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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Grrrr.... 2 PopMarket things I've wanted in 2 days. I really need to get a turntable... I have 300$ of unopened vinyl waiting for a way to be played. Maybe it's time to go visit Tom_Hankins again. Hmmm... **BRENT**
  2. Wow... you may wind up working, on average, MORE than one day/mo? You gonna make it? **BRENT**
  3. From my local paper's Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist. There are commenters locally opining that he must have had this one ready to go for a while now. **BRENT**
  4. That sucks, Dinny. Hope everyone gets better post-haste. **BRENT**
  5. I don't remember this happpening, but it HAD to've been me with nachos, right? **BRENT**
  6. 5'11". I was looking at the specs, and it'd be cutting it close, if it fit at all. Usually fit a 54-56cm. G'luck with the wife/firm thing. **BRENT**
  7. Maybe, maybe not. You said it's a Large, right? I ride Large on Giant mtn bikes, but haven't ridden one of their road bikes. Oh well. **BRENT**
  8. Amazing what you can find on Amazon, no? They also have a way to make a mold of the opposite sex, and if you wanna check out source/other options, check this out. NSFW, for most of us... **BRENT**
  9. Mike... I'll trade you some headphone stuff you don't need/want for your soon-to-be-old-to-you bike. **BRENT**
  10. Heh. Sweet. FYI, Doesn't work for you TX folk... time to make the Chicago crew order some and ship 'em down, no? **BRENT**
  11. Aboot bloody time. Gonna talk to your friend at the fancy place? You should. Joneses to keep up with, and all. @Crap, sounds like a pretty productive day. Nice. I took the kids to my mom's for an easter egg hunt. Played a little almost-baseball with Xavier and my cousin's 2 year old. Had fun. **BRENT**
  12. Shelly, get a bike. Mike, Vicki, JP... I'm jealous. My bike is at the port, or in transit to the warehouse, waiting to be shipped. I'm gonna have to play catch up. **BRENT**
  13. That was great, Wayne! **BRENT**
  14. I only see Mike + Vicki... where's #s? Don't drop him too hard, V. **BRENT**
  15. More awesomeness from Google. I wonder if it's coming to iOS. **BRENT**
  16. Time to find a top-loader. **BRENT**
  17. Kill them. **BRENT**
  18. Sexy, V. Did you get them to take pix of you? We need those too! **BRENT**
  19. Hit me up via PM... that's NSFW. **BRENT**
  20. I always dug my Crank Brothers Egg Beater pedals. 4 sided entry, lots of float (easy on the knees). Super light weight, too. I've seen plenty of people with Speedplays too. I think Egg Beaters work with SPD cleats, so you may not even have to change those. Lots of good options out there, though. Just work on your trackstands and you'll never need to clip out at a light! **BRENT**
  21. I believe Taposé was backed financially by J. Allard, who was over the Courier team. I'm thinking about doing what Dan did, buy it and hope it gets better. Debating buying the pen and the brush as well... Maybe the pencil too.
  22. 2 New apps from the minds, or wallets, of the team. Paper and Taposé. Paper is free with in-app purchases (ballpoint pen/pencil/highlighter/one other), Taposé is 2.99$.
  23. This is fantastic. If you sub "white" for many other colors, you seem to get a trailer for a random movie. You also get a different color border. Love it, thx. **BRENT**
  24. Here's a gif a buddy made of some pix I shot. This racer lost it (cold tires, slick surface, first run) on a slalom, but he had a blast doin' it. **BRENT**
  25. Thanks Gene. I did a little work on his. He was using my 28-105 USM, heavier than his 18-55 IS II, so had to accountfor some droopage, but we both had a great time.
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