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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. ComScore: Android jumps ahead of iOS in total US smartphone subscribers -- Engadget iOS notification are so abysmal. I don't know how people can stand it. As a device OS, iOS is OK, but very pretty/polished, with some faults. As a phone, however, I can't imaging having to live with it. As far as liking Palm's WebOS more than Android, you'd be happy to know Matias Duarte, the mind behind the interfaces of both WebOS and Sidekick, is now at Google, and he is the driving force behind Android 3.0, aka Honeycomb. Take some time to watch Exclusive interview: Google's Matias Duarte talks Honeycomb, tablets, and the future of Android -- Engadget if you're interested in the designer/philosophy behind 3.0. 26 minutes long, and rather interesting. I think once 3.0 is out, a lot of the people harping on design will be interested in giving Android another shot, or first shot. Well, except for Reks and grawk Jobs. **BRENT**
  2. Happy b-day, ol' chap! **BRENT**
  3. Sure, Mike. Announcement on 11, release on 3rd. **BRENT**
  4. As much as I've thought the iPhone would stay AT&T until next summer, I'm really feeling the Verizon iPhone on Feb 3 vibe. The rumors have felt unfounded til now, to me, but I'd put it at about 80% that this Verizon announcement is the iPhone 4 based CDMA iPhone. I figure this will stay around until 2Q next year when Apple will probably do AT&T/Verizon joint release of the iPhone 6, as an LTE phone. **BRENT**
  5. The iPad has 256MB ram vs 512 on the iPhone, it IS slower. What do you want to do with it, and how much do you value uber portability vs ultra-portability (11.6 v 13.3 respectively). Also, I know you're into movies, and I believe the 11.6" is the only 16:9 MacBook out right now. The pixel density of the screen is fantastic (1366x768). For many things, 4GB of ram with the 11.6 will be fine. If you wanted to throw out a couple hundred more, you could step up to the 1.6 with 128GB SSD (of sorts) with 4GB ram. Go play with your Mom's MBA. If it feels sluggish, then the 1.4 will annoy you. It really just depends on what you want to use it for. Also, get the new one, don't go for the one you linked. If this is something that you want to just take with you from place to place, surf HC and maybe play a little music, go for it. You have other machines to do heavy lifting. I was even considering it for a main machine (I don't do that much heavy lifting, processor wise, I'm more of a ram hog)... Also, buy another S95 while you're at it. Just because. **BRENT**
  6. HP-1000s belong in TN, not Portugal. I like Grados, but I don't really like HD800s for the most part. I believe Jim mentioned O2s and a BHSE? He's a wise man. If he didn't mention that and I just made it up, imagine I said it, as I, too, am a wise man. **BRENT**
  7. 929$ for a refurb 11.6 with 4GB ram as of this morning. Dew eet. **BRENT**
  8. You stay safe too, V! Happy Holidaze. Say hi to Jeff if he's in town. **BRENT**
  9. Memo to self: Pay no attention to movie critic Mikhail... (I saw bits and pieces of this conversation via e-mail updates... had wondered what you were talking about. Dissappointing, Mike, dissappointing.) **BRENT**
  10. I don't understand why my kids are bad losers... [walksoffmuttering] razzle frazzle shelly razzle grrrrrrr [/walksoffmuttering] Congrats Shelly. Kick Jeff's ass. You WERE leading the league for most of the season, so I guess it's fitting that you're there, but the end of last week's game was just nerve racking when I saw the tied results. Also, I basically credit you to how much fun I had with this league, for had you not made me set up my team (For the first time) to not play 4 bye players, I probably would have been as bad off as Nate! <wink wink nudge nudge> Had a blast, put me down for next year. Texan vs Texan... (and, well, I'm a Texan too, sort of. What's your problem, DP? Texas, man... yeah!) Should be a good fight. **BRENT**
  11. It will have to have more ram. It's ridiculous that the 1G iPad only has 256 while the iP4 has 512. I figure it'll get bumped up to match iP4 specs ram wise, but I'm almost expecting the processor will stay the same. It's POSSIBLE it'll get bumped up to 1.2 or so, but I'm figuring that would probably mess with power consumption, so unless they made the A4 more efficient, by quite a bit, I'd say it'll stick to the 1GHz, and maybe save the next gen A4 for 3G iPad. As far as the Galaxy Tab goes, I'm bummed it doesn't have a phone (out of the box). Looking through Geneapalooza pix, I think that the 7" Tab up against my head would look like a Galaxy S up against Justin's head. Jesus, I have a huge head. **BRENT**
  12. I think the iPad resolution and size will stay for one more generation, if not two. Right now you're looking at 3 iOS resolutions. The iPad 2 will keep the same resolution as the first iPad. 1024x768 for iPad will stay around for at least 2nd gen, and probably 3rd. I figure the iPad will stay in the 4:3 ratio that it's at now, as I doubt Jobs will want to deal with the "resolution fragmentation" issues of Android, as from my understanding, it's not built to scale like Android is. I'm actually kind of surprised Jobs didn't go with a slightly smaller tablet and go with the 3:2 960x640 resolution of the iPhone 4. Pixel density would probably be close to the 9.7" iPad were it say, an inch smaller, but he didn't. As far as the 480x320 resolution of the 3GS and earlier, yeah, it was looking quite dated up against the 854x480 on a screen barely larger. But for now, Apple is leading the pack resolutoin wise. I'm wondering if iP5 or iP6 will herald a bump in screen size to 3.7/3.8/4.0 (Jobs will NEVER go over 4", though, as 4" really is a fantastic size. Go play with a Galaxy S phone and come back and bitch about how Android isn't as Apple as iOS, but you'll at least see how nice the screen size is. Except Dan, as he's 3.5" forever, until Steve tells him differently.) 3.5" is now relegated to low and mid-level Android phones, and as people did with the 480x320 res, they're starting to notice. Samsung is close to hitting their 10 million unit goal with the Galaxy S, so it's pretty safe to say that you know someone with a 4" phone now. The Galaxy Tab seems to be reasonably successful at 7". There is definitely a market there, and I'm sure Jobs will capitalize on it when he's ready, but that will be 2012 at the earliest. I'm still thinking the 7" and 10" iPads would be at the same resolution, but I'm wondering if they're going to go "Retina Display" with it, and what that would be. The current iPad is 91PPI, iirc. I'm not sure if the tech exists (at current price points) to bring dual cameras (a lock for iP2, it has to be) and a screen/chip combo that will output say, a ~200PPI image while still keeping the impressive battery life they do. I'm really interested in seeing what they can do with this... **BRENT**
  13. The Duck Tacos @ Red Mesa were better... **BRENT**
  14. Heh... OK, so maybe I did say Gray at some point. I don't need two gray shirts, so how about one gray and one blue. (I was thinking it was someone else who mentioned Gray shirts, heh, FWIW, I posted that last Tuesday. I only remember about an hour out of last Tuesday. I was so incredibly sick I don't remember it happening, and don't necessarily remember typing that/ordering shirts.) **BRENT**
  15. Did I mention this was depressing? First loss in what, 7-8 weeks, and it was the second biggest game? WTF happened to me beating Jeff FTW? I had already ordered a mantle to place the trophy on. I'm sad. Here's to hoping for Chicago Domination tomorrow night. Cutler for 80, anyone? Anyone? **BRENT**
  16. New iMac and MacBook Pros coming in 2011? -- Engadget No one has commented on this yet today? Dan, you know what the weather will be, surely you know what the new 13" (or 12"/14") MBP will be? LMK. **BRENT**
  17. Grrr... Seriously guys, I need to get to the finals just so I can beat Jeff. Tis my one and only desire for the upcoming Jesusmas season! That is all. **BRENT**
  18. XL in both (I need a little variety other than "black" or "gray" in my shirt selection.) **BRENT** Edit: In retrospect, one XL of each in "black" or "gray" if you have it, thx.
  19. Grrrr... When I was able to do more than roll over (around 4am) I checked and it had -- for two of your people. I was happy. NOW I wish I would have played McNabb for 19 more points. This is ridiculous! A TIE!?!?!? Grrrr... Re: type of bronchitis, they didn't say. No bloodwork, just talked, listened to breathing, gave me scripts. I had been much sicker 11 hours before, so it didn't seem as bad to them at the time, even though I was still feeling miserable. **BRENT**
  20. Well, I guess it's about time for me to post my pix. I finally got well enough to hop on the computer and throw these up. Let's see if it'll let me post 'em all. Ari and fuzzy Shelly at Mazzario's, this moments after I touched down. A big tree while we were walking around in St. Pete These people, undoubtedly, called their friends to say "I'm on a boat, mother (shut yo mouth)!" Ari, as Wayne -apalooza Walking like an Egyptian Peaceful garden @ the Vanoy hotel (where a friend of mine, it turns out, works) You don't wanna know... Chihuly chandelier in the Grand Ballroom at the Vanoy Trying to make Al more attractive Raffy doin' what he does Ari, Scott and Nebby at CCB Fitz, Ken and the rest of Ari Colin has a tall head Al with only a slightly fuzzy Shelly this time My Chateaubriand from Bern's http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QOdWqEy_gZo/TQd-joRqDhI/AAAAAAAABFU/U3rXOBp_z60/IMG_6259.JPG Jeff contemplating a redecoration of his home... These need to be upside down and full, but I dug the shot I took this picture while looking through a chain link fence Tiffany light flanked by drop ceiling in the original dining area of Bern's Macallan flight - 12/18/21 Bananas foster, just before conception Bananas foster, just before consumption I <3 Alex and his traveling Grado Museum (with a special guest appearance from Al's PS-1s and my RS-1s The front end for our dynamic rigs, along with my Aripower Audio Aero Prima DAC -> Balancing Act -> PS-1 -> Screaming Oranges I want one... My vote for budget rig of the meet (we're so jaded, aren't we?) For DannyB The Queen and her loyal subjects Was this the 3rd meet room? NIKONGOD with a CANON S90 - (He used his nikon powers to make it a little out of focus, I don't know how. He's good.) Caption contest photo entry: Vicki's gift from her gift exchange partner (from an obviously better photographer) View from one of the rooms This is how the world looks after an Ostrich burger with pepper jack and applewood smoked bacon (aka awesome (though seems some of the other burgers were so-so)) My friend Kim (well, my OTHER friend Kim) Little place we went Saturday night Postgame Seriously, guys? This is a HORRIBLE job of setup After one (three?) too many This was the crowd around 3:30am, blowing off finals steam. This gets the nod for the 2nd least favorite place to eat of the weekend, right behind the hotel breakfast. I hate when people wear headphones backwards. Wait, what's that, you mean Sennheiser DESIGNED them that way? Carl with his portable rig and some Grados... while sitting next to an Exemplar 2900 -> BHSE -> O2s Da boys A boy and his (new) toys Mmmmmm... menu with food I SWEAR I didn't see "Quesadillas" on there til I looked at the picture. SO would have gone for a duck one Some kind of bean dip/guac/queso Sangrias all around! (Just imagine there were 5 of them) Colin with a fancy background Alex drinking a beverage I can't pronounce he went nuts over and had to call someone to tell them about it, then he started speaking in tongues, and I just zoned out a bit... Duck tacos Whatever-justin-had tacos My duck tacos with the red chili jelly on the side (wasn't sure about it). Turns out it was soooooo deliciously tasty I just wanted to drink it Something filet, or filet something deal... "make your own taco" kit, enough for us all Alex's shrimp and duck tacos Some pictures from the Red Mesa Cantina (where Toole, SO, Justin, my OTHER friend Kim (who shows up as the "who is the chick who isn't Vicki or Shelly" in the Bern's pics from earlier) and myself dined Sunday night) After starting to feel ill, this is how things started to look for me (if you look in the center, you will notice a face on the back of that vehicle. I think it could be Jesus, or John Lennon. Or maybe Jesus Lennon, perhaps? Gingers will rape your bottles and drink your women... or something like that. IDK, I was pretty out of it by then, going by the time stamp. Actually, I'm pretty out of it now (remembers to take lots of prescription drugs). Wing/emergency exit seat. Last one with the extra legroom. Thanks for the heads up, Grahame. I touched down to this. Some of you see this as a light dusting. Grawk sees it as summer. Chattanooga shut down schools yesterday, hour delay today. Some local schools were out today as well, with one surrounding county out until at LEAST Thursday... I had a blast, guys. I got to see a bunch of old HCers I already knew/had met, meet some I had only dealt with online, and even ran into some Kims from my past. A ton of great food, lots of hanging out, and even a little music. I'm rather grateful to be a part of this community, it really is amazing the connections we've made over just one little hobby that is just a part of each of our lives. I can't wait to do it again. Now I'm going back to bed to shake this bronchitis thing. Stay safe, Tampa. **BRENT**
  21. How did it turn out? I haven't been on comp since Friday morning. I am pretty sick (diagnosed bronchitis a couple hours after getting off plane). I came home to two puking kids, one with a fever about 2 degrees higher than mine. Being a single dad at times like this really blows. I think you may have had the right idea, Shelly. What was our final score? Not sure when I'll get to comp next. I just got an email reminder on phone, and it was sounding dire for me. Am I to be behind, however, I'll leave you with one passing thought. "I'll get you next time. Gadget... Next time!" **BRENT**
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