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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Didn't quite make 17 miles today, did around 14. Lots of fun, rolling hills. We took it a bit easier than I had expected, but had a great hour riding with a buddy, catching up on some stories, and ended the night with some Brats that were ready for us when we rolled in. Oh, also was given a never-worn Pearl Izumi jersey, which was a nice surprise. We've talked, checked the route, and after the ride today, my buddy thinks I'll be able to do the 35 miler at the Tour de Cure. He knows the road and doesn't think it'll pose a problem. **BRENT**
  2. I got in about 16 miles with the "beginner" ride with the local club here yesterday. I don't have the Garmin info pulled yet, but no real beginners showed up. We were cruising along about 16mph for a bit, then bumped up to 20-22 for a while. There was a small group wanting to go do another 4-5 miles, so I went with them, and we talked/guilted a first timer into coming with us. (Been riding a month, but it's training for a triathalon, and her base fitness level is fantastic, so, yeah, she'll be racing by the end of the year.) I have a 17 mile ride with a buddy of mine who used to be a Cat 2 racer. Luckily, he's older and slower, and a nice guy, so I'll only have a really difficult time keeping up instead of impossible I'm looking forward to this ride on Saturday. It's looking like clear skies, 70*, and a gentle breeze... just a perfect day to get out and do the longest ride I've done in a decade! **BRENT**
  3. So my Note II just completely broke down and wouldn't boot in the middle of CanLanta. It made me sad. Scott tried to work on it, but I think it killed his computer, and perhaps his soul as well. T-Mobile had the Note II on backorder, but I FINALLY got it in today (a week later, instead of the usual next day.) I've been using a dual core 4" Android phone. There's a reason my 7 year old has that phone now... it's built for people with 7 year old hands. Glad to be back in the land of almost-current-gen tech. **BRENT**
  4. Yeah, I'd probably go black with the headset/hardware. Or purple/blue to match what's goin' on in the rear of the bike (I'm colorblind, but it LOOK like it' blue or purple in sections on the seat and chain stays.) **BRENT**
  5. Sweet! I just saw that today and was digging it! IIRC, it doesn't come with the CK headset, right? **BRENT**
  6. So I'm wondering... how do you people ride in the rain? I went on a training ride today, and got in way too few miles before it just started POURING down rain. I stopped to help a rider with some mechanical problems (3 hour old bike's chain just got mangled... there was no road-side fixing going to happen today), and the bottom fell out. Luckily, we were pretty close to some tree cover, so we got him and his daughter/grandkids out of the rain for the most part. They had their SAG vehicle (grandma) pick them up in the truck, and they offered me a lift back, but I decided to get a few miles in in the rain. Even wearing glasses, (was sunny when we left), the rain was pelting me in the eye, and the last mile or so I just rode with one eye closed. Seriously, I don't see how you guys do it. It's going to be pretty tough to realistically do the 35 mile TdC ride, for me, and there is always the 25 mile option to fall back on, but I'm hoping I'm going to be up to it. 3 weekends in a row of it just pouring down... it's been a frustrating month, riding wise. **BRENT**
  7. How many times do you say "Dammit, Colin!" on air? Also, how played out is the "1s and 0s" vs "1s and 2s" reference in the digital DJ world? **BRENT**
  8. They were telling me 6, 7, or 8 hours. There is an adapter you can use to go straight to a 3.5mm jack. It wouldn't be much worse than the Stax 002s with the amp/dac combo, but is a little more than some of the other options out there. FWIW, if you were wondering, the 3A DAC doesn't work off an iPad these days. **BRENT**
  9. Google Now is fantastic. I don't use voice commands, buy I use voice dictation a bit. **BRENT**
  10. Vicki, The safety training is just probably to cover their own asses. Will someone need it? Sure, but most won't. The HUGE ride (2000+ people) in Chattanooga last weekend had a fatality. It was actually someone who had made the trip from Tampa. HORRIBLE conditions, but things happen. If it's your friend's first metric, it's probably not going to be as effortless to do 62 for him as it is for you, so it should be a long, leisurely ride for you, and I'm sure your friend will be very grateful that you're riding it with him. If it's too early for you, I'm sure there's a hotel right at the course. Will it be 80-90$? Sure. Will you possibly be happier riding your bike out of the hotel as opposed to packing up and driving 45 minutes? Perhaps. Find out if you HAVE to be there (for real) that early. I know for my ride, I'm going to head out at maybe 9, but registration opens at 6. They may want you there an hour early, but that 5:45 call may be for the century people. I'd pick up the phone and call the race organizer. **BRENT**
  11. I did it! Thanks almost entirely to you guys, I hit my second goal of 1000$ in just a couple of weeks! This means so much to me, and to people I care about. *hugs* **BRENT**
  12. Heh. Long story... more of a tradition, really. I blame Fitz/Colin/Canada for those pix. **BRENT** Also, did anyone get a pic of my "birthday cake", because that was great
  13. Re: last meet, still waiting for the toilet pix. Wonder if Reks will ever feel like associating those with himself... **BRENT**
  14. At the end, there's even a cover of this song... **BRENT**
  15. Isn't the Mazda5 a 6 seater? It was when I checked it out back in 07 when it came out. **BRENT**
  16. Happy B-Day, Purk! Had a great time hanging out with you this weekend... just next time, how about we NOT stay up til 3am on a school night. **BRENT**
  17. Well tonight, my good man, we shall kill floors. **BRENT**
  18. I totally understand, and thanks for doing what you've done so far. Reks lent me his d90 and d600 to shoot pix, since no one else was for a long time. The D600 felt good. The D90 felt like a toy. Stupid really big hands. I need a full frame cam. **BRENT**
  19. Not many useable pix,eh? Silly Nikons. You didn't post the Atlanta staple pix? That's what Fitz was waiting on. Al, it was Corona. Had to make it better. The video of Trav hopefully came out OK. **BRENT**
  20. Fitz, no fair! I hope someone broke out the leatherheads, at least for a minute. I never got my amp hooked back up this morning, and was up til 4 with the R10s once I got a chance to listen. **BRENT**
  21. You're welcome. **BRENT**
  22. Good meeting you too. I still don't remember the fact that we used to seemingly talk almost daily, for a couple years? Your face when you found out I was Oakleyluvr amused me Yeah... it would have been D600 or bust, and I'd have to sell some Canon gear to get a lens. Actually, I think Dinny is first in line for it, from like, the day I got it **BRENT**
  23. The AriPower Extremely Extreme Extreme ^ Extremeth Power was hooked up to the Matrix X-Saber running R-10s for a bit last night. Needless to say, there's a list of phone numbers to call if I ever want to sell it **BRENT**
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