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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Went to a Porsche Club of America autocross, and co-drove an e90 (3 series sedan) M3. It's stock today... by the next SCCA event (2 weeks), it'll have suspension, wheels, race tires, etc. That thing is a beast. (Buddy's race car blew a head gasket, so while that's getting a shitload of work, he had to get another toy to play with). Came home, got a set of baby party speakers (Cerwin Vega D2) from a buddy next door who was moving, then took a 3.5 hour nap before going to see The Avengers in 3D. Ridiculous amounts of 1 liners, but in a good way. Really enjoyed it. Finished off the night killing floors with Colin and GE. Along with yesterday, this is the best weekend I've had in a couple months, easy. **BRENT**
  2. The last few I've consumed via Audible, while at work. "God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales" - Penn Jilette "How To Be Black" - Baratunde Thurston "Catch-22" - Joseph Heller "Bossypants" - Tina Fey "Einstein" - Walter Isaacson (in process) All of them read - other than "Einstein" - at least in part, by their author (Just a little by Heller). As much as I love Tina Fey, I didn't find the book to be that great. Good, but not great. I dug the rest, but "Einstein" hasn't yet grabbed me like Isaacson's "Steve Jobs," which was ridiculously good.
  3. Took Xavier to the new bike shop for the kids' day, when I find the shop was closed. Got to check out the new bike rack. So, we find out the shop is supposed to be closed, due to a couple things via the sign, but since I've started to get to know the owner a bit, he waved us in to chat. Turns out a couple of his employees (both family members) screwed him over in 16 hour period, so the sign didn't quite tell the whole tale. We wound up hanging out, talking, and eating some of the 300$ of catered food they had already bought for the day. There were a few other "new friends" with kids there, and we talked, kids hung out, and had a good time. We got the bikes down and rode around the lot a bit, working on some 1-training-wheel skills for Xavier, and then packed up to head home to pick up Zoe. I called a couple fellow kid-overseers and we all met at 4 at the park, with 3 scooters, 2 bikes, a couple balls, a frisbee, a cooler, etc. After 3.5 hours there, hit up DQ for some special treats, took one of the friends home, and then came back to crash. It's been a great day, and got some time on the new bike for the first time. **BRENT**
  4. I used to be a hardcore amateur/coulda-been-pro-maybe yo-yoer back in the day... and had my stash not gone up in the fire last year, I'd probably be trying that tonight. FWIW, Zoe (my 9 year old) pointed this video out to me a few days ago. **BRENT**
  5. It's a Tennessee tag. It's Rhea County (Pronounced "Ray"). I can almost guarantee you that's real. This is a couple steps up the redneck chain from where I live... maybe 45 miles away. **BRENT** Edit: Saw someone else say it's probably shopped, and I think he's right. It doesn't seem to be insta/hipstagrammed like the rest of it. I'll keep an eye out for red Rhea trucks and get back with you if I run across it..
  6. My machine couldn't run the video of that. **BRENT**
  7. I was about to go to sleep at 1:30am when I found out about Record Store Day. I looked at stuff for an hour, then set the alarm for way too early. Got there an hour before, 6th in line, and came out with a couple really big CDs. They will work on a laser disc player, right? **BRENT**
  8. Is there an iPad app for that? Figure that can all be fit in on the retina display, no? **BRENT**
  9. Can I borrow some gas money? Long drive. **BRENT**
  10. The chat makes me want to drive to PA and hurt grawk. Any way to change it so the screen names are to the left of lines, instead of above? We're only seeing about 40% of the info on the screen at a time compared to a few hours ago. Thanks. Also, was everything reset to a few hours ago? When I clicked on View New Content, it was stuff I'd already seen today, and reverted back to a state that was about the same as when I woke up this morning. **BRENT**
  11. I appreciate that, Nate. I think I'll be OK with some things in the wrap for a little longer, though. **BRENT**
  12. Heh. Nice. I have a line on an NAD for 60$ less... just waiting for that to come through. **BRENT**
  13. Grrrr.... 2 PopMarket things I've wanted in 2 days. I really need to get a turntable... I have 300$ of unopened vinyl waiting for a way to be played. Maybe it's time to go visit Tom_Hankins again. Hmmm... **BRENT**
  14. Wow... you may wind up working, on average, MORE than one day/mo? You gonna make it? **BRENT**
  15. From my local paper's Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist. There are commenters locally opining that he must have had this one ready to go for a while now. **BRENT**
  16. That sucks, Dinny. Hope everyone gets better post-haste. **BRENT**
  17. I don't remember this happpening, but it HAD to've been me with nachos, right? **BRENT**
  18. 5'11". I was looking at the specs, and it'd be cutting it close, if it fit at all. Usually fit a 54-56cm. G'luck with the wife/firm thing. **BRENT**
  19. Maybe, maybe not. You said it's a Large, right? I ride Large on Giant mtn bikes, but haven't ridden one of their road bikes. Oh well. **BRENT**
  20. Amazing what you can find on Amazon, no? They also have a way to make a mold of the opposite sex, and if you wanna check out source/other options, check this out. NSFW, for most of us... **BRENT**
  21. Mike... I'll trade you some headphone stuff you don't need/want for your soon-to-be-old-to-you bike. **BRENT**
  22. Heh. Sweet. FYI, Doesn't work for you TX folk... time to make the Chicago crew order some and ship 'em down, no? **BRENT**
  23. Aboot bloody time. Gonna talk to your friend at the fancy place? You should. Joneses to keep up with, and all. @Crap, sounds like a pretty productive day. Nice. I took the kids to my mom's for an easter egg hunt. Played a little almost-baseball with Xavier and my cousin's 2 year old. Had fun. **BRENT**
  24. Shelly, get a bike. Mike, Vicki, JP... I'm jealous. My bike is at the port, or in transit to the warehouse, waiting to be shipped. I'm gonna have to play catch up. **BRENT**
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