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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. That was great, Wayne! **BRENT**
  2. I only see Mike + Vicki... where's #s? Don't drop him too hard, V. **BRENT**
  3. More awesomeness from Google. I wonder if it's coming to iOS. **BRENT**
  4. Time to find a top-loader. **BRENT**
  5. Sexy, V. Did you get them to take pix of you? We need those too! **BRENT**
  6. Hit me up via PM... that's NSFW. **BRENT**
  7. I always dug my Crank Brothers Egg Beater pedals. 4 sided entry, lots of float (easy on the knees). Super light weight, too. I've seen plenty of people with Speedplays too. I think Egg Beaters work with SPD cleats, so you may not even have to change those. Lots of good options out there, though. Just work on your trackstands and you'll never need to clip out at a light! **BRENT**
  8. I believe Taposé was backed financially by J. Allard, who was over the Courier team. I'm thinking about doing what Dan did, buy it and hope it gets better. Debating buying the pen and the brush as well... Maybe the pencil too.
  9. 2 New apps from the minds, or wallets, of the team. Paper and Taposé. Paper is free with in-app purchases (ballpoint pen/pencil/highlighter/one other), Taposé is 2.99$.
  10. This is fantastic. If you sub "white" for many other colors, you seem to get a trailer for a random movie. You also get a different color border. Love it, thx. **BRENT**
  11. Here's a gif a buddy made of some pix I shot. This racer lost it (cold tires, slick surface, first run) on a slalom, but he had a blast doin' it. **BRENT**
  12. Thanks Gene. I did a little work on his. He was using my 28-105 USM, heavier than his 18-55 IS II, so had to accountfor some droopage, but we both had a great time.
  13. I don't feel like hosting elsewhere right now, but here's a link to some pix I took at an autocross today. Xavier (my 6 year old son) went with me and shot with his dSLR. His better pix here. **BRENT**
  14. Nice story/thread, Tyll. Today I went to go shoot pictures at an autocross (a timed racing event held in a parking lot with a course marked by cones.) Xavier wanted to go with me, and for only the second time in a while wanted to take his dSLR out for a spin, so we spent about 5 hours shooting and hanging out. That made me smile. A buddy came up and asked him if I was his assistant today. I thought about it, and I was carrying the heavy camera, the camera bag, and changing lenses for him. Heh, my buddy was right. He probably DID take better pictures than me. Xavier's set (he's 6, btw). My set (I'm 5x older, currently). Last week, he and I went to Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus. Editing those pics later this week. Had a blast there too! **BRENT**
  15. Sweet! Can't wait to get home now to right the wrongs floord have made against me and my family! **BRENT**
  16. But on a 1000$ budget, no? **BRENT**
  17. DJay for iPad 50% off. Supposedly the best iPad DJ app out there for just $9.99. I haven't seen it this low in months. **BRENT**
  18. DJay for iPad 50% off. Supposedly the best iPad DJ app out there for just $9.99. I haven't seen it this low in months. **BRENT**
  19. Happy Birthday, Al! **BRENT**
  20. 20% off iTunes gift cards for the next few hours at Best Buy. http://deals.bestbuy.com/dealoftheday/20120320 **BRENT**
  21. http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/19/2885981/mog-snapped-up-by-htc-beats-audio-rumor **BRENT**
  22. Grrrrr... I've played Peggle on and off for years. That game is bloody addictive. It's better on PC than Android (where I've played it in the recent past.) One of my favorite things? They have a color-blind mode. That is HUGE for someone like me (before I found it, I was yelling at my screen a lot.) Anyways... bought. **BRENT**
  23. Took Xavier to see Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus today, we both took a ton of pictures. Bloody low-light, though, so about half an hour in I got "daddy, and you make the pictures be not blurry?" 50 f/1.4 to the rescue! Hope they turn out. I had to swap to some cheap 70-300. I hope those turn out too. Finished the night up with a trip for 2 to our favorite Mexican joint where we had an awesome server and a great meal. This, on top of having a blast yesterday, made this one of the best weekends I've had in the past year. (Last weekend in Tampa wasn't bad either.) Now, to catch up on sleep. **BRENT**
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