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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. This is Adam Savage from Mythbusters, IIRC... **BRENT**
  2. Level 5 supporting... (before I go to bed tonight). **BRENT**
  3. Robo cams go for Olympic Gold! Also... Canon S100 for 300$ from Adorama on eBay. http://slickdeals.ne...a-w-1080p-video I'm so tempted... **BRENT**
  4. I believe the Air is upgradeable to 8GB of RAM now, no? Yep, even the base model (now starting with 4GB of RAM) is upgradeable to 8GB for a 100$ charge. Well worth it for sorta-future-proofing. **BRENT**
  5. Don't forget to download them, and import them into iTunes and upload them to Google Drive/Play/Cloud/Music/Whateveritscalledthisweek. **BRENT**
  6. A big congrat to you, Dusty! **BRENT**
  7. Via George Takei's Facebook page. **BRENT**
  8. Dammit, Jim! I'm in Chattanooga! You still in town? If so, e-mail me and we can go grab a drink. brentklawson at gmail.com **BRENT**
  9. Heh. So I hear. Plus, I hate Canadians (except the fictional Robin Scherbotsky from "How I Met Your Mother"). Portishead - Dummy is on sale for 3.99$ on Google Play (320kbps). I never bought this for some reason, so I remedied that. The Black Keys - Brothers is on sale for 2.99$ on Amazon right now as well. I gotta stop looking at this stuff. Staying home from work is a a great way to get new music, though. **BRENT**
  10. Crap... bought it, but thought it was BRYAN Adams. Oh well, I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the heads-up. **BRENT**
  11. **BRENT** I can't get this one to embed... if someone can fix it, great, otherwise, I think you guys may enjoy THIS flashmob.
  12. This has been nigh upon the perfect day for me! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! **BRENT**
  13. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh1MzJK5bH5q69fz6O Try that. **BRENT**
  14. Must be a US only thing. Check this one out, and maybe we can find the Dora trailer for you guys. **BRENT**
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzL1FDIB7Os **BRENT**
  16. Want it as a poster? There's a Kickstarter to get it for 25$ shipped. Only about 130 left, though, so I'd hurry. I'm thinking about it. **BRENT**
  17. I had it going at work on the iPad. I started it, but didn't realize the headphones weren't plugged in. I don't think I've hit "Pause" so fast in my life. **BRENT**
  18. Fifty Shades Of Grey On audiobook at work. It's entertaining to consume the same book the two most attractive young ladies in my department are also reading. Book club? A young female reader reads this one, and it's humorous to hear her George Takei-esque "oh my!" throughout. I'm debating the second book (lots of credits I need to use), and I have a very boring job. We shall see. **BRENT**
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