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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Google+ ad in the NYT. I watched it live, and it was pretty great. **BRENT**
  2. Paging Al to YouTube please... Al to YouTube. **BRENT**
  3. Colin's sauce. This makes me want Siri... though, for me, I think it'd be like that cool app I have on the phone that I bring out once a month or so to show someone. **BRENT**
  4. Having trouble? This is confirmed to work. List of .ipsw files from Apple. http://gdgt.com/discuss/anyone-experiencing-upgrade-issues-with-ios-5-go7/#post-id-133585 **BRENT**
  5. We had an "Over-The-Hill" party for Zoe's first birthday. Definitely for the parents. Zoe dug having her own small cake on the top of her high chair. The pix were great, and the sugar-crash-induced-nap, also for the parents, was pretty nice as well. Birthdays are coming up in a couple weeks (Xavier, 6) and 6 weeks (Zoe, 9). There's a place around here that has an indoor pool that's about 100$ for room for 25 swimmers and up to 100 guests. I figure that's going to destroy Chuck E. Cheese for the kids who haven't been able to go swimming in a while. On more painful news, I just called out of work, as for the past two days, I've been on-and-off screaming in pain. I think I'm having some growing pains with respect to nerve regeneration. Sharp shooting pains on the bottom of my foot that just render me completely useless (insert grawk comment here) for a while are getting annoying. Hopefully another day of rest (and Breaking Bad, and Psych, and The Walking Dead (now on Netflix Streaming, btw)) will help. Maybe a trip to the package store as well, after I take Xavier for his check-up today. Back to sleep... **BRENT** **BRENT**
  6. DP I hate you. That is all. Cordially, **BRENT**
  7. I think you're both a bit naive on this point. **BRENT**
  8. If you guys didn't see this, Samsung and Google delayed the launch of the Nexus Prime and Ice Cream Sandwich out of respect for the passing of S. Jobs. I listened to the almost 2.5 hour live coverage recording from Leo Laporte and the TWiT crew at work today. I was getting a little choked up myself. **BRENT**
  9. @Justin... why not just wait for the Droid RAZR? WRT dual core 4s vs single core 4, or iPod Touch, or whatever you kids were talking about... it's going to be snappier now, sure, but you won't notice a HUGE difference between them now. When you'll notice is in a year, when more and more apps take advantage of coding for dual cores. In 18 months, it'll be the difference between a 3 year old phone and a year and a half old phone. When it was just slight updates of RAZRs, that wasn't a huge deal... if your phone worked, it worked. Maybe you could get a few more contacts, or hold a couple more txts, but with smartphones, you'll probably be annoyed with a 3 year old phone (design). Justin, do you have an iPad yet? I'd probably look into getting a 32 or 64 gig iPad2 (wifi, unless you find a good deal on a used 3G, or just want 130 extra on the tax write off), and you could use that with the camera dock + your DAC as a demo for people. Like Dan said, 32 is the happy medium, but I think you'd be fine with the 16. Unless you want movies on it, I doubt there's much of a point for what I expect you to use it for. **BRENT**
  10. If you just saw a transcript... RIP, Steve. **BRENT**
  11. http://thisismynext.com/2011/10/05/iphone-4s-512mb-ram-specs/ So... 512MB of ram, eh? Does anyone know the clock on the A5 yet? **BRENT**
  12. I see him in a couple weeks. It shall be done. **BRENT**
  13. I opened up an e-mail from my supervisor. It was sent out department wide with an update to the corporate dress code. There was one line in it that, I believed, was aimed solely at me... Under "inappropriate attire": "Five toed" shoes (unless in the fitness center or for corporate sanctioned athletic events). And yes, "Five toed" was in parentheses. Off to the store to get some four-toed Fila Skeletoes. **BRENT**
  14. That's all I have to say for this year... seriously... **BRENT**
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrK4llAu2T0&feature=player_embedded **BRENT**
  16. http://www.otterbox.com/iphone-5-cases-iphone-4s-cases/iphone-5-cases-iphone-4s-cases,default,pg.html?utm_source=bgr&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=iphone-5-cases&cid=201109BGR So Otterbox is saying they'll make cases for the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4s or "whatever it turns out to be." From the page: THE NEXT iPHONE "Of course we’re making a case for it! Like everyone else, we’re waiting to find out exactly what ‘it’ is. We’re eagerly anticipating the moment Tim Cook steps up to the podium to enlighten and delight us all. Whatever it turns out to be, we’ll have iPhone 4s cases or iPhone 5 cases for you!" I have a feeling they know a little something... **BRENT**
  17. 349$ for wifi Xoom. Not bad. I really love HTC phones, but really can't stand Sense. Blur (Motorola) and TouchWiz (Samsung) really bother me too. I think Samsung skinning HoneyComb is even worse than the phones. I know a lot of people liked the Droid and Droid X, and they worked well for many, but there's just something offputting to me about the hardware. The Droid at least had stock Android on it. Did you ever put a custom rom on the Incredible? Had solid hardware (Nexus One-esque), but Sense just bogs it down. **BRENT**
  18. Can you rotate the Kindle 180 degrees? If they keep the same... tridrants... could you then touch the left side (device right) to page forward? **BRENT**
  19. G'luck, Ken! So it's been a while since I posted, but I've been back at work a few weeks now. I'm doing 4-6 hour days currently, as I still don't have a car and I'm pretty much staying until a buddy can pick me up mid-day. I'm down to 0-2 pain pills daily (from 6-7 a couple weeks ago), but the last time I had 2 was last Friday. I'm getting to where I can get around faster whilst walking, and doing about a 2.5MPH pace on the treadmill during PT. I'm using a cane, but that's mostly to prepare for my Halloween costume as Winnie the Pimp My car, which has been out of commission for a couple weeks longer than I have, should FINALLY be fixed this week... just a few last things to reassemble and I can *hopefully* drive again. My back feels a LOT better, but still a good bit numb in certain areas. As nerve regeneration, I've been told, is 1mm/day, I'm hopeful things will come back over time. It's been almost a month and a half now, and there's... well... :sigh: Oh well. Since I'm taking so few drugs now, I can start drinking again, right? Right? Off to lunch. **BRENT**
  20. eaf ^ LFF No capitals needed **BRENT**
  21. For the bag lovers... Chrome bags 50% off with code ibike2011 http://slickdeals.ne...-bag-24.50-more Really wish I could grab a Citizen right now, but figure some of you will get something. **BRENT** Edit: Well, reviewers keep saying they wish they would have gotten the larger bag, but you know how people are (read: crazy).
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