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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Mike. Reflectors. Lose 'em. **BRENT**
  2. Surfing web for info + text to put aformentioned info into = good use case for me. **BRENT**
  3. Why would you ban me? I already bought a bike. **BRENT**
  4. Can someone ban DP from this thread until he buys a bike? It's on my Jesusmas Wish List! **BRENT**
  5. Dusty, does Verizon's Note II do "Multi Window" yet? I just got the update yesterday morning for my phone, and while it does work for even a majority of the apps, it works for most of the ones I use a lot. (Chrome, text, facebook, youtube, etc). It's pretty bloody handy. Even S-Note works with it, so you can draw/take notes if you want, while you have reference material above. **BRENT**
  6. What Jeff said, though I've been going full finger lately since it's all I have. **BRENT**
  7. Make JP get you one for Channukah! **BRENT**
  8. I didn't know whether to put this here, or in "What Are You Reading?" but... **BRENT**
  9. http://mbaction.com/Main/News/A_Simple_Trick_That_Makes_Fixing_A_Flat_Tire_Super_5966.aspx **BRENT**
  10. I had to get gas today. Put in a little less than I expected, but I was OK with that for some reason **BRENT**
  11. Mike, you shouldn't be touching the ground when you're on the saddle. Maybe with tip-toes, if you're leaned over. Enjoy the new ride, can't wait to hear a report. **BRENT**
  12. OK, that's brilliant re: file name! **BRENT**
  13. Jeff, that is bloody fantastic! **BRENT**
  14. I started seeing the "Ted" stuff like this, and I'm an SNL fan, so I had to create this. It's amused 3 people, at least. Maybe there will be a couple more. Also, it seems like it's a bitch to grab the URL for images off of cheezburger. **BRENT**
  15. Dinny... why not let Pops get the 27" iMac, and you buy yourself an 11" Air? **BRENT**
  16. If you survived SHOT with Joe... **BRENT**
  17. My view from the stage of the Tivoli Theatre in Chattanooga, TN. Dress rehearsal for tomorrow night's big Christmas Concert along with a ~60 piece chorus backing us up. Should be a good show. I'm pretty excited. I've seen some great performances on this stage, from world renown violinists to big bands to George Carlin. Now, some kid in the audience, years later, can say "I played the same venue as that Mexican dude with the big head!" I can't wait. **BRENT**
  18. Win! Gonna load up and download. Who wants to play? **BRENT**
  19. Are we gonna have a trophy for this? Perhaps we could make up the NoNoNoNoNoNo? **BRENT**
  20. Typically, it's referred to as a "phablet." Because, much like Colin, it's phabulous. **BRENT**
  21. Deepak buying a bike? Maybe the Mayans were right! **BRENT**
  22. Did I say that? I hope I didn't say that. **BRENT**
  23. What Grahame said. Plus, you don't have to buy THEIR crappy jerseys, you can buy Team d-_-b jerseys instead! (Who's designing these things again?) **BRENT**
  24. Congrats, Dusty! Give it a week and then see what you think re: size... then try going back to your Droid to mess around with a game. I want to know your impressions. **BRENT**
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