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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. That sux, Jeff. I've not bought a bike from my LBS in years, but still hop in from time to time for little things (and previously to see what they had in road bikes). The last bike I got from them sucked, but it was stolen after 3 rides, so I kinda forget about that one.... but even still, I get a 10% "friend of the shop" discount whenever I'm there from either the owners or one of the head floor guys... and I haven't spent even a 3rd of that there, since the 90s. I can honestly say there are 2-3 GREAT shops in my area... just have to weed 'em out. **BRENT**
  2. The timelapse on post 99 should be pretty great. http://www.bcsportbikes.com/forum/showthread.php/146566-Build-to-Fail-Fail-to-Build.-What-is-this-I-don-t-even.....?p=1733715&viewfull=1#post1733715 **BRENT**
  3. I did not know that. Time to get a fat bike! http://forums.mtbr.com/fat-bikes/ Heh, there's even a 200$ fatbike from Walmart. At least now I know you can rent a bike for the HC meetup. **BRENT**
  4. Steve, you're in this thread an awful lot for someone who doesn't ride. When we going bike shopping? **BRENT**
  5. Saxophone subway battle? That's my scene. **BRENT**
  6. I don't know if it was the ~1.5 hours of being stretched out, riding, or just the weather, but I noticed tonight that (aside from being stiff after sitting for 2-3 hours in a row at work), my back hasn't been hurting. It's pretty much been constantly hurting (unless I was on meds/steroids) since the back surgery 1.5 years ago. Raining today and tomorrow, but low 70s and sunny all weekend. Going to shoot for at least 20 miles, and hopefully hook up with the easier shop ride at my LBS. May even try for the Trek shop ride Saturday. There's a beginner ride on Monday night... sounds about my speed. V, where are today's pix? **BRENT**
  7. HumbleBundle: Tripwire Edition. Red Nation 1&2 for 1$ right now, 2.90$ or so and up gets you Killing Floor + 11 DLC packs! I threw 'em a 5 spot b/c I'm at like, 2 cents/hr right now. Well worth it. **BRENT**
  8. Al, just saw the second part. I'll check him tomorrow. That does suck. Luckily, he was good for the rest of the day, knee wise. **BRENT**
  9. Went to the store to look for a baseball glove to play catch with my little boy. Found a killer deal on a higher end glove and got home just in time to play catch with Xavier... for the first time. Baseball and cycling... this age kicks ass. **BRENT**
  10. Couldn't do anything but hop, even in the waiting room. Inside the room? Steps on the scale, bares full weight, not hurting at all. In the waiting room, I notice a nit. Check more thoroughly? Lice and nits. Call school for Zoe to be discreetly checked. I got a call back, then went to pick her up (I shall save the details many parents already know). I already have a 3 stage kit and am starting to go through approximately 250,000 feet of hair. The clippers in the bathroom look OH so tempting to me right now. Oh, and they were at their maternal grandmother's house all last week for spring break. In the woods, with dogs, cats, and chickens. SOOOO happy about that right now. **BRENT**
  11. Took off work today to take Xavier to the Minute Clinic to get his knee checked out. It randomly starts hurting before school every couple of weeks. First day back after spring break and it hurts. If he's faking this, he's sticking with it pretty well. If it's growing pains, they're only presenting in the knee. he's just an old man like his dad. We're #2 in line, so hopefully I'll know soon. **BRENT**
  12. Good luck, guys. I've been thinking about you. **BRENT**
  13. Here you go, Dan... you can use a cross crank and be OK http://www.nashbar.com/bikes/Product_10053_10052_551513_-1___204038 Edit: 20% off through tonight. **BRENT**
  14. I hope there will be some Munchos in there. I love Munchos. **BRENT**
  15. Why you gotta be so depressing, Nate? Oh, hey, 30$ for a jersey and bib for you, at least. Showing 47-49 in XXL for chest, and 42 for the bibs. Bah, I'll just pass on it, but some of you guys may could snag it. Off to the bike shop soon to search for clearance 9XL stuff, perhaps. Oh, and got word that Garmin is still for sale on CL. **BRENT**
  16. I was reading that too, Jeff. Was hoping XXL would work. For 30, maybe it could be a mid-season goal? **BRENT**
  17. Also, I found a Garmin 200 NIB on CL here for 75$. I'be been looking for a computer and I was wanting one to switch from mtn to road. It's about 50$ off new. Has anyone used the 200? Any reason not to pick this up today? **BRENT**
  18. Hey guys, if there's anyone wearing an XL or XXL, there is a BMC team rep KIT (jersey and bibs) for 30 bucks on Competitive Cyclist! http://www.competitivecyclist.com/product-apparel/2012-bmc-team-replica-set-36465.16.1.html?CMP_ID=DM_CRT012fb&mv_pc=r350&mr:referralID=54586b62-99ce-11e2-a969-001b2166c2c0 I'm debating 1, or 2 pair. Yes, wearing BMC stuff while not having BMC stuff ftl, but hell, after the house fire in 2011 (MIL's place), I made it out with 1 cheap pair of shorts, and that's it. **BRENT**
  19. I've clocked over 10 (I'm pretty sure), and I'm pretty happy about that. 200+? That's a lot of down-and-backs in the parking lot. 262 is pretty awesome, Raffy! **BRENT**
  20. Here was my quick little ride today. I could've done more, but had a time constraint (kids came back after being gone for the week on Spring Break with their grandmother). http://app.strava.com/activities/46501643 I believe everyone should be able to see that, if not, LMK and I'll try to figure it out. **BRENT**
  21. So I got some more pix + a build sheet from Troy. I don't think it fits anyone here, but it's a pretty detailed build sheet and some nice bike porn, if nothing else. Chris, if you think you know anyone who'd be interested after getting the specs, LMK. **BRENT**
  22. Re: drop and back issues. From the original picture, I dropped the seat quite a bit. I wound up dropping it a bit too far, as I had to raise it up a bit, but that bit I raised it did a lot of good. I'd love to get a proper fit, but for now, that's not really gonna be in the cards. Maybe one day. The drop I have going now feels really good. Initial impressions are 10mm shorter stem, adjust cleats, ride more. I'm sure the saddle position could be improved, but until I befriend the fit guy and get a crazy deal, I'll have to go by feel. But right now it feels pretty damn good. **BRENT**
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