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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Check out stocking girl's reflection... did you notice that she's a unicorn? **BRENT**
  2. I went to pick up a "woo hoo, it's payday!" bottle of Rye (Looked for Willett, wound up with Sazerac), and stumbled upon a scotch tasting. **BRENT**
  3. It only has two positions... Off, and 11. **BRENT**
  4. @Tyll, what about the Behringer iNuke Boom? http://www.theverge.com/2012/1/11/2699890/behringers-inuke-boom-is-the-essence-of-ces **BRENT**
  5. I'm trying to remember where I saw that this was faked, but it's fake. It also surfaced from last year's CES. http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/18/hanwas-tube-powered-usb-dongle-promises-dts-audio-on-the-go/ Yeah, this has been around for a while now... Still kinda looks cool, no? **BRENT**
  6. Good luck, Ken. I know it's tough. **BRENT**
  7. Great hearing from you, Tyll. Make sure you let us know how those Ferrari cans are! Funny, you hate CES, and that's where I was/am really wanting to be. Best... toy store... ever. **BRENT**
  8. Sigh... 8 point adjustment for DP. **BRENT**
  9. So did DP and I just tie in League 2, or am I still drunk from last night? **BRENT**
  10. Listening to this at work... Just a few eps in, but interesting.
  11. Awesome! I'm surprised you didn't live-tweet it, though. **BRENT**
  12. Heh. I was without Internet and cell coverage all but about 2 hours yesterday, didn't even see that til this morning... Would have been a solid machine. Thx for the heads-up, though. **BRENT**
  13. Acer TimelineX AS5830T... i3-2310/4/640/15.6"/7-8 hour real world batt life, mostly aluminum casing (plastic on bottom only), 399$ out the door. I type a lot, and it has a nice keyboard. Not great, but good. Also has USB 3.0 and S/PDIF. I can meet it spec wise, mostly, but haven't seen build quality (harddrive withstanding) to match it for under about 800$. Saw an i5 Envy for 829$, but that's in the fiscally irresponsible realm. **BRENT**
  14. That's what I thought too... There is something amiss, and since it mentioned new hardware or software, and the hdd was the only new variable... The thing that sucks is that I really like the hardware... A 599$ machine I dealed and couponed down to 33% off, locally, has virtually everything I wanted. There isn't anything else, build/battery wise that I like until the HP Envy series or MBA, which come in at 500-1000$ more, and that just isn't fiscally responsible at this point. Grrrr... Maybe I'll call tomorrow and try to get one of the Americans on the phone and try to appeal to their holiday weaknesses. **BRENT**
  15. Grrrr... iPads need more ram. Had a big, long reply and it had to refresh the page when I came back from another link. This is a new replacement hdd from Acer installing using Acer supplied discs on a 4 month old Acer laptop. Blank drive, clean install. The difference is they sent a Toshiba drive to replace a WD Scorpio Blue that it shipped with. I figure the disc doesn't have the drivers for the Toshiba drive. The next step. They say, is sending it in for repair... Which means another 2-3 weeks without a machine. Think I should call and demand a replacement instead? This is infuriating. @Beefy... I may try some of those options... But at this point, it will be late tomorrow or Monday before I have time to work on it again. Thanks guys... Anything else you can think of would be appreciated. **BRENT**
  16. It'd help if you drove it up... Just call when you're close. Is there a way to download a W7 install disc from MS as long as you have a valid key? If I could just get to the option to repair it, I may be OK. Or if I could just get to a cmd prompt, even. **BRENT**
  17. So... after a lot of talking/yelling at Acer, I finally got the replacement HDD, reinstall discs, and whatnot to fix my 4 month old machine that's been down for 2 months After 4 installs today, some phone calls, and some searching on an iPad, I'm about to just "throw it on the ground." Before I do this, or send it back to them (sigh), I thought I'd see if you guys can help. I haven't been able to load windows. I get this: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware (Toshiba 640GB HDD) or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer. 2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." 3. Click "Repair your computer." (I just have the Acer disc, and it does not have this option) If you do not have this disc, contact your system adninistrator or computer manufacturer for assistance. File: TDI.SYS Status: 0xc0000428 Info: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file. From the research I've done, it seems I could type: bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS The only problem with that workaround to the digital signature (or just installing Toshiba drivers that make 64 bit Windows happy) is that I can't get to a command prompt. When I go to the boot menu setting to allow unigned drivers, it still doesn't boot. Any thoughts before I just give up and steal Dan's new MBA? **BRENT**
  18. http://www.1saleaday.com has 64GB iPad 1 with 3G, Apple Refurbished, 449.99$. **BRENT**
  19. Sorry for your loss, Chris. Coming up on twenty years for me. Still rough sometimes. Hang in there. Today I made use of the tux I had to finish buying yesterday by playing in the community band I started back up with about a month ago after a 1.5 year hiatus. **BRENT**
  20. Enter "CHEER" in the proper place for 10% off through the end of the year. Dew eet! **BRENT**
  21. I already had swiftkeyX... Think I just forgot to go buy more. What shall today's dollar bring? **BRENT**
  22. This is great. I bought four apps when I saw the sale earlier today. I bought sound hound and mine craft. **BRENT**
  23. http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/64558/mitchellness-mitchell-ness-200-off-a-purchase-of-275 Attn: Grawk! Need some jerseys? Mitchell & Ness 200$ off 275$ **BRENT**
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