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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. VA has same day registration, no? **BRENT**
  2. Crap, time to go bike shopping!!! **BRENT**
  3. You beat me to posting Rad? How do you know of such things? **BRENT**
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i87GJE_lP4 Rad. The entire movie. The best movie of all time, perhaps. You're welcome. **BRENT**
  5. He's not poor, he can afford 100$ for earphones!!! Also, he's a comp sci major who can't use google or forum searches... **BRENT**
  6. OK, that has the Flobots. That's awesome! Xavier used to sing "No Handlebars" (just those lyrics) back when it came out. He was 2.5-3 at that time, so it as UBER cute! **BRENT**
  7. So there's no getting the old thread back? **BRENT**
  8. OP is in chat. DQ and I are having a nice chat with him. First thing he did in chat was ask for a MOD since he can't figure out why he can't post, even in HIS OWN THREAD! I know, right? Dan, deepak, n8, dinni, V, would someome please help this kid out? Oh, just heard he posted this same thing to 5 other forums. **BRENT**
  9. Crap, that's awesome! Congrat to you and the missus. (Although at first I thought it said 'I got a bonus and promotion at work for being an awesome kickass girl", and that amused me). I played a concert with my community concert band tonight. We opened for the Chattanooga School of Arts and Sciences, one of the leading magnet schools in the area. They have a rather decent band, especially for early in the year. We played 5 pieces then listened to them play six. The closed with a piece we played a couple years ago I found out that the gig we're playing tomorrow night is a place called "Track 29" at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. Yes, the place from the song exists, and I live near it. Jack White actually kicked off his latest tour here. It's a newish venue that's attracting some decent regional and light national stuff. It's pretty big for our area, which hasn't been able to draw acts in a long long time. It was started by a kid I used to game with about 10 years ago. Pretty cool. **BRENT**
  10. Justin, you could have put an invisible shield on the back before you stuck it on, then it wouldn't have left a a residue/discolored, if it's not too late. **BRENT**
  11. Crap, the phone is 300-350 from Google. 200 plus 20 monthly payments of 15$. My math was wrong last night. total of 500$ instead of 300 or 350. For an extra 100 just buy it outright. If 500 minutes is good enough look at the value olan.
  12. Crap, check out the t-mo Value Plans. Look at the 2GB and the Unlimited (on phone) 4G Nationwide data plans. 50$ for 500 min/unl text/2GB data, 60$ for unl talk and text/2GB data. 10$/mo more for unlimited data. http://www.t-mobile.com/shop/Packages/ValuePackages.aspx For frequent travelers/people who like to repeat things, it's a PITA to not have extra storage. My 16GB Note 2 only had about 11-12 gigs available out of the box. I couldn't imagine doing an 8GB phone these days. The Optimus G may have similar internals, but I'm seeing the build quality isn't close. I would be VERY tempted in the 16GB version, but my last phone was an LG, with stock Android, and it has just been a PITA. It was the first Tegra 2 phone, and there were some growing pains, sure, but it was just super painful. I don't know if I'm willing to give LG a shot again so soon. (I'm coming back to Samsung after saying "NEVER AGAIN!" about 3 years ago, largely because of Al.) As far as the cloud goes I <3 the cloud, but there are places I don't get signal, places I only get EDGE or GASP! GPRS! Sadly, I've found too many of those places when traveling a little outside my home network. I have 58GB of Dropbox and I think 13,000 songs uploaded to Google Music, along with a bit on Amazon as well. I really do like "The Cloud", but 8GB on a phone this high end? Even at this price -- which really is fantastic -- just isn't going to cut it for most of "us." Crap, the 8GB and a small plan will probably be fine for her. Oh, whatever you do, do NOT buy the Nex4 through TMO. Bastards are charging 199$ + 15$/mo for 20 months. It's looking like it's the 16GB version, but still. Well, now that I think about it, they're financing 200$ for a 50$ fee for a little under 2 years. It's not horrible, but you'd be in a contract. Extra 100$ up front = no contract + 8GB, extra 150$ for the 16GB. For that little cash, I wouldn't want the contract and financing of it. For 300-400$, though... it takes the sting out. **BRENT**
  13. Best fucking kid's halloween costume I've ever seen. Can we embed wimp.com stuff? The name of it if the link is parsed is "Wheelchair Costume." http://www.wimp.com/wheelchaircostume/ **BRENT**
  14. Glad I could help. Tnkgrl at Engadget loves the N4. engadget.com/2012/10/29/google-nexus-4-hands-on/ No microSD. Make sure you get the 16 gig one! **BRENT**
  15. Dammit! If I coulda just won! **BRENT**
  16. Yeah, you'd want a "PAYG" think over there. It has a TON of frequencies, so I think you'll be covered most anywhere you go. Unlimited HSPA+ for 25USD is fantastic. **BRENT**
  17. Dusty, you should be able to save albums in "Offline Mode" over wifi at home/work/coffee shop/Colin's apartment. I think it will also integrate with music on-device from other sources, no? I believe Google Music and Amazon MP3 already do that. There are ways with each of those to show only "on device" music. **BRENT**
  18. Oh, if you're thinking about a Galaxy Note 2, check out this review. I posted it on FB so some of you saw it, but: http://www.cnet.com/8301-17918_1-57540240-85/screens-test-part-2-galaxy-note-2-vs-apple-iphone-5/ Screen test of GN2 vs iP5. Stock, iP5 blows it out of the water, for accuracy. They found that with a certain setting, it comes damn close to iP5, and beats it in some respects. It looks like T-Mobile will have the Nexus 7 data plans, and it mentions it along with the phones having an unlimited option. Looking around, looks like you can get "just a SIM card" and then 55$ gets you true unlimited, contract free. http://www.t-mobile.com/shop/Packages/ValuePackages.aspx Technically that's a phone plan, but I THINK it may work in a tablet? 45$ for 2GB before throttle, so I'd just do the unlimited and set it up to watch Netflix all day. You should be able to just grab a SIM somewhere over then pond and pop that in, from my understanding. It's looking like it's unlocked straight from Google. **BRENT**
  19. You're lucky. Google doesn't like LTE or Verizon. (Well, CDMA). The Note II comes out soon on VZW. Go for it. I think you'd get by just fine with maybe 2-4 gigs of data. You can snag a 32GB microSD card and throw some music on it to supplement Spotify. Would you have to give up unlimited data if you bought a phone outright? **BRENT**
  20. AMOLED vs IPS. If you're waiting for a new phone, you're going to be be happy to know (if you didn't already) there are some 1080p phones coming down the pipeline. With me, it's more cost vs longetivity of the device. Either of these is going to last a while. T-Mobile doesn't have LTE yet. It's not slated to roll out til late 2013. If you look at the price of the Note 2 vs the Nexus 4, you could have an N4 now, and if there is say, an N5 out at the same price, you could have two phones, including an updated one a year down the road. I figure quad core 2+ghz + possibly LTE. Just a thought. Also, I'm getting 15Mbps down/1.6-2.7Mbps for the first 3 speed tests over the first two days I had the phone, over HSPA+ 42. It actually fared well against LTE to date. It's plenty fast enough for me for mobile use. Oh, if I didn't mention it, I switched from 5GB with tethering (25$/mo) to Unlimited with (legit) tethering (25$/mo). That data plan isn't supposed to exist. The 10GB + tethering plan is 30$ more. I don't know how it happened, but I'm pretty happy about it. I'm gonna work on taxing the system at work this week. Oh, I got 26 hours of battery life after my first 0%-100%-0% rundown. Not too shabby, but I was hearing better. We'll see in the coming days. **BRENT**
  21. 50$ restocking fee I think. Not sure if I like that or note better. LTE is not a big deal for me since T Mobile doesn't have it yet but the Galaxy Note 2 does have LTE built in. Loving the note so far though.
  22. So Nexus 4 announced 66 hours after I get Galaxy Note II. Grrr... Any thoughts on it? Anyone gonna snag one? **BRENT**
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvB3msfJYdk **BRENT**
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