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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. We'll see who's ing in a few months, my fiend... we'll see... **BRENT**
  2. Man... this sounds fantastic. Since it's over a year away, I'll optimistically hope to be in, but it'll be a big "maybe" for me. FWIW, vinegar based BBQ is a shame... brisket FTMFW! **BRENT**
  3. I already have my top two kicker choices... sorry, n8. Are we even in the same league? **BRENT**
  4. I picked my team on a fresh dose of morphine. Who was my first round draft again? (BTW, I was on the road when the draft started... luckily I brought my Chromebook with built-in VZW 3G. I probably used most of my month's allowance on the draft, but whatever. I was able to sign in with about 41 seconds left in my first pick.) When do I play you first, Jeff? I can't wait. **BRENT**
  5. Al, I'm going to sell all my morphine and fly out there, in pain, and kick your ass! **BRENT**
  6. You bastards better not get my kicker! **BRENT**
  7. I went for a follow up with my PCP yesterday, who got me in two weeks early for a follow up with my surgeon today. I'm doing great, I got my stitches out, and I have been released to go to work next week. I was worried about my pain meds, and not sleeping, so I got put on Lortabs + Ambien + a muscle relaxer to take me off the harder stuff (oxys and morphine) that I've been on to date. I still have some areas which are numb to some degree, but all but one area continues to show noticeable improvement daily. Now I get to fight with my employer and the Short Term Disability provider about getting approved for the couple weeks I probably won't get paid for. It seems I didn't qualify by about 24 days (went corporate from temp on Sept 8th, surgery was sometime mid-August). Grrrr... Can't wait to get better so I can get back to drinking again! **BRENT**
  8. So pretty much what I did last year, right? **BRENT**
  9. Ok, can someone give me a head's up? I haven't worked in over two weeks, I didn't even know we were in the August 2xs yet. Stupid morphine. **BRENT**
  10. It's tough weaning off these meds... I find myself wanting to reach for the morphine, especially. Took it last night, but I'm going to give it a shot today of going without it. I have a follow up with my PCP tomorrow, but if I didn't mention, it's still over 2 weeks before I see the surgeon again, even though initially he wanted to see me after 2 weeks. The feeling continues to return, slowly, but now my feet are numb and tingly to some respect. Still worrisome. No comment. **BRENT**
  11. So I've been trying to ween myself off of pain pills... at least cut back a lot. This time last week it was 2x 15mg ext release morphine, 1-2 7.5/325 percosets every 4-6 hours, with the same instructions for 2mg valiums. I've cut out the valium (about out of them anyways), and down to about 3 percs a day. I tried last night to skip the morphine (was suspecting it was adding to my sleeping troubles), and then I kinda realized how much pain I'm in. That sucked. Took another perc, grabbed a 3 hour nap, and got up around 8:30. Think I'm going to try taking the morphine tonight and not take it in the morning, just the percs. Being adopted, I don't know if addiction problems run in my family, but it does all around me, so I'm trying to tip-toe around it. At least I'm starting to get feeling back in the lower half of my body (to some degree). That's a comfort. Had some friends take me out to eat... first time I've ventured out without my walker. Good times, good times. **BRENT**
  12. I don't even think about taxis around here. I've seen maybe, 8-10 here, period. Mostly from airport to hotel. Worst case, I'll set something up to run it by on Monday. I didn't get the paperwork til yesterday anyways. I may be in good enough shape to borrow a car by then and drive myself. **BRENT**
  13. I've been asking around for a ride to the doctor's office to get my FMLA paperwork filled out and sent off. No one can help today. This has got to happen to see if my Short Term Disability will go through or not. FUUUUUUUUUU. Frustrating as hell. Even if I COULD drive, my car has been dead a month. Why can't these people just e-mail PDFs and fill out electronically? What do they think this is, the 90s? **BRENT**
  14. Aren't the ads only on start up and shut down? I've actually seen some of the ads be pretty nice deals on things that people actually want. I hear they aren't really intrusive at all, would just possibly lead to spending more $$$ buying things that come up for sale. Just get the one with ads. If she says something, say "dammit! they sent the wrong one! Want to return it for the non-ad one?" **BRENT**
  15. http://www.amazon.com/Energy-CF-30-Floorstanding-Tower-Speaker/dp/B001SAJ1VA/ref=br_lf_m_1000713861_1_1_ttl?t=slicinc-20&tag=slicinc-20&ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=electronics&pf_rd_p=1315053082&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_i=1000713861&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=16E073W9Q49YSW29Y9BY Energy CF30 Floorstanders for 99$ each. Prime eligible. Maybe you need a bedroom pair or want a cheap HT setup, or maybe you have some friends needed something new, may not be a bad deal. **BRENT**
  16. I wish him the best of luck with his health, and with his position as Chairman of the Board. **BRENT**
  17. Steve Jobs steps down as CEO of Apple http://www.engadget....s-ceo-of-apple/ **BRENT**
  18. They also have an iPad app. Will it stream FLAC? If so, I may get it anyways for the work rig (if I ever go back) **BRENT**
  19. I'm really tempted to pick one up, but trying to avoid all new toys/gadgets/gizmos right now until I finalize my short term disability and whatnot. But still, oh so tempting. **BRENT**
  20. Don't you kids like the PogoPlug Plus thing, or whatever? 35$ shipped right now http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pogoplug-Pro-File-Media-Sharing-Device/400238049812?afepn=5335869999&campid=5335869999&PID=1225267&_trksid=p1468660.m2000036#ht_3570wt_1189 **BRENT**
  21. Congrats on the new baybeh girl! One of the happiest days of my life was the day my daughter was born. I couldn't stop smiling. She continues to be one of my happy thoughts. **BRENT**
  22. Post-surgery update: I've been home a couple days, some good, some bad. Right now, though, just had my bandage removed. I'm nauseous at the site of the work. I have a picture or two, but seriously, made me sick to look at. I'm getting around a little sans-walker, but oft times having it at arm's-length just in case. My balance is decent, and I was able to take a shower on my own from beginning to end yesterday, but it took a lot out of me. I'm making quite a few trips up and down the hall daily, probably a couple hundred feet at a time. I try to push +1 from yesterday, or the time before, but not overexert too much, as I don't mind pushing limits, but exceeding them could be detrimental. I appreciate the calls, thoughts, well-wishes and visits. **BRENT**
  23. Can someone remind me to take my morphine late that night? **BRENT**
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