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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Justin Bieber is 4. The Edge is 3. Tiny Tim is 3. Snooki's is 3. **BRENT**
  2. I love the GNex... but it's almost a year old at this point. The screen on the GSIII and HOX are each better. If you're buying off contract and wanna save the 250 each... **BRENT**
  3. If you're buying today, One X with GSIII close behind, or swapped, depending on preference, really. The Galaxy Note II (what Al was showing off... that bastard) should be out next month, and the HTC One X+ should probably be hitting in the near future as well. Those are the only four you should concern yourself with... unless you're off contract and wanting a "cheap but decent" phone, then get the Galaxy Nexus for 349$ from good, no contract... but that kinda crazy if you don't have to. **BRENT**
  4. Oh, dude... I looked up Justin Bieber but forgot to look up Jeebus? (This is fantastic stuff, BTW) **BRENT**
  5. Heh @ Spy vs Spy. Love it. Mmmmm... Galaxy Note 2. Can't BELIEVE I forgot to "borrow" that. Oh, Al, Strat messaged me after the iPhone 5 keynote and asked if he should just go ahead and get a GSIII or GN2. (He's had every iPhone since original). **BRENT**
  6. http://www.theverge.com/2012/9/12/3324002/verizon-facetime-over-cellular-no-additional-charge Verizon isn't going to charge for Facetime over XG. (Yes, this should be in the iPhone thing, but no one else is, so...) **BRENT**
  7. Then get a Galaxy Note 2. **BRENT**
  8. So we land around 2:30, but the trains in Atlanta aren't running, so we got to take a bus to the other side of the airport. It's split about the same between airport workers, stranded passengers, and the domicile challenged. I'm hanging out at a re-badged "Panera Bread" (Atlanta Bread), guarding my phone plugged into one of the 4 outlets I've been able to find. 2 singles and a double. The double, however, is being "guarded" by a sleeping giant, which I dare not wake. 2.3 more hours until my shuttle gets here and it's safe to take a nap. The continuing adventures of Biscuit Boy. **BB**
  9. So today I missed breakfast with the boys, almost missed hanging out at the hotel, hung out at Bierkraft, hung out with the NYC crew + Al, went to 30 Rock, almost bought the entire cast of The Office bobble heads (on clearance), but thought better of it. Had my phone almost die, but found an outlet and took naps while sitting up in various parts of the area (dammit, Colin for keeping me up!), met back up with Colin, had some more steak and some vino, and then went to Newark to catch a plane that left at 9:50. Wait, what was that, THREE delays? Oh, now I can't catch the shuttle back to Chattanooga tonight? No biggy. We've all slept at airports before, right? 6am shuttle, 8am arrival, 8:30am I've got to be at work. I feel a "casual day" is in order, no? It was an interesting trip, and it was great seeing everyone. I was even happy to take some falls (and around 14 thorns) to the enjoyment of many. I can't wait to show the kids Jeff's footage when I get home tomorrow. They'll enjoy it I've been glad to be a part of the Travel Team this past month. Maybe I'll throw some pictures up when I hit Atlanta. Oh... in case you were wondering... Matt had a beer with us at Virgil's last night. **BRENT**
  10. Reservation for 8 at Virgil's at 7. Who's comin' with me? **BRENT**
  11. Some of the boys out at Mugg's Ale House. The guy in that hat that none of you know is a friend of mine from Chattanooga who is in Brooklyn this weekend doing social media for a conference. He got to hang out with us for a bit. The kid's name is Strat. photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr Al's tearing it up at Beercade photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr Hanging out at a little place called Proletariat. photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr The had some original (and some reprints) of old school Sailor Jerry work. photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr Menu photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr Good Morning (bacon wrapped and deep fried with smothering of cheese and a fried egg) with tots at Crit's. photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr Colin enjoyed this place. (I hope FItz sees this.) photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr Some dark place Mike and Raffy left us at on our. We don't forget stuff like that, boys... photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr Looks like this place has biscuits... of sorts. Hmmm... photo by MexicanDragon, on Flickr **BRENT**
  12. I thought about it... but I coulda done the 15, tops. No one else was going to do that. Also, it looks like Colin overslept, and he didn't make it. His future excuse: "My alarm clock was made in Mexico, you know they don't function right." **BRENT**
  13. Colin needs an alarm clock, hence the early night. I think we got in about half an hour ago. **BRENT**
  14. We're heading to Mugg's Ale House (I think is what it's called. Colin and I should be there before sundown, the rest between 1 and 1:45. **BRENT**
  15. Guess that's my bad, Jeff. On the bright side, there's still time to hide all the biscuits. Mike's already started. **BRENT**
  16. Grrrr... Why Colin keep me up til 5? **BRENT**
  17. Dear Colin, The next time you say to take a car service to your place, and then I get there and you're just eating, an hour away... I'm going to hurt you. Sincerly, **BRENT**
  18. Oh... Colin. Flight's delayed. Think it's about 11:05 arrival at Newark. Ari, you're giving me a ride, right? **BRENT** P.S. Colin, my phone is dead, charging now. Will have it on shortly before boarding, but trying to get it to last (I left my spare battery at home in the mad dash to get out ) **BRENT**
  19. No bike, but I can always steal Colin's. The 20 miler is a slight possibility. The maybe 15 miler at the event is a slighter possibility, but just in case. My head is gargantuan... no one carries helmets to fit me under 150$, typically, and since I packed at 2:30 and went straight to the airport (then to the shuttle and to an airport 2 hours away), I grabbed a few things and my helmet was on the way out. We'll see. **BRENT**
  20. I brought my helmet, just in case. **BRENT**
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