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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. AWESOME! Carl, let me know what you think! I really really like my Note II, but the S4 should be even faster than that. It's an interesting phone for sure. **BRENT**
  2. Damn you people who think 14mph is slow! I'm not* saying it's NOT slow, but that's what I've been seeing on my rides lately. **BRENT**
  3. Yeah, but I bet Nate and Ian's skill and prowess can't compete with me rearranging molecules in a tree to somehow fall through it, then land in a thorn bush. Ian, I remember that bike coming up for sale and it looking like a KILLER deal. You're going to love it! **BRENT**
  4. I woke up and you guys had pushed me over my original goal, which seemed pretty lofty at the time. You really are a special group of people Midnight over here, and I don't have a light rig yet It's going to be pouring rain all day today, so I'm going to get out during some dry spots. A buddy of mine was leading out the Music City Marathon (Nashville) a couple hours down the road, and it just seems like it's dumping buckets on them. Bummer, but the TdC is a rain or shine event, so I guess I better train in the rain a little, just in case, no? **BRENT** Edit: So not only am I riding for friends... I found out some more stuff last night. When I originally posted this ride on Facebook, my mom posted that she was in and that it runs in the family. This was news to me, as I hadn't heard that before. Last night I was talking to my cousin, and it turns out that both of his parents AND our grandmother had diabetes. It's more of a recent thing for them, but as my grandmother was slipping away at the end, I take it that not every detail was shared with the entire family. Just goes to show that this may affect people you know, and you could have no idea.
  5. Mmmmm... biscuits. I believe they are part of the training regimen. I suspect I shall grab a Bojangle's Cajun Filet Biscuit the day of the ride... you know, for fuel! **BRENT**
  6. So it's been right at 23 hours, and thanks to mostly HC people, I'm only 3$ away from my original goal! This is even before I make a donation myself (I'm working on something with the Team Captain that we may be able to get corporate to do), and I'm truly grateful for all the help. Here's the ride I'm planning on doing. http://main.diabetes.org/site/DocServer/2013_Chattanooga_Tour_de_Cure_40_Mile_Ride.pdf?docID=134241 The 25 mile ride turned out to be 18. I feel like I owe it to everyone to do more than 18. **BRENT**
  7. Nope. I saw them last night, and talked to Jeff about them in chat. I think it started yesterday. Maybe Todd is going Huddler-Case? **BRENT**
  8. You guys are fantastic! I'm already at almost 60% of my goal after only 12 hours, and most of that is from you guys. Gene, I was debating 25 or 40 mile ride. The 25 is actually 28, and the 40 is actually 36. 15 miles seems like a big difference, 8 seems like I should go for it! Training starts today. I'll try to post the map later. No mountains, but looks like there may be a couple good hills that will make me work for it. There should be plenty of SAG points along the way, so I should be in good shape to take breaks and a quick rest. Rain in the forecast all weekend, but the beginner group ride is on the books for Monday, with some extra miles afterwards. Again, thank you all so much! **BRENT**
  9. As many of you saw, Jeff had signed up for a TdC in Virginia, as it's a cause near and dear to him. It just so happens we're having a ride in Chattanooga on May 18th, and with Jeff and other friends in mind, I was one of the first people to sign up for this one. I plan on training to do the 40 mile ride, which I think is doable in the 3-4 weeks I have, and having a good cause is worth me pushing a bit further, a bit longer than I normally do. http://main.diabetes.org/goto/BrentLawson My goals aren't quite as lofty as Jeff's, but I'm hoping to raise $500 over the weeks leading up to the ride. My work is sponsoring the event, and we have a nice little team so far. If anyone would like to join this ride, or Jeff's ride, get in touch with us, as I bet we'd both love to have some more of the crew out there with us. Thanks, Brent
  10. Justin, if you want to do that instead of a hitch... you may need a rack adapter, but not a big deal. **BRENT**
  11. Congrat on the new bike, Nate! (Imagine I'm saying that tomorrow, after you figure it out). **BRENT**
  12. Gene, thank you so much for doing all the leg work for my friend. I REALLY appreciate it. Nate, I hope that works out for you. That would be awesome! **BRENT**
  13. Gene, that was my understanding. PM sent. **BRENT** EDIT: To be clear, if any HCer fits then awesome! If not, I just know that this is perfect for an old friend who has been looking for virtually this exact bike. He will take it if no one else does, if that works for Gene.
  14. Gene, I have an old college friend/current riding buddy who has been looking for a 52 Calfee. He is definitely interested if the offer extends to "friends of the family." He was going to go for the one Vicki got, had she not. If you're game and no one else wants it, let me know. **BRENT**
  15. Done. Congrats on the goal, Jeff! Hope you have a great ride! **BRENT**
  16. Did anyone post info about the LR5 beta? http://blogs.adobe.com/photoshopdotcom/2013/04/lightroom-5-beta-now-available.html?PID=4485850 If so, I missed it, but everyone's fav site Newegg has LR4 for 80$ http://slickdeals.net/f/5979184-Adobe-Photoshop-Lightroom-4-for-Windows-Mac-Full-Version-APB-Reloaded-for-80-Free-Shipping **BRENT**
  17. Wonderful! Was hoping to see you, as last we were cut a bit short. Hope you are both well! Digging the rig, same TT? **BRENT**
  18. Nice, Tom! Looks like a nice stop during the CanLanta after party (Think you're going to be around May 3/4/5, Tom?) **BRENT**
  19. Well, I think I've decided to skip this road ride. It'd be about 50 miles of driving, to pay 40$, to ride 12 miles. If I was doing the 50k, or had some people to ride with, I may would have done it, but instead I'm going to go ride in a place called the Chickamauga Battlefield, a Civil War battleground. Maybe I'll catch the next ride... still plenty of them to do this year. **BRENT**
  20. Suspected bombs reported on the T. This is coming from extended family hearing things locally, no official reports yet. **BRENT**
  21. Just got word from someone who I think is currently on campus that the MIT Police officer who was shot has not made it, according to the Mass State Police. I feel so bad for that area right now. **BRENT**
  22. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/18/mit-college-shooting_n_3113960.html From http://emergency.mit.edu/ Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:41 PM Update on shooter incident. Responding agencies continue to investigate the situation. The scene is outside of Building 32 (Stata) and 76 (Koch) near Vassar and Main Streets. Injuries have been reported. The situation is still very active and we ask everyone to stay inside. Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:20 PM Responding agencies continue to investigate active shooter incident at building 32(Stata). Please stay indoors and away from Building 32((Stata) and surrounding area. Thursday, April 18, 2013 10:48 PM At 10:48 PM today gunshots were reported near Building 32 (Stata) which is currently surrounded by responding agencies. The area is cordoned off. Please stay clear of area until further notice. Unknown if injuries have occurred.. Although the situation is considered active and extremely dangerous, an investigation is underway. Updates will be provided at this site when more information becomes available. Has anyone else heard about this? Do we have anyone at MIT right now? **BRENT**
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