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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Actually Nate, I'm pretty sure Samsung is leading the Android pack right now, and I hate TouchWiz with a passion. With Google buying Motorola, even though it's supposed to be an "independent company", I'm hoping they will kill off Blur. HTC Sense was nice on Windows Mobile, but it bothers me with Android. It's way too heavy, though there are plenty of people who like it. Which Moto and HTC phones have you had again, or was it a Xoom and HTC phone? As I've said before, Matias Duarte (the guy who designed WebOS) has been at Google since about a month before HC was launched. He got a couple tweaks in, but I still think ICS is going to be a solid step forward from HC. **BRENT**
  2. I'm pretty sure Ice Cream Sandwich will be a good bit better than Honeycomb, Nate. I'm not too impressed with HC myself, and I'm a pretty big Android fan. FWIW, I just had my 3rd replacement G2x. I love the phone, but it has issues. My 2nd replacement almost burned yesterday (was probably 130+ degrees before I tore it apart. Got a replacement overnight and it had Gingerbread on it (previous phone wouldn't do OTA 2.3, and LG dropped the 2.3 update from the site, and I never got around to rooting it). I'm hoping it breaks again and I talk my way into a Galaxy S II replacement. @Larry, if the Nook reader is on Amazon's Android Market now, probably. If not, but you can get the APK, possibly. @Jin, I'm not so sure it'll be better than ICS, but it'll probably be decent for the hardware. Is it based off Froyo or Gingerbread? Can't remember. **BRENT**
  3. I'm really excited about the Amazon tablet. I figure it'll be spec'd similarly to the Nook (not 100% sure on either specs without looking them up), but if Amazon does bundle Prime with it... it's like a 170$ tablet, in essence. I think the Nook is a really good size, though. Should be interesting and interesting competition between those two. **BRENT**
  4. Aboot bloody time. It's getting tough staying awake at work without some banter. **BRENT**
  5. So I'm up like 30 on Shelly in 2, and I run to the restroom and make a couple PB sand witches and I come back and I'm down? I need a drink. **BRENT**
  6. I've always thought it was gorgeous, even though I don't game much anymore. **BRENT**
  7. Is the phone usable with the screen broken? I've seen a LOT of people use their phones with a cracked screen. Tell her to deal, or let her pay for the screen replacement herself. There's NO way I'd drop 199$ on a 3GS right now. I just have a feeling that if you fix a 200$ phone for her now, what happens when she wrecks a 15,000$ car when she's 19? Does daddy swoop in and fix that/buy a new car? If the mindset is "if I break it, daddy will fix it" is solidified at this age, I have a feeling it will be more expensive down the road. (This comes more from the viewpoint of a kid who was doing OK as a teenager, and had someone to bail him out, then lost that ability a few years down the road, than as a parent. I think it'd be easier to start dealing with now, than later.) On the parental side... I love when I can do stuff for my kids, but I also wind up having to say no a lot. "You shouldn't have broken it, and you're not getting another one, so you'll have to do without" is just as tough for me to say as for them to hear. **BRENT** P.S. This message has been brought to you under heavy medication, still. Coherency hopeful, but not expected.
  8. That's pretty cool, Al. Is that a special all-access-I-can-run-on-the-field-without-being-naked-and-getting-arrested pass in your pocket, or are you just happy to see the photographer? As for me, I hobbled uphill a few hundred yards with the kids to go to a block party at my apartment complex. They had games, blow up bouncy houses and an obstacle course, and free hotdogs. Exercise + not cooking lunch = win/win. Kids had a blast, I found out it was run by a local church instead of management, so I wound up talking to people about coming to services, or the kids coming... and in the middle of it, I got stung on the lip by a bee that was on the rim of my drink when I went to take a sip. I don't know what sucked worse, getting stung on the lip, or not being able to loudly shout expletives due to being surrounded by the hosts and all the children. **BRENT**
  9. I use an iPad at work with the USB camera connector. I use it with the iPad dock which greatly reduces the strain and it doesn't fall out as easily, if ever. It works well with the Pico DAC. It worked for about 15 seconds with a Trends UD-10 into a Denon DA-500, then I got a voltage error. As far as storing music on an Android tablet... the Thrive has an SD card slot. 48 gigs with an iPad is 200$, the same could be done for what, 50$ or so in SD cards? I'm not sure how well the USB host works on Android tablets at this point, but I haven't seen an interface that's as good as Apple's for music playback. manaox2 suggested a more-than-a-netbook computer with an e450. I'm not sure the e450 is shipping yet, but it should be soon. The predecessor, the e350, is an option in the suggested Thinkpad X120e, and also the HP dm1z. At this point, I'd wait for the e450. With these, you could always upgrade to a small SSD drive and then have an external portable with all your music. I've seen 1TB USB powered portables for 55$ lately. You would give up some battery life, but I don't see it as a problem if you're looking to be stationary with a plug in. You can get these processors in anything from an 11.6" computer to 15.6", but almost always with a 720p/1366x768 display. I'd stick with the small ones, personally. FWIW, I really love my iPad. You can also get apps and use a service like Subsonic and stream your music to your iPad, if you have a computer you want to leave on at home. **BRENT**
  10. 93 bench points, 22 for my team. Grrrr... **BRENT**
  11. Hopefully Cutler won't do better than Romo, b/c that would be yet ANOTHER mistake today so far. **BRENT**
  12. Grrrr... Shelly mentioned Foster, but I forgot she's playing both leagues. I have him, and left him in. I liked it better last year when I was winning a fair amount without doing anything. **BRENT**
  13. Buy all of them, return what you don't like. Simple, no? **BRENT**
  14. The star or circle, it seems, should take you one past the last post you read, not the last post. Edit: I think the Star shows up when you have a post in the topic, a circle if you don't. **BRENT**
  15. Went to work yesterday morning. Just did 4 hours, but it was rather uncomfortable and a bit painful. I got home and passed out for a couple hours, got up a bit, and passed out again for an hour or so later. It was a rather miserable day, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. **BRENT**
  16. I miss Simple Machine Forum... Oh, also, in chat, a few of us are having problems not being able to do IMs. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Happens to me in Chrome on my Chromebook, but I've seen it with at least PC users as well. **BRENT**
  17. I got up an hour ago to get ready to go to work for the first time in about 3 weeks. I'm really not looking forward to this, as the past few days haven't been that good to me. Let's see how this whole "sitting down for 4-8 hours" thing goes. At least the meds seem to be kicking in, now. **BRENT**
  18. From FB: 15% off through Tuesday morning at 9am eastern all except JH5 and JH3A with code AMERICA. **BRENT**
  19. I would have apologized, but been grateful Mission: transfer liquidy goodness to tiny spouted flask. Tiny funnel was missing. Insert measuring cup (spout too big) and long cylinder with holes on each end. Voila! Add in some Diet Mtn Dew, a biscuit, and some bacon... well... there you have it! **BRENT**
  20. Heh... who said anything about getting better? I think I hurt myself laughing so hard while trying to take and stage that picture. I can't have any right now, so he kindly hooked me up with some in my flask just behind the measuring cup. The spout was rather small, so couldn't go from the bottle. If you notice on the right, there is a thin-ish white cone which had a small hole on the small end. Needless to say, not a drop went to waste. Hated that we only got to hang out a few hours, but it was fun nonetheless. Thx Fritz. **BRENT**
  21. I hung out with Fitz today. He came up to czech on me, and a little epicness happened. There are just too many/not enough words for this. Enjoy. **BRENT**
  22. Good news, Marc. +1 with the well wishes. My post-up update: Saw my PCP and surgeon this week. I'm healing well, and have been released to go back to work. I start next Tuesday. I'm good with doing 4 hour days to start, but I found out that I was 4 weeks short of qualifying for paid Short Term Disability I've been out for three weeks so far, and I had enough leave to cover 4 days. Fun fun, no? :rollseyes: I started on a new pain med regimen. I went from morphine and oxys to muscle relaxers (Robaxin) and hydros (Lortabs), with a little Ambien thrown in to help me sleep (had been getting 3.5 hours on average daily with the other stuff). My feet are still numb (kinda sucks stepping off a stair/curb, I've tweaked 'em a little on more than one occasion) but slowly getting better. That's not where the worst of the numbness is, but I'm SERIOUSLY hoping that come back in the coming weeks. I know it's a waiting game, and at just over 2 weeks post-op, everyone seems to think I'm doing rather well in the recovery, including myself. Some of it, though, is just incredibly frustrating. I did get out last night and go grocery shopping, this time without using the "grossly obese people" cart. I did it once, with shame, but I got some exercise in with this one. Felt good to get out and be able to do some routine things. Funny thing... I got a refill on my post-hospital meds from my PCP filled on Tuesday night, then came back Wednesday night to get the new stuff filled. Needless to say, I had a few minute talk with the pharmacist about mixing all this, and I laid out the "I wanted to wean off the morphine and oxys... saw the surgeon today... blah blah blah." I was amused. **BRENT**
  23. http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/57716/graveyardmall-12pack-samuel-adams-boston-lager-glasses A dozen Sam Adams Boston Lager Glasses for 25$ shipped. **BRENT**
  24. My condolences Ken, very sad news. **BRENT**
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