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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Glad I could help. Troy's a really good builder, he "gets it", and knows how to tailor a wheel to suit one's needs. If you're looking at custom wheels, he's someone people should probably at least talk to, even if they don't go with him. Glad it looks like it's working out. Still gonna be a "last minute decision" about the ride, should hopefully have a better idea tomorrow, though. **BRENT**
  2. Yeah, I've not even done 31 miles in a single ride in YEARS, though. I think you underestimate my level of "out-of-shapeness." Also, have a lot of back issues... maybe I'll give it a shot, though. I figure that's maybe 2 hours in the saddle, or just a little over? I guess gross amounts of nerve damage will come in handy, there. **BRENT**
  3. http://www.active.com/cycling/cleveland-tn/habitat-for-humanity-of-clevelands-bike-to-build-2013 Thinking about doing this Habitat for Humanity charity ride on Saturday that I have virtually 0 training for. I can do the 20k no problem, but I've been told I should try to push a little harder than I think I can, and do the 50k. I've done a 50k on a mountain bike on the road before, but I was younger... but heavy steel bike on underinflated knobbies vs an old man on a CF bike with 23mm rubber. Hmmm... we'll see. Oh, my work does a 200$ quarterly incentive where certain things give you points towards the "all or nothing" incentive. We have pedometers we wear. 450,000 steps would equal a quarter of the incentive, or riding 20k would do the same. 900k steps would equal the 50k option (half of everything I need through the end of June). I figure riding in a group, I should be able to do 50k, no? **BRENT**
  4. I've been talking to Troy (my wheelbuilder friend) for the past hour or so, and he has some ideas for some good quality kit. He's going to ask around and get back with me, so I guess now would be a good time to start buttering up Ed? I think minimum order would be about 20, but not sure if that's pieces, or "sets", or each piece, or what. I'll know more in a few days, maybe a week. If it's 20 jerseys, I bet we could do that, right? I think there's enough of us who'd be in. **BRENT**
  5. http://www.hulu.com/embed.html?eid=pi5tsuwrierrkrzc3_8vyq Stephen Colbert's opening WRT the Boston Marathon. I enjoyed it. Also, here's the Snopes page that's being update often about pictures that pop up. Should be a good thing to keep track of. **BRENT**
  6. I can get you in touch with a great builder if you'd be interested. He could help you come up with a set to fit your needs. **BRENT**
  7. This has just sickened me. Within seconds of finding out I called one of my oldest friends. She ran it two years ago, and has many friends who were there today. They all finished earlier, and are safe. I feel so bad for these people. Has anyone else heard about ball-bearings in the bomb(s)? I heard that from one person, but no news sources yet. **BRENT**
  8. You'll be missed, Nebby How are we gonna make it a cycling meet with one less cyclist? **BRENT**
  9. It's too early to be making sense, V. That's enough. **BRENT**
  10. Why don't you just type in the airport codes into Google? I've found great rates just doing that lately. Oh, and I hear that you may get worse rates if you keep looking for the same stuff over and over, so I'd try going with an Incognito tab (CTRL+SHIFT+T), or whatever you Mac heads do, and searching that route. **BRENT**
  11. OK, so I think the last day for hotel rates is tomorrow, right Trav? Everyone book! Another thing, I'm debating taking Friday and/or Monday off, depending on who will be in town/who I could possibly crash with. Who's going to be around? **BRENT**
  12. It's been this way for 2 months, at least. I was looking into it an hour earlier for a friend, after he was bitching. He's like "you know some people at Google, tell them to fix it." I'm like "yeah, it's just two people, but it's not the RIGHT two people." I blame Psy's new video. **BRENT**
  13. http://www.apgmwr.com/resources/events/Bicycle%20safety.pdf There you go, Dan. "In addition, when riding on APG, utilize a brightly reflective belt worn diagonally over the right shoulder and down under the left arm or an orange/green/yellow vest must be worn both day and night for visibility. If a back pack is worn a reflective vest or belt will be placed around it." I'm not sure "just the jersey having a large yellow stripe" on it would suffice, anyways. **BRENT**
  14. Vicki, you don't think you'd like something like this? But with HC logos (with the d-_-b logo on the sleeves, perhaps?) **BRENT**
  15. That's what Dan is getting too, V. **BRENT**
  16. Everyone has been having that, no matter what machine, speed of internet, or geographic location. Many think it has to do with Chrome's new-ish internal flash process called Pepper. It's currently using about 650MB of RAM for me, down from 900+ last night. Just the Pepper process, not all of Chrome. **BRENT**
  17. Is that a Barbie Lamborghini Countach? If so, I want one. **BRENT**
  18. I checked and I could only find the RoadID stuff, and he was talking about having to buy club kit. Chris, do you know who your people go through? Maybe it's in the thread MIKE deleted... **BRENT**
  19. Well, I'm in for something, and maybe someone knows where to get better stuff. I saw some US made stuff (Voler and Hincapie) that runs around 65-85 each piece (in quantity). I don't know the rates, but Primal does some custom stuff too, and I'm sure it's decent quality. The club here uses Hincapie. Looks like solid kit, with a horrible design. Looks like they got the member price down to around 50-60$/piece, though. **BRENT**
  20. Yeah, Chris... I'm thinking a 1 off for Dan. Dark blues, perhaps, but I prefer black with some white, and pretty clean. Anyone else have any thoughts? Who's gonna ask Ed? **BRENT**
  21. I snapped this pic at an Ace Hardware today. Fittingly enough, I had to get some nuts. **BRENT**
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