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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Oh man, I can't believe I forgot to post that link. As I said elsewhere, the thisismynext guys are the tech news people I trust the most. I'm kind of surprised about the quadrupling of pixels. I know it's possible, but I have a feeling it'll be pretty pricey. Maybe 200$ more? Thoughts? **BRENT**
  2. I disagree. I see market share as being more valuable to everyone in this except for Apple. Google: Google doesn't make money from Android. Google doesn't sell phones, for the most part. It's not in the business of selling phones. It's in the business of advertising, and the fruits thereof. It is in the business of people using search. There are 500,000+ activations daily at this point. 500,000+ devices using Google services daily. Google is is making plenty of money. Samsung, HTC, Motorola: These guys make money from selling hardware. They want to people to pick theirs over the other guy, so they make skins on top of Android to differentiate. These are the guys who are causing fragmentation. They are also making a ton of money. The Droid and subsequent phones saved Motorola from what was looking to be an inevitable demise. Carriers: Ask them if market share doesn't matter. Especially T-Mobile and Sprint. They don't have the iPhone at this point, they have Android. Guess what? They, too, make a ton of money off of Android. Know why? Smartphones have blown up in the past couple of years. More and more people are buying them and using them. EACH of these customers is spending $15, $20, $30 or more per month. Verizon and AT&T have both Android and iPhone options. These companies are making a ton of money off each customer, no matter which phone they go with. AT&T probably could have made MORE money had they not seemingly been putting Android on the backburner to trumpet the iPhone, but they still made money. Head-Case: This isn't a headphone forum anymore, this is a place for friends to hang out and talk about whatever, headphones included. And for people to be run off. And for people to do their best krmathis impersonation. I believe the place you're thinking about is "Head-Fi." **BRENT**
  3. No. I'm talking about dominating market share. 38.1% vs iOS' 26.6% vs RIM's 24.7%. Via comScore **BRENT**
  4. @Nate... I think you made the right call, for now. I don't necessarily think it will be as soon as 6, or maybe even 12 months, before Android does what it's done with smartphones. I think Honeycomb was rushed out. I've not necessarily been a fan of it, sadly. I still find my first gen iPad more usable than the dual core Tegra2 tablet I've spent time with. Matias Duarte was brought on by Google shortly before 3.0 was launched. Duarte was the guy who was behind Palm's WebOS design, and most people find that to be very intuitive, and very good. He didn't have much time to work with 3.0, but he's leading up the Ice Cream Sandwich team. ICS will bring smartphone and tablet UIs together, which will be needed before widespread adoption, IMO. I don't think Android tablets will catch up with the iPad for a while until they change quite a few things. Distribution, for one. If they are charging the same price as the iPad, but on a two year contract, it's a mistake. The contract has to go. Enjoy your new toy. **BRENT**
  5. Done and done! **BRENT**
  6. Very nice. I'm a big fan of vanilla Android over HTC Sense. Sense just seems too heavy for me these days. Back in the early days of Android, it was a value add. These days... not so much. Did you not have the widget to cut 4G on and off on the Thunderbolt when it was with Sense? **BRENT**
  7. Flaming Lips SomethingOrOtherUberLimitedEditionVinyl I need a bloody turntable. **BRENT**
  8. Happy birthday, ol' chap. **BRENT**
  9. Red Line Compressor Collection Black IP Case 100M Water Resistant Black Rubber Strap Men's Watch 18000-01-BB I kinda like this for 59$. Actually, I REALLY like this for 59$. Anyone familiar with the brand? **BRENT**
  10. FYI... once you start giving Mike money in return for things... it's a slippery slope. Just be careful with it, Marc. You'll wind up just quoting his posts from here about 2 weeks later and saying "+1" or "^ this". Actually, it's not a bad way to live. It's like having a cheap personal shopper. Screw it... go for it. **BRENT**
  11. @Bryan Fan-bloody-tastic news! Congrats! @Al Looks like a fantastic trip, my good man. Me: I got an e-mail from my supervisor saying he needed to talk with me. I made a small mistake (along with some others) and were called out on it in a small group yesterday. I spoke up, as it is an error which could have not been our fault. I was repeatedly told that it wasn't what I was thinking. (After we departed, I was sent data backing up their story). I figured it was something regarding that. I locked my screen and went to have a little chat. I was then, due to my productivity in recent months, given a 10% raise. **BRENT**
  12. He was birthed? Always figured hatched. Hmmm... Either way, have a good one! **BRENT**
  13. Lucky CNT Sweet little old Asian lady who sits near me at work. Barely speaks English. Yes, her CR-V has a huge dent down more than half of the passenger side. **BRENT**
  14. You mean OG Droid X? HC = HoneyComb, which means he prolly has some cool tablet that I missed at some point running HC... maybe a Nook Color? **BRENT**
  15. FWIW, smith came into the chat. I don't think he enjoyed me calling him a n00b. FWIW @ smith... you're a n00b. Doesn't HAVE to be a bad thing. What kind of gear you got? Or, more importantly, what kind of whisk(e)y do you enjoy on a nightly basis? FWIW, it should be from Scotland or Kentucky. **BRENT**
  16. Hi n00b, Please read the welcome PM which is in a few places around here. G'luck. Why did you get banned, again? Pix or it didn't happen. **BRENT**
  17. Happy Father's Day to all you other dads out there. Xavier lost his first tooth today, so it's also Tooth Fairy day here! @Mike. Awesome! More time for gear now, right? **BRENT**
  18. I think I've had this on pre-order for a couple of months. I may have even pre-bought it at 7$ or so. Sammy L. doing it is amazing. **BRENT**
  19. Honey badger don't give a fuck about biscuits... **BRENT**
  20. Casio CDP-100. Got a great deal on something that was on my "medium list" to replace the upright piano that my dad bought me before he passed away, which was destroyed in a fire last weekend. The kids and I have already spent time tonight playing around a bit. I think this is going to be fun. **BRENT**
  21. Was messing around at 3am, decided to play with B&W a little. Thoughts? **BRENT**
  22. 7:30am yesterday - woke up 7:31am - 8:50pm yesterday - blah blah blah 8:51pm - 12:29am - met up with old friend to go to a local music festival to see The Beach Boys (With John Stamos) 12:30am - 2am - hang out with friend for a drink and some fried pickles 2am - 5:30am - hang out, then decide to go eat breakfast 5:30am to 6:30am - drove around until Bojangles opened 6:40am - ^ this 7:30ish -got home 7:57am Had an awesome night... **BRENT**
  23. Just saw the Beach Boys. Hold the Brian Wilson... throw in a healthy helping of John Stamos. **BRENT**
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