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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Dammit. All you people getting the Grados out of storage are making me want to run to the office and get my HF-2s (and probably get some linseed oil to get my probably-disintegrated pads off/changed.
  2. I've found that with USB mics, they work best (or at all) out of a USB2.0 port. USB3 seems to fuck with it. May want to do a non-blue one.
  3. Needs most lights; I can't see how dark it is in there...
  4. I hate agreeing with Graham, so I'm just going to say that he agreed with me, just a hair earlier.
  5. Stretch, This is Head-Case. Soundproof his room. You're welcome, Another dad with a gamer next door
  6. Just came to share the same. RIP, Little Richard
  7. RIP Roy Horn, 75, of Sigfried and Roy fame, lost to complications from COVID-19. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/08/obituaries/roy-horn-dead-covid.html
  8. Did some research; 2012 had 320, and Tidal came over in 2014, so 93% chance I heard 320 vs FLAC. Think that was pre-MQA/Masters by a bit.
  9. Interesting. I was using IEMs (Dita The Answer) out of a Pico Slim back when Tidal came out. I'd say I could tell with over half. I still have both, but use Tidal about 80% of the time. There is a site/service that lets you bring playlists over, and what I largely listen to on Spotify is a certain playlist. (It was easier on data when I was commuting as well; networks got bogged down some on the commutes home.)
  10. You are doing biscuits incorrectly, I do believe.
  11. Got those Hawaiian rolls. Can recommend.
  12. No worries, n8. Just make it part of your homeschooling syllabus! In case it helps you get started, I reheated some things: Bag juice + SBR's Sweet 'n' Spicy reduction, with some cayenne added for a kick Now I need to get some King's Hawaiian rolls to make some pulled pork sliders.
  13. Heh, I think I'm about to go heat some up. You know, you could always just take the frozen shoulder, throw it in a bag and '-vide it for ~24, throw it in the fridge, and then finish with a smoke when you're ready.
  14. Sous-vide pulled pork Tried doing a reduction with bag juice and BBQ sauce. Not the best, but can try other combos. 21hrs @ 165° then 1.5hrs at 300° in the oven. So many leftovers; think tacos shall be in order for tomorrow.
  15. Danzig - Danzig Sings Elvis This... this is... interesting.
  16. RIP Art Dudley, of Stereophile and The Absolute Sound ~fame, after a short battle with metastatic cancer. https://www.stereophile.com/content/art-dudley-rest-peace
  17. SNL did a tribute to Hal Willner. I cried through most of it, knowing some of the history. RIP, Hal.
  18. I have had Tidal since around the time it came out in the states. I tried it back and forth with Spotify years ago, and Tidal won hands down SQ wise for me. Works on whichever device I have, and if I want to do something dumb and complicated, I'll listen to vinyl. My HDD full of gigs of music is at Doug's, and I think about it maybe 1-2 times/yr over the past 4 years. I'd probably just throw whichever vintage laptop you have on hand in with the DAC and enjoy the beautiful, beautiful music.
  19. RIP ZoeBelle Lawson, the 17.5 year old miniature poodle in our family. https://instagram.com/zoebelle_lawson She had a good run. She was adopted as a pup by a 70 year old couple, who kept her until they were 85 and could no longer care for her, as they were moved to a nursing home themselves. She was in foster, or at the shelter (Seattle Humane) for a while, and she was a laid back old gal who was mostly blind and mostly deaf. She was, the past few years of her life, kept indoors in a condo, as her owners couldn't take her out all the time, and it was tough for her to get around for long trips anyways. We adopted her about 1.5 years ago and brought her home. She had a nice little nook near the heater vent, lots of love, and all kinds of treats and foods. We have a fenced in back yard, so she was able to walk in and out as she pleased. She even had a bit of pep in her step around 3:30 every morning; she would get her "zoomies" and trot through the place. When she smelled a treat (perhaps some shredded cheese, which was a fav, as she only had 3-4 remaining teeth at that age) she would come up to you and turn around in circles; quite the feat for such a vintage pup. Lots of tears, but we spoke to the doctor at the shelter and agreed it was time for her to stop suffering. For the past couple of weeks, every 3-4 days, she would just fall over, with her legs momentarily paralyzed. She would give the saddest yelps I've ever heard, b/c she was scared. The past weekend, she started doing it more frequently, and she quit doing the barks. She was doing good just to get to her water bowl, and she knew we would be along to help her back to her heated blanket, and bring her food and water, as Zoe would often refer to her as a queen (yes, I have a 17 year old daughter and a 2-month older miniature poodle with the same name, hence the "ZoeBelle vs Zoe.") Since everyone was home, we all got to spend some time with her. The kids have been taking turns sleeping on the couch to care for her in case she fell, but she's had trouble breathing, and it was the right time. She was a good pup, and she'll be missed.
  20. That's bloody gorgeous, Al! Well done! Really dig the legs on that; wasn't what I was expecting before scrolling down.
  21. Hah! Untold thousands in audio gear, 99$ office chair.
  22. So idk if anyone has used this or not, but found a way to move playlists between different services. May be of benefit to some of you. Seems to work with Tidal, Spotify, iTunes, etc. https://www.tunemymusic.com/
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