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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. @V That really sucks, but as others said, at least your friend/the offspring was OK. @Crap That blows, man. Sorry to hear. I'm sure the paperwork thing can bet taken care of. Cars can be fixed. I'll talk to Fitz about charging the porn to your card, man. That wasn't cool. **BRENT**
  2. Just felt the need to quote this... **BRENT**
  3. So Apple just killed it today, iOS wise. This just destroyed one of two things RIM had going for it; BBM and a hardware keyboard. I feel sorry for the folks in Waterloo today. The simple fact that it goes beyond the iPhone to other iOS devices is HUGE. Notifications seem they'll finally be up to par with everyone else. This was a huge problem with iOS on the iPhone since the beginning, and it looks like it will be a well executed implementation. There was quite a bit of other stuff mentioned that I can't even remember, but I was watching two live streams while it was going on and I was rather impressed with a lot of it. A year ago I didn't think they'd get to this point til iOS 6. **BRENT**
  4. This where we have wwdc predictions? One more thing = T-Mobile iPhone **BRENT**
  5. Original Samsung Galaxy Tab. 7", small, runs on the phone OS. You should be able to find a deal. IDK anyone with them, but I'd look to see how that screen does. I think the latest update to Google Maps 5.5 does caching of maps. I'm too tired to look into it/remember properly, but remind me later and I'll look into it. You know, if you don't know how to use Google. **BRENT**
  6. Did anyone post this one yet, Dusty? **BRENT**
  7. Softbox Pro for iPad is free right now. Looks like a neat little program for photographers. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/softbox-pro-for-ipad/id415056105?mt=8 **BRENT**
  8. Do you like free? Do you like Radiohead (or Thom Yorke, specifically)? Do you like covers? If so, take a journey over to DealMac and czech this out. You have to download each song individually... but it's better than paying for it on iTunes or Amazon, no? Free Radiohead Cover Album Also, Zagg is having a site-wide 2-day sale on their warez starting tomorrow. I figure the Zaggmate iPad keyboard/case thing may be of interest to some at the ~50$ mark. **BRENT**
  9. Thanks for all the HBD wishes guys and gals. I really appreciate it. Had I not had a couple plates of chicken nachos earlier (corn chips + flour chips... flour won), I'd be salivating over some biscuits right now. Instead, I shall refrain til the 'morrow. Now I'm off to drink my metamucil and take my Centrum Silver... gotta get up for the early-bird special in 3.5 hours. <shuffles off slowly gripping a walker with tennis balls on the feet> **BRENT**
  10. Some SlickDeals Nikon lens deals... think they might be pretty good, but I'm not the expert here. http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/51639/best-buy-nikon-lens-sale-afs-dx-35mm-f1.8-155-1755mm-f2.8g-edif-afs-dx-1191-85mm-af-f1.4d-if-1224-70300mm-f4.55.6g-edif-afs-vr **BRENT**
  11. So Best Buy has some seemingly good deals on some Canon gear right now. http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/51623/best-buy-canon-eos-rebel-dslr-cameras-5d-mark-ii-21.1mp-2124-t2i-efs-1855mm-f3.55.6-is-672-t3i-18mp-w-efs-18135mm-f3.55.6-is-756-7d-18mp-w-28135mm-f3.55.6-is-1595 Canon EOS Rebel DSLR Cameras: 5D Mark II 21.1MP $2124, T2i EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS $672, T3i 18MP w/ EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS $756, 7D 18MP w/ 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS $1595 + Free Shipping I checked BH Photo, and it's showing "Out Of Stock" and says no availability from the the manufacturer. This mean the Mk3 should be dropping soon, or is there just some promotion going on/low supply due to natural disasters? **BRENT**
  12. This must mean you're the same person... **BRENT**
  13. I told you people don't want people with shorts taking pictures of them... **BRENT**
  14. Awesome, Nate. Shall I recommend "ThanksKilling" as your inaugural viewing? **BRENT**
  15. Czech it: http://lifehacker.com/5801720/how-to-install-netflix-on-almost-any-android-device **BRENT**
  16. Scott got it working. Is yours still rooted? I think it wasn't working on rooted, but someone found a workaround. Let us know. **BRENT**
  17. Uhmmm.... maybe? I tried to download earlier today, it said "1-5 downloads". Now it's 10,000-50,000. Oh well, I tried. I'm pretty sure you can get a full 2 hour movie on a charge, but I don't know how much battery you'd have left. **BRENT**
  18. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.netflix.mediaclient Doesn't work for all Android phones yet, but some HTC work and the Nexus S works. **BRENT**
  19. Call up the store and see if they have the phone still. If they do, just social engineer your way into you seeing it again to wipe. I'm sure it happens quite a bit. Did you have a passcode or unlock "drawing" set up? If so, I'm sure they will wipe it without the possibility of even seeing anything of yours. I'd recommend setting up an unlock pattern for your phones. I can't stand the thought of someone getting into mine. **BRENT**
  20. Hey... look at that. There was another page. Peter Rojas from gdgt (co-founder of Gizmodo and Engadget) has installed it on his Nexus S. Said it took a couple of tries, but it works. So... what kind of Quadrant scores are you gettin' with that puppy? **BRENT**
  21. No guarantees, but I never used mine. It MAY be associated with the e-mail address. If so, just sign up and wait, but I'll see if I can dig around to invite someone, but haven't seen it so far. Shelly, check your PM in a minute. **BRENT**
  22. Catching up with this thread, I guess I better throw some stuff out that I've picked up over the past month and change... Heady Nuggs - Flaming Lips - vinyl Medium Rare - Foo Fighters - vinyl T-Mobile G2x 4 - Head-Case Glencairns 1 - Head-Case Geneapalooza shirt (Blue) 1 - Head-Case Travel Team Small Aviator Elijah Craig 18 - (which, after those two glasses were poured, it was stolen from buddy's place ) Black Swan Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Download (now 77$ on Amazon... really? Really?) Oh, and the Stax Audio - The Warsaw Baroque Soloists - Concerto Avenna **BRENT**
  23. Very nice phone. It's also stock Android, and the "flagship" right now for Google. Good choice. Go do this tomorrow. Some people like the customizations. I weep for those people. I picked up a G2x recently. Mmmmmm... dual core goodness. It's not perfect, but it's the first smartphone I've ever had that is good enough to be my only phone... and I'm RIDICULOUSLY picky about my phones. **BRENT**
  24. Supposedly really good, but not necessarily pretty, wine app. I figured you kids should know about it. http://cor.kz/ **BRENT**
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