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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Anyone wanna print out some posters? **BRENT**
  2. Done x7. Hit F5 to refresh and you can vote again, but be careful, it WILL change position on you if you're not paying attention. **BRENT**
  3. Just don't let Colin too close, Fritz... and you'll be ok. **BRENT**
  4. Buddy Boy Parker here on the sax-0-phone. **BRENT**
  5. That sux, man. Glad she's OK. Can't tell if airbag went off on Camry... Low-medium speed incident?
  6. He gave Colin a 3 liter Diet Mtn Dew and bet him he couldn't chug it, then throw all those cups up in the air while he took a picture. It was funnier than just making Colin do it. **BRENT**
  7. I think you need to correct for the lens to make it look right. The cars in the foreground were distracting on both. The top picture, the lights near top center weren't right, which distracted from the rest. Looking back, I kinda like the second one... but still don't like the one with the cop car. **BRENT**
  8. Jeff, really bummed to hear your disappointment with the lens. My bad. Honestly, the first pics you posted, though they were "meh," but I LOVE the Zuccotti Park and cups shot, and really like Shake Shack and Tree. I wonder if you're just spoiled with your L glass functionality. **BRENT**
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6UCHk5pFmU I don't think this is a repost, but it SHOULD have been a repost, b/c this came out before today. Awesome. **BRENT**
  10. http://1saleaday.com/ 1st gen 64GB 3G iPad for 400$. **BRENT**
  11. Thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr., (and not having to work tomorrow), I was able to stay up long enough to watch all of Season 2 of 30 Rock today. **BRENT**
  12. If it had a reasonable amount of RAM, it'd still be great, but I have so much stuff crash it's ridiculous. It's great for Netflix, though. It typically crashes about 1 out of 3 loadings of a page on Slower Forum, though. **BRENT**
  13. "Our friend Arnold Kim of MacRumors has verified that the iPhone 4 contains 512 MB of RAM, up from 256 MB in the current iPhone 3GS and the iPad. It turns out that Apple mentioned this during a session with developers at last week’s Worldwide Developers Conference. The session (#147) is downloadable for free for registered Apple developers. 512 MB of RAM would explain why the new iMovie app only works on the iPhone 4. It would also suggest that multitasking (coming with iOS 4) and general usability will be much smoother on an iPhone 4 compared to Apple’s other mobile offerings." http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/06/iphone-4-ram/
  14. I'm with Shelly, the iPad 1 is painfully slow. **BRENT**
  15. I need to get back into guns... **BRENT**
  16. *hugs* Great to see you(r posts), V. Now, when are we all meeting here? http://universalwhiskyexperience.com/ (Facebook linked me... Zuck = stalker^max) **BRENT**
  17. That sucks, man. Surgery, or is it one of the types that could possibly heal on its own over time? **BRENT**
  18. Dilaudid I/V drip was the best thing ever. However, it wasn't worth what I had to go through to get it. What happened, man? **BRENT**
  19. Nice... which ones? I need to re-up my collection. Should work on that today. **BRENT**
  20. Did anyone else double check to make sure this wasn't from Dom instead of CJ? **BRENT**
  21. Epileptic machines are stupid... you don't need 'em. Ellipses are for writing... not awkwardly walking/running/gliding. Hang in there, chica. **BRENT**
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