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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Check your company's "employee incentives" site. There's a chance this could be on there. (With your own company's code). Oh, this came up for facebook employees a while back, so they used their @facebook.com e-mail addresses. Well, EVERYONE on FB has one of those, so a TON of people were getting it that way, once the Program Code was released. It was pretty funny. **BRENT**
  2. I can get that deal through work, I even signed up but never bought it, but that was for the 2010 edition. Now that the 2013 is out (I knew it was, and I didn't know how many copies I could get, or do upgrades/whatnot), I'm going to have to do this. Thanks for the reminder. **BRENT**
  3. I'm not sure about a place to stay, but I'm sure that can be figured out a little closer to time. We're used to having one long day in Atlanta, not a typical "Travel Team" meet, so we'll have to step up our game some. Trav, can you talk to the place about some special "convention rates"? I need to message Tom_Hankins. I'm interested to see if his listening room has been tweaked any since I was last there **BRENT** Reks, you'll have to make biscuits. It's the entry fee.
  4. Nice score, Ian! I saw that bike and was going to try to talk to inquire about it. I went and looked a little later and saw someone had sent a PM, and then a follow up saying "it's pretty much sold." I was like "crap, someone got a good deal!" Then I saw "n_maher", and just had to smile. **BRENT**
  5. Mods: Can I please get the thread changed to "CanLanta 2013 - May 4th - Atlanta, GA"? Thanks **BRENT**
  6. Hey guys, A few things. I've been helping out on this meet, but Trav is the man doing the legwork and really putting this together. At this point, the room is a good size for a few vendors and a lot of personal rigs, but the layout is different from your usual venue (check the pix up above). Now, there IS another room available, and we would want to know for sure about the name, as it has been advertised as CanLanta (officially). I'm gonna send out a couple PMs... you guys keep an eye out **BRENT**
  7. OK. It's not Apple doing this wizardry, but Google. I downloaded Chrome on my iPad, but usually just used Safari. I noticed it when I got the Note II, and was rather impressed, especially as I keep 40-90 tabs open at any given time... being able to grab something while on the go from that pool is nice. **BRENT**
  8. Do you use Chrome on your phone? Chrome on Android does this as well. If it works with mobile safari, it's news to me. Good news, but news. **BRENT**
  9. I'd like to announce that Headamp and JH|Audio will be attending! There are a few other vendors interested as well, so stay tuned! **BRENT**
  10. We would like to announce that the Audio-Video Club Of Atlanta has decided to join us in this venture. We have had a few run ins with this group and it has always been enjoyable. They are thinking about bringing a DIY speaker rig they have worked on a a club reference. Would you guys be interested in hearing that? **BRENT**
  11. Awesome, jp. I have more news later that I want some input on. **BRENT**
  12. Well, I've decided to give one to the first person, last person, and two random people, the person who commented most after the offer, and the one who commented the least. Looks like Larry and moonshine fit those criteria. Each 3 times. Hmmmm... Well, I figure one a piece will do. PM me to work out details. Hope you enjoy them. **BRENT**
  13. http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/6/3844860/nvidia-tegra-4-announcement-specs-availability Tegra 4. Mmmmm... **BRENT**
  14. Metric is probably feasible for me, by then, hopefully. The Metric is all rolling or pretty flat, the 100 miler has a couple climbs. 1100ft/2.9 mile, 7.2% climb doesn't sound fun. OK, so Vicki just pointed out that that's 2012's ride. I'll keep you guys updated. **BRENT**
  15. So I made the mistake of posting this on Facebook, and tagging a bunch of people, and I may have committed myself to a century (trying to get by with metric, but I may be forced into a 'murrican century). It's on October 6th around the the Chattanooga area (about 45 minutes away is the starting point), and at least some of the options (100,90,62, and 28 miles) are very close to where I grew up. It's a pretty part of the world, as long as you're passing through. The 42$ registration fee, and amenities include a long-sleeved T-shirt, support vehicles, restrooms and showers, well-stocked rest stops and a post-ride meal. Who's comin' with me? **BRENT**
  16. Tons of cycling clubs. I once had the head of the Chattanooga Bike Club track me down. Bicycling put out a call for bike buying stories for their 2001 issues of the Buyer's Guide. Mine was on the top left of the page of this story, which was opposite the first page of the guide. It had my name and home town. This was back when people had landlines (at least parents did), so they tracked down my mom's number and called. Needless to say, my mom was a little proud, and a little upset when she realized what the bikes cost, but hey, I got some killer deals I also had a great HS science professor whose husband ran that club at one time or another. There are also some others I know of, and Vicki, if you ever visit, I'll get you in with the Velo Vixens. Most of the clubs are heavy on the road biking, and I know of some shop rides that will start back up in a couple months, but I've talked to plenty of people waiting at trailheads and most of them seem to be great people. Now, to get a road bike... **BRENT** M
  17. Hey guys, I just checked my Audible account, and I have a shitload of credits (11, which is a shitload if you consider how many 30-40 hour books I have). I just found out you can gift books with credits (I believe), so I wanna do that for one or two of you. Do you have an Audible account, or do you want to make one? Let me know. I'll give away one or two audiobooks to people who would actually use it and enjoy an audiobook, vs hardcopy or Kindle/Nook/etc. It will be through http://www.audible.com Just post if you would want a book, and if so, which one. I don't know if this will be "first come first served" or "hmmm, that sounds interesting, listen to it and get back with me", but it'll probably be one or both of those. Or maybe I will use http://www.randomizer.com I'm not sure, really, but I'll pick one later this weekend, somehow. If you're not familiar with Audiobook or Audible, I highly recommend that you listen to a sample of the book you're thinking of, to see if you like the reader's style at all. Some have been great, some less so. There are books like Baratunde Thurston's How To Be Black and Tina Fey's Bossypants which are read by the author, and there are some read by a cast, some read by actors (Tim Curry and Alan Cumming read Bram Stoker's Dracula, for instance.) If you are wondering if you'd have time to listen to a book, think about commutes to/from work, gym, while cleaning or mowing the yard, perhaps even at work, etc. Post up and I'll say who is picked later, to give a few more people who may be interested a shot. **BRENT**
  18. I finally took the hardtail out to get some miles on road/path/whatnot. No idea how far I went, as I went to a park with a mixed surface walking track, and wound my way through there a bit, and back on the road home. 1) I hate riding on the road by myself. 2) If I do have to ride on the road, I want a road bike. Sure, a mtn bike with fast (on dirt) tires will be OK, but it's still 50% heavier than middle weight road bikes, and 2.2" knobbies, even jacked up and the fork locked out... not ideal. 3) It was the first solo ride in a while, since Xavier is at a friend's house. I'm not quite sure if my 7 year old riding partner is faster than me or not, but I'm sure he will be at age 8. 4) I just rode about 35 minutes, but I'm not thrilled with riding in the 40s. Low 60s seems about perfect riding weather. 5) I'm out of shape, bad, and I need to fix it. 6) As much as I want a road bike, I'm wondering how much my back can take, mileage/hours wise. 7) I can't wait for it to warm up a little, b/c now that I'm in and relaxed a little, I feel rather good. My ankle also felt pretty strong during the ride, so I'm hoping that I can ride my limp away... it's promising at the moment. Gonna try to get a ride in with a buddy tomorrow, I think. If only there was that HC Cycling Team contingent like SoFla and DC have right now... **BRENT**
  19. Since we seem to have a date in mind now, I just shot off an e-mail to the head of the A-VCOA (Audio-Visual Club Of Atlanta), who has helped with an AXPONA and held two headphone specific meets of their own, one of which they even brought in our good buddy Tyll for a presentation. While most of these guys and gals are "speaker people", there are some people with some nice headphone rigs as well. **BRENT**
  20. I think it'd be fun, and I've been wanting to get down there. I have friends who've run the big track a few times and really like it (just opened this past year), and the karts are all 50+mph. If there's interest, I'll contact the owners and I have racing buddies in the area who are usually game for this kinda thing. I already know a couple of them are game. **BRENT**
  21. Talked to Trav, I think we're going to try to nail down May 4. Does that work for the out of towners? In Atlanta, we typically do the one-day thing, but if we're going to have out of town guests, we'll definitely try to entertain. Now, I'm 2 hours out, so not necessarily my "hometown", but Antico Pizza (perhaps Saturday night), maybe we can find some music to get into. Perhaps JP can lead us on a pub crawl? Oh... it's a bit out of the way, but does this sound fun to anyone, for maybe Sunday? http://www.atlantamotorsportspark.com/our-services/karting/ It's the only F1 spec kart track in America, and it's 20$/session (8 minutes, 12-20 laps, I think). **BRENT**
  22. Thanks TomB! We'll let you know when it's a little closer So, earlier the better, but after 4/20. Trav, can you check on April 27th and May 4th availability? Mike, JP, luvdunhill, dinni, those dates good for you? I'm sure Purk and fitz will be in here shortly as well. For the out-of-towners, maybe you can bring some small/portable rigs? Trav, can you get in touch with JHAudio about 13 and 16 demos, and does anyone know about demos for UE Capitols? I think this could be a good meet (lots of people still into the hobby there) and hopefully we can have a fun gathering too! **BRENT**
  23. Dinny, you're in! Great! Shelly, what about April 27th, or May 4th (both Saturdays)? **BRENT**
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