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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. UPDATE: I've gotten word that the producer of AXPONA, Steve Davis, has set aside a large exhibit area in one of the ballrooms at AXPONA for headphone enthusiasts to set up systems to display our hobby. This area will be free to us. Please contact Steve at 1-877-246-3892 or [email protected]. Is there anyone here interested? **BRENT**
  2. Paging Mike, Dinny, Al, etc... http://dealmac.com/Panasonic-VIERA-50-1080-p-THX-3-D-Plasma-HDTV-for-887-free-shipping/437411.html I know Scott posted something similar to this a few weeks ago, and there was interest. Should be a great set even at hundreds more. **BRENT**
  3. @Tyll Try DoubleTwist or WinAmp for media. Try to keep an eye out for the PlayOn app for Netflix and Hulu. I don't think it's out yet, but Engadget had something on it recently. Each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, and you have very good examples of each. **BRENT**
  4. Nate is correct re: email. No one has gotten a confirmation afaik. Mine was just sitting in my doorway, no sig required. I noticed mine was a little slow today. I started Alt+tabbing and realized it had opened 2 (initially) mirrored windows with about twenty tabs each. I had been using over a gig of the 2 gigs of ram, and that seemed a bit high. When I checked the memory manager in Chrome (Shift+Tab, then "Stats for Nerds"), I noticed multiple instances of webpages. Just a glitch I need to report; you know, to earn my keep. Wound up running into an old geek friend of a friend yesterday in Best Buy. He kinda geeked out a bit at it. Loved the soft-touch coating, construction, size, weight. He asked if they were going into production. One more thing... Youtube works pretty well, but Hulu is choppy. Supposedly Flash 10.2 adds hardware acceleration for Linux, which really smoothes out the video there. Some people have it, others don't. I'm in the latter camp so far, but believe I can get into the Dev mode and accelerate that process. I love this thing. **BRENT**
  5. From Ultimate Ear's Twitter page: Celebrating #EMI_UEgrammyparty! 35%off @ultimateears Univ. Fit Earphones.Code UEGRAMMY11 -while supplies last,ends2/14 http://cot.ag/begmQZ 35% off UE Universal Fit... **BRENT**
  6. Today I got about 230 e-mails from [email protected]. If you also got these e-mails, and do NOT have a CR-48, you need to be watching your door for the next couple of days. If you get these, it is for people who applied and were accepted into the Pilot Program. It is a group that every user was signed up for, but was private until someone found it. It was set up wrong, and all of these e-mails went out around 3am this morning. I hope some of you got them. **BRENT**
  7. Hey guys, I've been contacted by the President of the Audio-Video Club of Atlanta seeking area "Can Heads" to get involved with the show, which is April 14-17, 2011. Fitz, tomb, Tom_Hankins, Purk... You guys get in touch with me if interested and I'll let you know who to talk to to find out more. Is there anyone else around who may be interested? Trav? http://www.axpona.com/ I hope to find out soon if maybe there would be some need/desire for some MOTs there as well. If anyone knows of a HF'er who's local who isn't on HC, let me know that as well, thanks. **BRENT**
  8. I concur re:nice machine. Engadget posted something cool today: http://m.engadget.com/default/article.do?artUrl=http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/05/googles-cr-48-now-surfing-on-atandts-gsm-network-after-a-gentle/&category=classic&postPage=1
  9. App-wise, I found the NYTimes app which caches locally the stories, and some of the pictures. It also allows a customizable view for about 5 different layout options. So far, this will be the best app for me during connection-free moments (of which I have too much of). @Whale - Google: chrome os IDE or IDE web app... if you find something, LMK. This should run HTML5 and Flash web-apps, but I know that there is an offline-mode built into HTML5... see if you can find something that will work for your purposes. **BRENT**
  10. Hmmm... tough call. s///'s / That should do the trick. **BRENT**
  11. There are off-line capable web-apps (think HTML 5) that you can download. I'm going to spend more time when I can find it playing around with it, but for now, I need internet. What do you want to do for work? Specs are N450 Atom/2GB RAM/16GB SSD. This would make a SIIIIIIICK hackintosh. Some people have OSX on it already. There is a "dev switch" one can cut on to allow for all sorts of fun. Now... when you guys apply, you're fighting with thousands of others. If you do a 140 character message, really work on it. Mine was pretty fantastic, and I got one. I'm just sayin'. **BRENT**
  12. It is at a Best Buy. Took it in to get a sleeve, wound up with an incase Nylon Sling for a 13" MBP. Go figure. I know 2 people that work Geek Squad here, and they all geeked out over it (4 geeks and an Apple specialist). Showed it to a buddy who is into Macs. He has a 13" MBP. He says the keyboard is a little more rubbery, a little less clicky than the MBP. I believe initial impressions from him were quite favorable regarding that. Google Docs accounts (or is it Google Apps accounts?) Can't log in at the main screen, as far as we can tell. It's incredibly sexy. **BRENT**
  13. So I get home from the gym last Friday to find a brown box on my doorstep. It was odd, as a Mexican hadn't stolen it yet, but I digress. I wasn't expecting anything, but I opened it up and lo and behold, a box of awesomeness. I even got the new stickers! Anyways... I really like a lot about this thing. The size is just about perfect, the build quality is very good. For a daily carry machine, I love it, but there is a bit lacking, as of now. I have a lot more playing to do, but for now, I post a pic for Jeff's sake. No review yet, as I've been rather busy as of late, but I wanted to throw this out there saying that "one of us has one." If you want to know anything or have any questions about this machine/OS, LMK and I'll see what I can do/play with. Hopefully there will be some more of you guys get one soon! Oh, mine took right at 5 weeks to arrive, and there was no notification that I was going to get it, it just showed up. **BRENT**
  14. Re: "Waiting to hear from Google about CR-48" - stop waiting, and start checking your doorstep. I got NO heads up about this, it just showed up. It was a pleasant surprise. And yes, I DO have better pictures... but my cam takes compact flash, and it won't read my reader. Heh. Even Xavier's dSLR using CF. (It has a built-in SD reader, which is cool). As far as playing music, it plays MP3s just fine... though right now, I'm dropping them in DropBox and streaming. Heh. FLAC and ALAC are no goes for now... gotta work on it. **BRENT**
  15. Well, I didn't really "buy" it, but I got it, and I <3 it so far. It's sexy as hell. It's a CR-48. 39% of you will know what that is. Better pix later, maybe. **BRENT**
  16. Re: biscuits -- I hate you all. Mmmmm.... biscuits. I need a new EDC bag, and some new things to fill it with. Gotta keep an eye on this thread again... **BRENT**
  17. I didn't buy them, but got 'em as a gift. I've been wanting some for a long time. Mmmmmm... casual day at work tomorrow = fivefingers day at work tomorrow. **BRENT**
  18. Tapatalk should still work. @Tkam, is the auto-tweeting of new threads something that will carry over? (It's how I noticed this thread)
  19. IPB-fi just doesn't have the same ring as Huddler-fi, Todd... Can't wait to see the new native chat app! **BRENT**
  20. Have you used a 4" phone? I know you don't have a lot of coworkers with different things around, so doubt you have gotten your hands on one to play with for any reasonable amount of time. There are MANY people who believe 4" to be the sweet spot for phones. 4.3" is a bit large, but manageable by many (I know/have met quite a few petite ladies with an HD2, Droid X, or Evo 4G). I USED to think the screen on the iPhone was too big. In 2007. Now I think it's too small for the form factor. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your opinion. **BRENT**
  21. I concur, though I concede that Apple is ahead of Android on a few fronts. I honestly believe that the iPhone 6 with iOS 6 will be worth having as an only device... but that's a year and a half out. As far as hardware, I think the iPhone is solid in what it wants to do, but it has GOT to go up to 3.7-4.0 inches with the iP5. Sure, it's an iPhone, and a lot of people will want it, but when they see it next to a DROID with a 4.3" screen in a Verizon store... well, some people will take note. Ask a woman (or Steve)... size matters. Do NOT get a Pre, or a Pre 2. First off, that's WebOS, which is a great OS on lackluster hardware. HP Palm (or whatever it's called) is working on some new hardware, probably both keyboarded and touchscreen only, so if you want it, wait. For Android, pick a carrier and wait for whatever you like coming out of CES and MWC (last week and next month, respectively) and go with that. Right now it's only on tablets, but watch the video in the post I linked to above. You'll get that H-Comb is coming to phones as well (though I imagine, as counter-intuitive to Apple fanbois as can be (and you ARE fanbois in this thread), it will be tablet first, then phone. I'm not quite sure how it is going to scale, but it is designed to. HC is Android 3.0. Chrome OS is separate from Android (currently, though I see the possibility for convergence in the future). Chrome OS isn't designed for tablets, or touch in general (though there may be a touch component built in some where). Chrome OS is more, in it's current iteration, for netbook/notebook usage. See above. That was early impressions, as was the thought that HC REQUIRED a dual core processor. It doesn't. **BRENT**
  22. Honeycomb is out in 2-3 months. Apple seems to move at a glacial pace doing software progression, at least for larger items. They DO do it well, when they do it, usually. There is no way Apple will catch up with Duarte and 3.0 in a similar timeframe. **BRENT**
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