loaner program. It's been a while since I listened to them (right at a month), so I just want to throw out some brief thoughts. First off, thanks to Ari for the loaner program. It was a good Grado week for me as I got RS-60s 2 days before I got HF-2s. I knew they were in transit and I actually tracked down the mailman down the road as I knew I wasn't going to be home when he delivered. FWIW, he shouldn't have done that. Anyways... First impressions were that they were airy. Very very airy. They were also a little on the thin side. This was with squished but very soft and comfy bowls. I wasn't impressed. FWIW, I've never heard SR-60s but spent many years with SR-80s and even wore them out, had them sent off for repairs and sold when I got my HF-1s. I'm a Grado guy. So since Ari had thrown in a pair of flats I threw those on there (and could do HF-1 w/flats v RS-60 w/flats without swapping pads). It really brought out the good in these frankencans. I'm really thinking the cup/chamber depth changes Grados quite a bit, and deeper cups really helps. The flats made them much more listenable, and they were actually fairly enjoyable with these pads. I don't think the soundstage was WIDER than with the bowls, but I think it was more realistic and IIRC, the soundstage was wider than the HF-1s with flats. They really did sound good. Bass was decent (but all I had to compare them to were HF-1s and HF-2s... it's really not even fair, ya know), but definitely trailed the special edition cans in that area. I can't remember much more about them. They looked cool. Brown leather headband, old style RS-1 housing, comfy, non-stock cable so you won't have friends complaining about the kink. I also wonder what the damping was, and how much it affected the sound. **BRENT**
  15. My almost-7-year-old daughter walked by while that picture was up. She stopped in her tracks and said "wow! that's the coolest!", then asked what it was, and who's it was. Daddy needs one now, no? **BRENT**
  16. Talking about my idea? If so, "blacklight black & yellow" under the custom color list. I really wonder if they have pics of a sample of this color yet. I IMAGINE it would be black (or mostly black) under normal light then show up yellow under blacklight. If it's some yellow/black hybrid normally, would it just not be brownish? Eh... I guess as time gets closer I'll have to shoot off an e-mail asking for samples. As far as photographing it, tripod + high ISO + low shutter speed? **BRENT**
  17. Too bad it's not November 7th or so. Flights out of Chattanooga on 11/6 and return on 11/9 are 19$ each way. **BRENT**
  18. /me is not amused. And it was more like 1.25 hours. Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'll be passing on this one. 200$+ to fly, and screw that car rental nonsense. Though I love that I could get flight + car for 4$ cheaper than the flight alone through Priceline.com
  19. Hey Duggeh... LMK a date you're good for another trip and I'll set up MexiCanJam in the greater Chattanooga area. Hmmm... Chicago, eh? That's on I75, right? **BRENT**
  20. That's what I'm thinking, and as someone once told me "OMGWTFBBQ is good enough" (in reference to the JH13s, of course). I just wonder what happens 3 years down the road when say, an armature comes dislodged, or if something goes wrong in 5 years. Is there a stated or implied warranty? As I've said, I'm all for selling my matching #s HF-1/2 combo to get the JH13s... they fit my needs better than anything else out there right now. I think I'd actually listen more if I had them (as long as I still have time to do that). I hardly use my iPod, even at the gym, but I'm at the computer a good bit. HF-2s are a bit cumbersome to listen to sitting on the couch having to use an adapter straight out of the comp, but IEMs are great. I know some people have said they are better than O2s and I know at least one person who's said they prefer them to R10s as well. Eh... I guess I can look at them not being future proof by saying "for now, I have HF-1 and HF-2. There are (to some) better Grados out there, but they go for 4-7 times as much $$$ and they aren't 4-7 times better. I don't NEED them, just kinda want to hear 'em." JH13s are ridiculous. After listening to them, I heard really good headphones and I thought they sounded "meh" at best afterwards. I still can't believe I'm even considering getting these... I hate seeing this thread bumped... Oh well, I'll probably wind up waiting on the CF carrying case. Also, does anyone know how much spare cables are? Say, one 48" and one 64"? **BRENT** P.S. I'd also miss letting the kids listen when they come up and I'm listening to headphones. Being able to let them listen to something I'm enjoying... well... that's fun. Oh well, that's what PX100s are for, right?
  21. Hey guys... just got an e-mail about this, but sadly it's not coming to my local Rave. FWIW, the e-mail presentation was MUCH fancier than the website. Rave Motion Pictures Jazz at Lincoln Center : Willie Nelson & Wynton Marsalis Thursday, October 15, 8:00PM ALABAMA Montgomery - RMP Festival Plaza 16 ARKANSAS Little Rock - RMP Colonel Glenn 18 CALIFORNIA Brentwood - RDM Brentwood 14 INDIANA Fort Wayne - RMP Jefferson Pointe 18 LOUISIANA Baton Rouge - RMP Mall of Louisiana 15 MICHIGAN Kalamazoo - RMP Cityplace 14 NEBRASKA Omaha - RDM Westroads 14 NEVADA Las Vegas - RDM Town Square 18 OHIO Columbus - RMP Polaris 18 PENNSYLVANIA Center Valley - RMP Promenade 16 TEXAS Fort Worth - RMP Ridgmar 13 Houston - RMP Yorktown 15 **BRENT**
  22. A) true there should be an "undo" option, no? **BRENT**
  23. What about having a Google Doc for it under a Head-Case user name with everyone (or possibly just everyone who wanted it) having the password? [email protected]? I'm sure it's available. It could always be stored/edited/saved there. No way to make it to where someone couldn't just go in and change either someone else's gear or even change the password. Guess it depends on how much people here are trusted. **BRENT**
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